Friday, 2 September 2016

Road testing the new boots.

Hello. Road testing the new boots went well yesterday. I checked my local OS map and decided on a four hour walk, which turned into five hours. It's amazing, even though I was out of my village I still saw friends who live here. There seems to be quite a few health and fitness conscious people here, walking, running, and cycling. I was striding along minding my own business and Anita and Christopher passed me by, then stopped for a break on a bench. A bit later on as I was about to leave a village down a footpath, who should come along on his bike but Paul one of my walking buddies. I ought to get out on my bike a bit more. 
A few photo's I didn't take many because it was a route I have taken many times before. I have walked past  this bench several times over the years, it is always in the same state, neat and tidy. Grass cut, pot plants and fresh flowers, amazing when it is surrounded by fields and quite some distance from a road. Someone must be pulling a cart to carry the equipment needed. That's dedication indeed. 
One can't help but notice a pretty chocolate boxy country cottage with a beautiful display of flowers and shrubs in the front garden.

 Believe it or not there is an official legal path over this field. Ok, so it only cuts the corner, I could have diverted around it and walked on the road, but no, I will make a point and walk through the middle of the potatoes. The farmer should have left a path through. At the far end buried somewhere in the middle of those trees, is a stile into a paddock. It was all overgrown, had to carefully wade through nettles. Looks like they no longer keep horses there.

Heading back into my village high above the River Trent.

I landed back home at 6.30pm and checking the distance on  I had covered 12 miles. Couldn't be bothered to cook so one of my own ready meals out of the freezer was zapped in the microwave.

My feet felt ok. A slight soreness around the ankles early on because I haven't worn boots for a long time, but the toes didn't feel squashed up so that's a good sign. I think these boots will be fine.

I'm off to town this morning, have sorted some stuff out, mainly clothes, to go to the charity shop.

Thanks to the walking group members who have sent in their current mileages, I have added them to the page. Some of you are striding ahead and will be there ahead of me, well done. Don't forget to send yours in if you haven't already done so. Even if you have done just a few miles, it all counts towards your total.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. What a beautiful area you live in! We're just three blocks from Lake Superior. But with so many tourists during the Summer, it's hard to hike the trails here. (Not to mention, working..) We have snowshoes for Winter, which has its own beauty.

  2. Well that was a good test of the boots wasn't it? I'd be interested to know Ilona, if the boots you bought were a wide fitting pair? (By that I mean EE or wider?) Or are they just the usual fit that comes a bit wider than a normal fit? Because they look nice, and I have the same problem as you with bunions so I really need a wide fit and you've convinced me that these are the boots I need!

    1. Hi Sue. I can't see any reference to EE on the boots or the box or the labels. I asked the man in the shop which ones were the widest fitting, and he said these were. I suppose not all makes will be exactly the same fit. To get a perfect fitting boot you would have to go to a specialist outdoor shop which measure feet.

  3. Good walk amongst beautiful scenery. Naughty farmer.

  4. I had a pair of boots similar to yours many years ago and they were great. When broken in they were so comfortable.
    I have just been over to 'Going Gently' blog and John is having problems with anonymous trolls who are bitter and twisted and I mentioned you as I know you have the same problems.

    Condolences on the loss of Rocky who is surely at rainbow bridge with all his fellow playmates x

  5. What a lovely walk. My mileage total now stands at 676 at the end of August. I'm glad your boots are working out for you. I've had mine for six years now and looking at them I think I will have them for at least another six. I can't even guess how many miles I've walked in them altogether. X

  6. Wow that is an amazing walk. Glad you had a nice day. All the photos are lovely. I loved the bench with the well cared for flowers. I noticed some sort of plaque on the bench. Is it dedicated to someone perhaps and that family comes and takes care of it?

    Thank you for sharing. You earned your meal that you had previously put in the freezer. I bet it tasted so good.

  7. What a lovely walk you had and thank you for the lovely photos. How kind to put flowers round the bench. Glad your boots were okay.

    Take care, Hazel c uk

  8. That's a great walk, Ilona, and glad the boots came up to snuff. And 12 miles - that's an heroic distance for me, I can just about manage 2 miles with my flippin' arthritis (it's in my feet as well as elsewhere making walking, regardless of how comfy the boots or shoes are, painful, and this really annoys me!)
    Love that pretty cottage and the bench with the flowers close by, and what a lovely river view. Mind you, it doesn't look quite as hilly as Torbay - which as you might know, is built on seven hills, like Rome - so maybe I could manage a mile or two more if I lived in your area!
    Margaret P

  9. What a lovely day you've had - thank you for the photos. What a pretty cottage - it's lovely to see people taking such pride in their property.
    Yesterday and today the temp has only come up to about 23C which is positively chilly compared to the rest of the summer. I managed a it of walking both days (nothing like your mileage) but it was so nice to be able to enjoy the walk without the blazing heat and humidity.

  10. Well done on the walk Ilona and some great photos x

  11. Thanks for sharing photos along your walk. The cottage is lovely. I should keep up with flowers better than I do and watering the lawn. Once I get home from work I'm tired! I bought a new pr of trail shoes yesterday. My regular shoes are heavy and hard to go on walks in. I wore them last eve while Phil and I went out walking. Amazing difference and I can walk a bit faster. He noticed too. We walk nearly every evening and talk and enjoy the great outdoors! Happy weekend!


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