Monday, 10 April 2017

More flowers for the garden

Hello. I didn't make it to Crafty Club this morning, I was busy with a man in my house. A very nice man actually, someone I have known for about 20 years. That's got your attention hasn't it, oooh, I am a tease. The man in question is our local plumber in the village. There are other plumbers but I prefer to stick with Michael as I know he does a good job.

He used to be a lorry driver working in Rugby Cement at the same time as I was. He didn't like it very much so he paid a lot of money to retrain as a plumber/gas fitter. He is fully qualified with the certificates, and has been self employed for a long time now. He gets all his work from recommendations and never needs to advertise. He doesn't even have his name on the side of his van. He is so busy I had to wait a while until he could find a slot for me.

So, my boiler is serviced, water tank and radiators checked, two hot taps upstairs removed cleaned and put back, gas fire in the living room completely stripped, checked and serviced, and an overflow leak in the upstairs toilet rectified. He has done a good job at a reasonable cost. Michael the plumber is brilliant.

Someone mentioned that the flowers I made from drinks cans could be made with plastic. Yes, they certainly can, and here is the proof.

If you are going to do this you need plastic that is flexible and not too thick to be able to cut it with scissors. Some plastics are brittle and will break when you try and cut out the shapes. Look out for plastic containers, boxes, and anything with a flat surface. Large square bottles are ok, but round ones wouldn't work so good. Some large cardboard containers have plastic lids.

Here is a little video.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Enjoyable video with your furry friend assisting. Your flowers look fun to make I am tempted to have a go at making some too.

  2. Where did you source the plastic, please? Love this!

    1. Hi. Anything that came into my house which was in a plastic box, had a plastic lid, food containers, coffee jar lids, aerosol lids, cd covers, paint tub lids, car shampoo containers, boxes of biscuits or chocolates, olive spread, cheese spread. It takes a while to collect them because they are not things you buy on a regular basis. You could ask your friends and family to save them for you.

    2. Shampoo bottles, bleach bottles, margarine tubs.. the list is endless and great fun once you start buying shampoo only because you want that particular colour of plastic.

  3. This is the most fun video yet! The flowers are just great - I'm remembering the great outdoor flower basket you made with drink cans. Maybe last summer? Thanks so much for lifting my spirits. Sheri

  4. Glad you have a very reliable person to do work for you. This is hard to find, often, this day and age....

    The new flowers are lovely. True, I had wondered if the aluminum cans might have sharp edges, but they too looked smashing.

    I am thinking that now you have brought this to "attention", I (and others) will spot suitable materials all over the place. There are many plastic containers food comes in, and often it will only be the top or bottom suitable for this, but...

    just had another thought,
    many containers are clear bits of plastic, and while not so showy for flowers, might make some type of wind chime, ....

  5. More lovely flowers Ilona. After we finished eating our Christmas chocs in December I saved the colourful plastic lids and bottoms from the tubs - I knew they would come in handy for something one day :)

  6. Those plastic flowers are really effective, but you must have been collecting plastic for years! All I can think of that I have are the green tops from veggie gravy tubs! I do rather fancy having a go so will have to keep a look out for potential materials. Not free I know, but I can just imagine children making them with those packs of craft foam which you see in pound shops. They would be easier for them to cut out. But hey, as we know, not all fun things are for kids ! Jean.

    1. Yes, I save any colourful plastic with a view to using it for craft work at some point in the future.

  7. Love your video Ilona.It reminds me of Blue Peter for us bigger kids who now have time for fun too-rather than all the boring stuff. Heidi is a cutie pie.She seems to approve of the flowers x

  8. Bleach bottles are great for this.... and they come in all manner of colours

  9. A fun vid and I appreciated your furry helper. Flowers are cute and colorful as well. Your plumber is a gem, and those are hard to find.


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