Sunday, 4 September 2016

A walk cut short

Hello and Good Morning. A walk was planned for yesterday, but had to be cut short as it started raining, and didn't stop, so a much shorter distance of 4 miles was achieved. Bit disappointing. I drove over the bridge to Welton, the village where I left Jo Brand to continue with her One Hell of a Walk. It's a nice little village, with a church and a duck pond on the main road through it. 
There aren't many pictures, it was difficult to juggle getting the camera out and pointing and shooting while holding the umbrella to try and stay dry. Along the edge of this field are a lot of sunflowers. I have missed the best of the display as they are coming to an end now. 
S'funny what you come across, soggy car seats dumped in a lane behind a farm. Can't imagine that it would be the person who owned the land who left them there.

In the same lane, piles of tree chippings. The dampness was accelerating a very strong aroma of pine and laurel.

Aha, the reason for the chippings, they have been tree felling. A couple of chairs to sit on while they had their tea break. Piles of logs, some stacked in industrial size plastic boxes awaiting collection, and look at those lovely clean white pallets. Wouldn't mind a couple of them  :-)

I got back to my car in the pouring rain and sat and ate my sandwiches. I felt a bit sorry for the wedding party which turned up in two decorated cars. It took a few minutes to sort out the occupants so that when they emerged they wouldn't get drenched and muddied up. Umbrellas shielded them from the deluge, and gathering of the skirts to lift them off the ground prevented them from getting too dirty. Such a shame when a special day is spoiled by the weather.

I drove back over the bridge and decided to call in at The Ropewalk, an arts centre in Barton. Two exhibitions, one at each end of the building, I wasn't impressed with hardly any of the exhibits. Two very colourful flowery pictures were nice, but on the whole not my cup of tea. Here is one picture painted in acrylics, it's for sale at £550 if you fancy it. thanks. I'd much rather get out into the countryside and see the real thing, it's cheaper.

Two readers have told me they are experiencing problems with email notifications, at least I think it is two people, one is Anon, so it could be the same person with two different problems. I am checking Blogger Help Forum, and it looks like others have had the same difficulties. I have to admit that I am not familiar with the nuts and bolts of what goes on under the bonnet. I will continue to look for a solution, but the whole thing baffles me. I have posted the questions on Blogger Forum, we will have to see if anyone replies, and if I can understand what they are saying.

Thank you to K for the lovely gift. Pictures to follow next spring when the flowers will be out in full bloom.

Outside calls, the weather looks a bit better today. I am going walking in Yorkshire soon, Youth Hosteling beckons. Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip

People with email problems might like to have a read of this. Might shed some light on it.


  1. Hi, Ilona,
    When I saw those two soggy old car seats I thought they were installation art in the countryside! How gross, and no, I'd not pay over five hundred quid for that picture, either.
    We had rain yesterday and actually were very glad of it, the grass was yellow, and also, in Torquay and Paignton, where the funfairs have been on Torre Abbey Meadow and on Paignton Green, where the attractions and the owners' mobile homes and lorries have stood for the past month or so, there are huge bleached patches so the rain will have helped restore the soil once more to grass.
    Margaret P

  2. We have always believed that if it rained on your wedding day, it meant good luck for the marriage. So, even if a bit of a bother, perhaps a good sign? We have 3 days of potential rain with thunder storms predicted coming our way. It has been a bit wetter this year with some flooding in near by areas. We've been lucky with just a bit of rain in the basement which we have resolved. We had taken a little drive a couple of days ago and saw fields of sunflowers - they look so sad this time of year with their heavy heads hanging down. Much nicer when heads held high and following the sun. I get so frustrated when I see things like those 2 car seats. In our area, you must pay to have these types of items disposed off, which, unfortunately, leads to people dumping them elsewhere and making it a problem for someone else. I receive your posts via email, and thus far, have had no problem. Just wanted to let you know. I have had problems with receiving other posts from other bloggers but cannot tell you what they had to do to correct it or if it corrected itself. Wish I could be of more help. Try to stay dry. Ranee (MN) USA

  3. Great photos of your walk but sad to see unwanted items thoughtlessly discarded in the countryside. Pleased the gift arrived and hope the bulbs produce some lovely flowers in memory of Rocky. I was going to send some flowers but thought you'd appreciate something more lasting. Hope you have a lovely break. Kristel

  4. looking forward to seeing your walk when you do it. We report fly tipping to our local council and it usually gets picked up and taken away but if it is private land they may not do it.

  5. Love those sunflowers. I bet that walk was lovely

  6. what a day to walk...raining? We've been caught in downpours before and walked home in it. It was unforeseen as well. At least we were wearing jackets but weren't rain proof. I usually don't walk in heavy rain but husband will with raincoat, which I insist and his hat with brim that he usually wears. Art work is in the eye of the beholder, at times. I've had my photography in competitions/shows and got nothing of a prize/ribbon in the last show...but winner was something not even pretty. Others were disappointed as well. It depends on the judge as well, but I finally quit that show. Have a good weekend and stay warm and dry. It's been a bit on the chilly side these past few days in Oregon. Still need to water as no rain. Yet. :'}

  7. I actually loved your sunflower pic. Got soaked yesterday - gave up trying to keep anything dry and came home like a drowned rat. Secretly enjoyed it after the wonderful hot, dry summer we have had. Take care.

  8. what lovely picture of the English countryside. I Loathe Fly tipping, For a fiver the council will pick up an item say a fridge etc, and for a pound one black sack full of rubbish to take away. with the new monthly black bins collections being introduced across the country the situation is only going to get worse. The money the council saves on monthly collections is likely to be redirected to clearing away rubbish being dumped.
    People don't seem to realise that it is illegal and once caught they face a fine, they are now using DNA. Mary


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.