Wednesday, 15 March 2017

A summers day in the summer house

Hello. Thank you all for your questions yesterday, it certainly gave me something to blog about didn't it, ha ha. Today has been a laid back kind of day. After taking Bailey dog for a walk this morning, I spent the afternoon in the summer house. It was lovely and hot, I think summer has arrived. Some stitching was done. 
There isn't much in here at the moment, a table and a chair, and this vase on a stand with artificial flowers and monkey puzzle tree pieces in it.

Three mugs and a cat ornament on the shelf. A bit of dusting is needed to remove the cobwebs, and the glass in the doors needs cleaning to spruce it up a bit. The roof hasn't leaked it's all dry inside despite the gaps in the walls.

Heidi cat is doing a bit of sunbathing on the shelf in the corner.

Another portion of soup made from the rest of the cauliflower leaves, with frozen peas and frozen spinach added. I put in half a teaspoon of curry powder to give it a bit of a zing. 
Someone asked about stick blenders. This is mine, I got it from Tesco with my points vouchers. It's very sturdy and robust, I've had it a few years and it's great.

I'm off to bed now, I took some books out of the library yesterday so I have plenty of reading matter. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. Thanks for the info about the blender, I didn't ask the question but appreciate the answer ;)

  2. Enjoyed your building the summer house last year.
    I am surprised it did not leak.
    Your stitching is very pretty!
    I like the colors!

    1. Hi annie. Time flies, I didn't build it last year, it was the year before. It has gone through two winters and is still solid.

  3. Good grief! what a lot of comment/questions were on your last post! .Your summerhouse looks as if it is catching the sun quite nicely, hope the weather is perking up a bit now, roll on summer is what I say

  4. Your Summer house looks great and Heidi looks like a very happy kitty lying in the sunshine! :)

  5. It was a beautiful day here also, Ilona, and I had a clean up of our summer house. Despite putting conkers on the window frames, I had a lot of cobwebs, so off they came, cleaned the plastic windows and washed the floor. The spiders will waste no time returning!|

  6. Previous post was from Spreckly, wife of Edward!

  7. I'm always envious of your stick blender. I have to wait till my soup is cold before I put it in the blender. My Mum's blender is the best (bought early 70's) - I do tip hot stuff in and it mashes everything up wonderfully. Yesterday was hot and I went for a summer skirt that I made about 2 years ago. Felt great. Your summer house looks terrific. Natalie

  8. I missed your random Q&A post yesterday but I hope that I can add a question?

    If it was possible, would you like to be able to have a conversation with your pets? Husband says yes, he'd love to chat with our cat about world affairs (her world as well as ours)but I'm worried that we'd have a stream of complaints and grumbles such as - why do you buy Whiskas, I prefer Felix? why do I have to go outside for a pee and you don't? why can't I go on holiday with you? why can't I chase birds, it's fun?....

    What do you think?

    1. I have to tell you about my dog she does talk.She looks intently at me-sends me words ''I want my dinner''Sometimes I've lapsed and it's a little late.She waits patiently but watches me pierceingly.Then she says ''Now''.If I don't,she then barks once loud and clear.I then oblige.She's a good dog. My daughter Queenie dog ,once on a long car journey to Dorset,said ''are we there yet'?"It was said in a doggy drawl but quite clear . I understand doggy bark - well most of the time. One of my dogs is a great teacher to me of how to love life and don't worry.She just has fun,eats ,sleeps and in between lounges like in a yoga relaxation pose - and I'm her maid x

    2. Hi chinadogs. I talk to my cats all the time, I'm sure they understand me. I think they would tell me that they love me, and say thank you for getting nice food.

  9. How lovely to have your own summerhouse. I presume this is in your garden and I have just read (above) that you built it yourself. Going to backtrack on your blog to see if I can find any info on it. Love the photo of your cat lazing on a shelf in
    a sunny spot - typical cat behaviour!

  10. I'm not at all surprised your lovely summerhouse is still standing; you built it with sense and the proper materials. Expect it to be standing for years I'd say. The weather was beautiful yesterday and people so much more cheerful (a good dose of vitamin D from the sun's rays works wonders on people's frame of mind). I really hope that we have a good summer here in the UK. Amanda

  11. Heidi looks so cute in that picture!!! It is so cool to have your own Summer house!!! Keep enjoying it:)

  12. Have just realised you have a "How I Built My Summerhouse" heading on the top of your blog. Just wanted to say it's AMAZING. Have really enjoyed reading through how you did it - what an achievement!!


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