Thursday, 16 March 2017

Getting more for your money.

Hello. Isn't it amazing that a simple code can identify one little video on yooootoooob among the millions that are published every day. This has taken ages to upload, it's a bit too long really, I maybe ought to set a timer when I start talking because I do waffle on a bit.

I have had requests for more videos, I think people like my waffling. These money saving tips have already been covered in previous posts, but maybe a reminder is needed to keep you all on the road to frugal living.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Well done. Good reminders. Loved seeing the pretty kitty cat.

  2. It wasn't too long. 10 mins is about right for a youtube vid. I watched one that was 30 mins today and I gave up after 15. Absolutely agreed with you about eeking things out. I hadn't thought about bleach but will definitely do that. I liked the idea of using bath foam. I also clean with washing up liquid and add a bit of disinfectant. Loved your tea towels from sheets brilliant.

  3. Enjoyed that Ilona, please do some more vids, maybe on differing subjects?

  4. We all use the Aldi shampoo its our fave and I buy the conditioner too My fave flavour is the coconut one xx

  5. You have a friendly on screen style, and I like your tips about diluting liquids. Well done.

  6. hi meanqueen, thanks so much for your latest video- all of your tips help so much! and yes i like to hear you waffle! :)

  7. I think I bought my first bottle of hand wash with a coupon. When it was empty, I was appalled at the cost of the huge refill. I never even considered buying another pump.

    I remembered that I had 10 or so bottle of shampoo bought for $.25, a quarter. Long before, this was the brand I used. When, I found it so cheap in a store that carried surplus item, I was overjoyed. Then, the shampoo I had loved so turned out to be horrible for my graying and colored hair.

    When I remembered it and realized I could put it in the hand wash pump, I was overjoyed. Since then, I have cleaned out all my old shampoo, gotten free shampoo with coupons, taken cast-off shampoo from others and have practically free hand wash.

  8. Thank you for the tips, Ilona. I think I use most of them. Our lowest prices start at 1.00 at our Dollar stores. I did find some Used hair conditioner at a yard sale last Summer. Today I used it to make fabric softener. I'm phasing out conditioner, dryer sheets and liquid softener. But, I'll use what I have til it's gone. I have thick, curly hair and used a lot of hair products to tame it. Recently, I've been phasing all that out,too. I have to have something so I've started using diluted hand lotion for my hair. It works great and I kill two birds with one stone. I think the key is to try different things til you find what works for your particular circumstances.
    Love the video, you're a natural.

  9. I do enjoy listening to you. You sound so much like my aunt. I agree with everything you've said,but I'd like to share a little something I do. I take white vinegar put in a jar with peel from a orange or lemon. I let it cure for a couple weeks, when you open it up, it's wonderful. I now use my orange vinegar to clean a couple spoonfuls in a mister of water and one to two drops of dish soap,cleans everything,floor, windows and counter tops. I also use the same vinegar for salad dressings. I want to go on, but this is your blog! Keep up the great work.

  10. Just watched you , good practical advice, people could be saving so much money, I can't understand why they are so wasteful.

    1. I ended up watching all your you tube videos again as well of a chunck of my day reading through your blog. You are very encouraging indeed, I am going to step up a bit more on the money saving now.

  11. Excellent advice, I've saved loads money with your tips. Bought the cheapest fairy etc and even diluted my washing up liquid, never thought about all these other items. thanks tip

  12. Hi Ilona, have just had a lovely 10mins watching your video. You are such a natural and never repeat yourself or falter. We can see why you are popular at the talks you sometimes do. The guest puss appearance was charming.
    Wendy (Wales)

  13. I enjoy your videos very much. Thank you for doing them for us. We are getting a Lidl and I think you have those stores in England. I am excited about it because it is much closer to me than Aldi. Do you find Lidl to be a good option for the frugal buyer? Jackie

    1. Hi. We have a Lidl here. I had a look in it once or twice, it's a lot like Aldi. I will stick with Aldi because it's nearer.

  14. Thanks so much for the tips. I just love your videos, they are always so helpful. You are the most genuine, authentic, original person ever!! It's great to get good advice that doesn't come with a sales pitch. Thanks for starting my day with a big smile! Sheri

  15. I enjoyed watching your video last night.I'm very stingy with household products.A long time ago I used to use the environmental range it was too expensive for me long term.I just use normal now but very little .A lot of cleaners and sprays affect my health anyway.When I was younger I was a bit gullible and thought I had to buy this and that now I buy cheap as chips and spend a bit extravagently on what matters to me.I don't ''try to keep up with the Jones's'' some don't look happy anyway.Your hair looks good Ilona -I remember seeing a video of you doing it .I go twice a year locally for a cut and finish - £38 plus I do my own fringe though and a bit off the end sometimes .I've let it go grey too and I love it .I think I read on your blog that you use hot water bottles to keep warm.This made me smile but that was the most useful thing I learn at school our headmistress tucked one round herself .Input mine in a cover and tuck mine down my trouser waistband and wander round the house when its cold and sit down.Even my dogs have them in covers and we are very snug wrapped in our fleecy blankets .x(and you don't waffle. I do -I best go )

  16. Vinegar, whether diluted or undiluted, does wonders. It's my main cleaning agent, and it's cheap, and available everywhere (stores, markets, etc..).

  17. I have to admit Ilona that when I started to read your blog (about 3 years ago) I checked the kitchen cupboards for the 'cleaning products' I had amassed. What a shock! The expensive nonsense I had accumulated was embarrassing; I have now used them and only buy washing-up liquid; bleach; shampoo, shower gel and handwash (but get given these at Christmas which is a bonus). I did not and will not replace the tumble dryer when it broke down and have managed perfectly all right without one, so no wretched extra cost there with all the fiddly-siddly add-ons. I also dilute everything - no-one notices, win-win situation. I agree with Duta, vinegar is also a very good purchase, cheap, and cuts through grease and dirt. Amanda

  18. Great video, i find the kids wrecked school t shirts make excellent cleaning cloths. I'm a fellow diluter and fill up containers with cheapie bubble bath. Saves a ton over time.

  19. Very helpful video. When I first read your blog about 3 years ago I followed your tip about the diluted washing up liquid in an empty spray bottle. Its been the best thing ever to clean around the house and I don't need to buy lots of separate cleaners.

    Our Tesco is discontinuing the value toothpaste, recently saw a load of it on clearance for 16p a tube, I think they're getting rid of a lot of the value line which is a shame.

    Elaine (Oldham)

  20. Great video Ilona. Couldn't help admiring how good your hear looks. It prompted me to write to tell you that I have tossed shampoo and conditioner products and now only use water, or bicarb diluted in water. For the rinse, I use cider vinegar diluted in water. Been on this regime for years now and hair is just as good as it was when shampoo-ed. The big change has been that I don't need to wash it daily, as I did before. So many simple tricks out there if one is open to them.

  21. Don't mind buying cheaper cleaning stuff but not for my hair..I enjoy a pamper ...Plus cheap hair products make hair feel horrible...

  22. More great tips, Ilona, thank you. My council tax has gone up by £7 a month and maintenance charge at flats has had almost £200 a year added to it so I need to be ever vigilant about saving money. I would like to move to a small house or bungalow as I am fed up with maintenance charges in flats. It makes me laugh when they write articles in the media assuming that all retired people are on final salary pensions, what a joke, most of the single mature ladies I know are like me, trying hard to manage on a low income. The 25p Tesco toothpaste is brilliant, been using it for a while now, it has exactly the same ingredients as brands that cost over £3 - £3 for toothpaste!!! People are mad to pay it. Sadly, as Elaine says, I think they are phasing it out now. I noticed about a month ago all the value lines I depended on, like their 33p washing up liquid, and £1 jumbo kitchen roll are disappearing, to be replaced by more expensive alternatives. They must think their customers are stupid and that we won't notice.

  23. I love your videos and I don't think they're too long at all. I love reading your blog, but seeing new videos make my day. Keep them coming!


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