Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Carpet testing new boots

Hello. Showing off my new Berghaus boots. I am wearing them in the house to test for comfort, so far so good. I got a size 6.5, though the assistant said I might be better with a 6. I know they have to be a snug fit because any movement of the feet inside might cause blisters. I am trying different thicknesses of socks, the purple ones work well. I have a drawer full of socks so no need to buy more. The toes are where I usually get blisters, mainly because my bunions cause them to crush up together. Feet get hot and swell when walking so I think it's best to have a bit of wiggle room in the toes. I'll make a decision later today if I should keep them or change them. So far so good. 
You can't skimp on good boots, I would draw the line at silly prices though. I bought these because they have a wider fitting. I also don't like fabric boots, these are better for durability in my opinion. They are a bit more than the last boots I bought, but at £100, not as expensive as the swanky designer names that some walkers go for. I like my boots rugged, not a fashion statement.

Good to see they are promoting recycling the box. It's a very sturdy box, I'll keep it a while, it might come in useful.
 Just while I think about it. If you use any of the carton nutty or otherwise milks, it is wise to shake before you pour. I have noticed that when I start a new one, I shake but when I pour, the contents have not fully mixed and the first pour is watery. I pour a small amount onto my cereal which creates a little space, replace the top, and shake with more a lot more gusto. That mixes it better so there is no separation. This one tastes lovely. Only two cartons left, (3 for £1), I think the Cash and Carry might have sold out by now.
It's a nice morning. I'm just off to do a walk, (not in the boots), and call in at the Church Post Office to pay my Council Tax. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. This is why I love your blog so much, I have seen some of the nasty comments trolls make about how you live your life, but I totally get it why you live frugally and simply, we are trying to do the same, it means we can afford to spend £100 on decent footwear if we choose and have nice days out and holidays which we enjoy, we never feel like we are going without and are very happy. Love the pic of dear Rocky at top of page xxx

    1. Agree absolutely!

    2. Me too. Plus some people are nasty whatever you do because well they are just plain not nice people!

  2. An excellent choice of boots Ilona. I have had a pair of these for a few years now and they are really comfy. If you are planning a walking holiday to reflect and recuperate after Rocky I would suggest looking at Black Sail YHA. This would be my go to place if I wanted some space in great surroundings. You might also like Ninebanks YHA. Kristel.

  3. Your right,you can,t skimp on good boots. Being a Cumbrian, and plenty of fell walking under my belt, I truly appreciate good winter wear. At this time of year I was check all my winter clothing. Its important to get prepared for the winter. It's just something I always do

  4. I bought some new Berghaus boots in the spring. The most comfortable I've ever worn, in fact I could wear them all the time, walking or not. Mine are the Expeditor AQ ridge tech boot - at £66 after a big reduction in the sale plus a 15% off voucher to use. Hopefully they'll last me a long time.

  5. Those look great boots, and you do have to have good boots if you walk a lot. Hope they remain comfy, Ilona, and you don't have to return them and start the search for good boots all over again.
    Margaret P

  6. I've still got my boots from the early to mid 1970's - I was in the school mountaineering club. Still got lots of wear to them. Now, my jeans, I've only had them 2 years and they are nearly in rags. Natalie

  7. So very sorry to have read your sad news. Please let us know how you get on with your boots. I bought Berghaus fabric boots last time at half price. Very comfortable but they get soaked in the fabric and take days to dry out. I would like a pair of Berghaus leather boots. Please can you tell me what style yours are? Also I was thrilled to see you do so well with your shed. Take care. Time will help ease your pain. When we lost our beautiful dog, we put all our favourite photos of her in a frame xx

    1. Hi Susan. They are Hillwalker 11GTX Tech boot AF. That's what it says on the box.

    2. Yes, thanks Ilona, I need to look into a good pair of walking boots too, waterproof leather ones.

  8. Love your boots! All I see in the US are the fabric ones. I think I need to get some similar to yours next trip over...will be interested to hear how they are.
    SO SORRY about the loss of your dog. I am devastated time each time one one mine has to be euthanized. Being a bit older than you, it is a lot of pets...only recently just got two horses again. I lost two close together and could not bear to get anymore for quite awhile...
    Anxious to see what your new walk is...just too hot here right now to contemplate that sort of thing right now!

  9. Excellent boots! Your feet and body are worth the spend. I am on my feet all day at work and always buy good quality shoes, even if it means reigning spending in on other areas. Im glad you're getting out and getting on. Loss of loved ones is always difficult but we must go on and I know you will,xxxx

  10. I spent more on my walking boots (Leather Brashers) than I did on my wedding dress. Better value and lasted longer too - I still have the boots!

  11. Hope it's okay to say this in your comments Ilona...just sharing a great deal. Re Footwear. I just got some really lovely quality shoe-boots that will last me many years. £90 down to £22 sort of prices. Got them on-line from a certain 'Bootmaker's' shop. I cut a lot of corners but treat my feet like I would premature twins.

  12. Hello Ilona, very sorry to read about the death of Rocky, a very special doggie friend. Here is my total so far up to the end of August, 812 miles. Thanks very much - Jillxx

  13. Hi, Due to a fall I have had earlier in week I have just read the news about Rocky, I have tears falling, he was great little boy and gave not just you pleasure Ilona but your friends on here also. Bless the little man, he is free from pain now. Your new boots look good and I am sure you will find some good use for the box. Take care.

  14. Shoes and boots are really the only thing I will spend money on. Well done on spending wisely. Try to set up a slope you can walk down, If your foot slips forward in the shoe, you can end up damaging your toenails. ( me with my chiropodist hat on - sorry)

  15. Am also in need of new boots - my last ones were Karrimore's bought in Buxton a few years back. Sad to see your recent news - I have been away from 'online' for quite a while. Zzackoline x

  16. I have a feeling that if these boots work for you, we'll soon see them gussied up and painted blue,yellow,orange,etc. Racing Stripes perhaps? R/Tim

  17. Your new boots look great, very sturdy and comfortable!
    I walked 166 miles in August, as I was on holiday. And I cycled a lot, too, so it was a very good month for me.

  18. I like to buy good quality shoes and boots as you need to look after your feet....they are after all the only ones you'll ever have. I like your new boots they look really good for walking lots. I'm a fan of Dr Martens Airwair and still have a pair from the 1990's, cost £40 then, a small fortune. Although the sole is still good the leather is cracking, I can only wear them in dry weather otherwise've guessed feet get wet, hey ho. Rae x

  19. I really do agree with all the comments about buying decent footwear. It is impossible to enjoy anything with sore feet. It is precisely why Those of us who make economies and watch the pennies do so. Being thrifty or frugal or whatever we call it is not about denying ourselves everything and living miserably, but it is about making choices to suit us as individuals and spending what we save on what is important to us. I totally get your philosophy, Ilona. X


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