Friday, 30 September 2016

Trying not to cry.

Hello. Does anyone remember when Rocky and Henry used to come and stay? It was a while ago now. I shared my bed with two dogs, it was a bit cramped, especially when Henry laid across my legs. 
I haven't seen Helen and Henry for ages, we have both been busy with various things, family and holidays, and in Helen's case she has been working more hours. Today was catch up time, I went to visit. 
Henry looks really chilled in the sunshine, but in truth, he's had a short walk and is tired. Sadly his arthritis is getting worse, he is lively in his excitement to go out, loves to sniff about, but can't walk very far. 
We went in the car to a quiet lane and took a steady stroll while Henry amused himself on the grass verge. Oooh, all those lovely smells.

When he had had enough he told us he wasn't going any further and lay down. That's when I took these photo's. He knows exactly how to pose for the camera. Look at me, aren't I handsome. Yes, Henry, you are.

Helen walked back up the lane to fetch the car while we waited. And here is Henry's taxi arriving to take him home. Some adjustments are having to be made in their home life now to take into consideration Henry's limited mobility. Helen is like me where pets are concerned, Henry will get all the love and care he needs.

Crikey, that has choked me up, I thought I was all cried out. I'm going for a walk.
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon
Toodle pip


  1. He looks a Bobby dazzler. Natalie

  2. Beautiful boy. I'm tearing up as this reminds me of our old 15 year old golden in his last years. The day he passed, it was like he knew, and had one more good hour playing with the kids like he was a one year old again, and then was done. We know pets usually have much shorter life than humans, so we take their time as gifts. We have a little shit head (a Shi-poo, shitsu-poodle mix, but the former fits him) of a dog now. Love him to bits, but he's so different than our loyal and protective golden, but probably better that there is no comparisons and we can love him for himself.

  3. This is the problem with us animal lovers, the upset when they get old or leave us. But if we want to share our lives with them we have to try to be strong but its not easy is it?

  4. what a lovely looking pair of dogs, both dogs lucky to have such lovely owners who care so much
    much love tess

  5. If Helen wants to ease his pain a little during and after his walks, my dad used Asorbine Jr. (a liquid liniment) for his old bird dog when she got stoved-up. He rubbed her down before they went to the field and then again after they were done. Maybe you have it in the UK or something similar. Another intervention is a baby aspirin but she would want to talk to the vet about how much and whether or not he could tolerate it.

  6. That's a lovely pic of Rocky and Henry I cried buckets when we lost our GSP Indy but what broke my heart even more was how upset my youngest son was as he'd been with us since Mikey was 3 and he did most of the walking playing etc whilst I was at work. I would love another dog but not until I've finished travelling so much.

  7. Beautiful dog Ilona and good to know he's being cared for in his old age in a kind and loving home. The number of unlucky elderly pets that are casually discarded in rescues really breaks my heart. I still miss my old dog who sadly died over three years ago. I have two dogs now although one is an old girl who was dumped in a rescue in a terribly neglected state. Kristel

  8. It never goes away, but it does get better.

  9. He's a mighty handsome beast, arthritis or not! And looks very content, despite that affliction that seems to get all labradors. We put a copper bracelet around our dog's paw to help. Love the photos of Rocky, by the way. Did you know him as a puppy? How did the cats react to his passing? Affects all of us so much. XX

    1. Hi. No, I didn't know Rocky as a pup, I have known him for about five years. Mayze was a bit lost without him for a couple of days, I don't think the other two noticed.

  10. Hi Ilona, Has Helen tried glucosamine for Henry, I've had good results from its use with many dogs, young and old. Worth a try if she doesn't already use it
    Best wishes

  11. Hugs, very hard letting go of dear furry friends. The photos are lovely, what a good friend.

  12. Aw what a beautiful dog! Age caught up with him. P and I just returned from a walk. Both tired but we did it anyway. I just called a friend who is struggling. Brain cancer. I have known her since childhood. We cried. Oh hopefully I can visit next week. Even though I don't like driving in the big city I will for my friend. Hace a good weekend!

  13. Lovely pictures. Yes I welled up too. SueM

  14. Sorry off topic, but here is my total as at 30th September, 916 miles, thanks and lovely pics of your doggie friend!

  15. Thank you for your suggestions, Helen reads my blog,

  16. Very sorry to hear about Rocky...that doggy, I assure you is in a wonderful place,& one day you be re-united. You are the MeanQueen & you are what makes this country GREAT! I read your blog most days...some cracking tips, & the food dishes are pretty awesome..please KEEP IT UP!!.....Be brave,Stay strong...MeanQueen keep-a-rollin"-on

  17. Lovely pictures of very lovely and obviously much loved dogs. We also have a much loved dog too sharing our house or should that read taken over.....but I don't care can as I will never get enough of his company and I tell him I love him every day. May god bless all dogs every one of them. Rae x

  18. It will be a year on the 9th that I lost my Sam still cry when I think of just is not easy...

  19. Henry is beautiful. We have two yellow labs turning 13 soon. Every morning we give them a glucosamine pill, MSN(we buy at the feed store), and an 80mg coated aspirin. The MSN is sold for horse joints but we give a much reduced amount. They are big dogs and move around pretty well. Don't know if all that would help Henry. We checked with our vet first and he approved all of it for our girls.
    Exercise is the best thing for a sad mood. I don't go for regular walks because we live on 2 acres and have a huge garden, chickens,loads of fruit trees, and 5 dogs. All of it keeps us busy most days. When I shop, I do park the furthest from the store and get a little extra exercise. In sunny So. Ca. that is possible year round. In the summer, it is like walking across the desert!
    Have a good weekend. Patty Mc

  20. I think it shows the best of being a human. Loving, kind and genuine. It's fine to feel sad at times when you reflect. Thank you for sharing. Hope you feel supported.xx

  21. He's still a beautiful boy and obviously much loved. We are so lucky to have pets to share our lives with. Their friendship makes it worth the inevitable heartache when they leave us.
    749 miles on the nose this month. A bit less than I wanted but I've been ill. Hope to improve next month.

  22. My husband died two years ago and our lovely collie just one year later, suddenly at 11 yrs from spleen cancer and I miss them both dearly. Then a red and white Welsh collie came roaring into our lives and is helping me and my children to move forward. Dogs and walking have always been important in our family.

  23. He's a very handsome dog and how lovely that his Mum is being so kind, fetching the car so he doesn't have to walk too far, so thoughtful.

    I'm afraid the tears for our passed furry pals never go away do they, I came across a photo of Charley on the computer without meaning to the other day and it brought a lump to my throat immediately. At least we had them with us for a while and knew their love, and even better they knew ours.


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