Friday, 26 August 2016

I like purple frogs

Hello. There is the most stunning sunset tonight, but it will be gone in a few minutes. Strings of orange slowly sinking, with parts of the blue sky visible behind it, and dark clouds hovering yet hardly moving at all. Now the orange is turning to red as it drops below the roofs across the road. . 
So, what have I done today. It was time for Mr frogs makeover. I put a very pale green undercoat on him first. I thought I might leave it that colour but it looked a bit boring, so I thought why not jazz him up a bit. This colour is called Positively Purple, it's a Dulux tester pot, it looks blue on the photo, but it is purple. I found the easiest way to paint it was to put the wheelie bin in the middle of the lawn with an upturned pot underneath him. He is at the right height, no bending, and I could walk all the way around him, reaching all parts, with very little effort. 
The mat he is sitting on is a bit broken round the edge, but it doesn't matter, can't complain, it was free. I painted his eyes, yellow. .

While I had it on the brush, I painted Mrs Tiggy's eyes as well.

Who says you can't have a purple frog and a green hedgehog, ha ha.

Snacking today was two kiwi fruits, a nectarine, with a splodge of  plain yogurt. 
Look, I've got runner beans, yippeee. A kindly reader put some dried beans in a goody bag parcel she sent me. Thank you, and now I have beans to eat.

These are doing really well, £2 from Aldi.

And I have a few of these pretty flowers in the beds. The bulbs were from Poundland.

How are you all doing with the walking? Only five more days to the end of the month. The target for the eighth month is 666 miles, and I am on 650. I doubled up today and walked six miles. Might have to do that again.

I'm struggling to keep my eyes open here, so I'd better sign off. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. Lovely shade of purple and I'm glad your pound land flowers have bloomed so well. Very pretty.

  2. I love the colours of both the garden ornaments - but I'm finding those yellow eyes a wee bit disconcerting! :-)

  3. The frog looks great (but BLUE) and the eyes look right. But I'm thinking the same eyes don't work for Miss Tiggywinkle. Maybe because she's not a frog? Anyway some highlighted pupils might work better for her, you think? Just sayin'.

  4. Yes! A great idea to colour the eyes, they bring everything to life. JanF

    1. Yes! Pupils will do the trick! JanF

  5. Love, love Mr.Frog and so pleased you gave miss twiggywinkle some eyes, they look a very elegant pair. The fuchsia and bulbs were good value. Do you have a Morrisons near you, I brought 12 violas for £3.00 in the week really good looking plants and have started to flower. I love watching the sunsets. Enjoy your weekend, I might go and look for some little pots of paint and give some of my animal ornaments a new coat, will brighten up the garden now most of the flowers are going over.

    Hazel c uk

  6. wow they look lovely


  7. hope you dont mind me asking but are they staying inside or will you waterproof them for the garden?loving the colours,am tempted to paint mine.

    1. Hi. They are outside in the garden. I won't be waterproofing them, parts of the summerhouse are painted with the same paint and that is ok a year later. I will just repaint them when the time comes if they start to look a bit shabby.

  8. thats good!thanks for the reply

  9. Love it! Aldi and the cheap shops are great for plants, seeds and bulbs. That's where I get a lot of mine. The fuscias are lovely.

  10. How cute!!! Yum yum and beautiful!!!!

  11. Love the ornaments - they look a bit nuclear - cheered me up no end! Natalie

  12. Lovely flowers Ilona, what is the name of the ones in the last pic please ? (Nick)

    1. Hi. Sorry I don't know many flower names. Maybe someone else can help.

    2. It's gladioli.


    3. I think they are gladioli. Love your blog :-)
      Loretta in Australia

  13. I enjoy your purple frog and Mrs. Tiggywinkle too! Love those eyes and did you put a center in them, like black? Good job and your flowers are lovely. Phil and I were at a dinner this evening in which we spent more than we should have. Sigh?! Why does it cost so much as restaurants any more? We did go on a walk after we got home. We've not walked since Monday which is unusual! So we wore off some of the calories we ate from last night's wedding and today's dinner celebration of an anniversary! I grew tomatoes this year but still am waiting for more to come on. Happy weekend and I enjoy your blog quite alot. You make me think twice before I buy things full price. I always wait for a sale or try to get something at a charity shop, which I need to go to eventually! Happy weekend and thanks for sharing the day of your uncle's memorial. Nice self portrait of him.

  14. In church children's sermon Sunday, the minister was trying to make a point about bargaining. He was taken aback when my 8 year old began giving garage sale bargaining tips or thrift store suggestions to obtain things. Wish we lived near you so he would get your expert advice


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