Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Still here

Hello. I said HELLO. Did you hear me? I'll say it again. HELLO HELLO HELLO

Just thought I would say hello. that's all. I am still here. Not gone anywhere, too cold, too wet. 

Stormy, windy, don't fancy getting swept off the top of a cliff, so I am staying here until the wild weather passes. 

The sun is out but I don't trust it. It will soon be gone again. So I am going to keep myself busy here.

Lots of Lurv xxx


  1. Very colourful and cheering.
    J x

  2. Ilona? Not sounding like you. Hope all is well. T xx

    1. I do occasionally write silly posts. I don't take life too seriously.

  3. I don't blame you.I was thinking of going to the south coast ,but it's too cold for me yet.It was v.cold out dog walking just now and I had winter coat on too-icy wind even though lovely sunshine and blue sky.Won't be long though x

  4. has your blog been hacked?

    1. Yes, I hacked it, ha ha. Just playing, thought I would add some colour.

    2. I don't see color, just words...?

  5. Great colourful post!!! SueM

  6. Horrible weather here in the Midlands for April; blueberry sky last night before the thunderstorm and today is cold, showery and fairly miserable. I think the forecast remains the same for the end of the week - but of course it's another Bank Holiday on Monday so it will probably be the same for that day too. Never mind, summer will arrive soon. Hopefully. Amanda

  7. It sounds like a good day to stay in and create something wonderful. I have been enjoying your efforts in that area, but haven't been able to comment as the form hasn't wanted to load for some reason. At least you don't have to shovel rain - nothing but snow and cold here still. Perhaps May will bring spring to northern Canada. Have a colourful, creative sort of day! Hugs from Barbara (Canada)

    1. "At least you don't have to shovel rain"--My DH and I got a good laugh out of that one! It's a drizzly day here in New Hampshire, but hopefully we're done with the white stuff for the time being.

  8. I think you've been hacked. Perhaps it's Nellie? On the drink? Pretty.

    1. Haven't heard from Nellie in yonks. Last time we spoke she beggered off to Australia. Drink?! Just what are you insinuating woman! ;o)

  9. Lovely. Made me laugh. It's freezing here too( Cambridgeshire). The cat has wrapped the throw around her and conked out to keep warm. xx

    1. Cats are not daft. Mine won't go out in wild weather.

  10. You are clever to get all that colour into your post. Well we have had it all today apart from a rainbow, rain, wind, sun, hailstones and even a fleeting of snow, still could be worse I know but at least I am now indoors having a little very cup of hot chocolate.
    Hazel c uk

  11. ... and I'm still here in sunny south Wales. We haven't had, touch wood, the horrible weather everyone else seems to be having, mostly sunny days sometimes a bit dull and sometimes a few flakes of snow which stops after ten minutes, but mostly sunny. I must say it's a bit chilly though, just need a thicker cardigan on. As I type this the sun is shining brilliantly. Wish you were here?
    I'm sure that wherever you are Ilona you are doing something enjoyable and constructive.

    Joan (Wales)

  12. didnt cycle this morning either. its nithering up here. thanls for the cheery colours Hello

    1. That's a new one, nithering. Not heard that before.

  13. Is this a coded message? I don't get it, Karen

    1. No, I don't get it either. Load of cobblers :o)

    I am one of the 'lurkers' - been following your posts for a couple of years but never posted. We have taken early retirement and moved out to our holiday home so that we can enjoy it whilst we still have enough energy and good health. The frugal mindset has really helped us achieve our dream and is a real asset in helping us to adapt to an economic reality that is, sadly, very different to the UK.
    I really enjoy your walking trips too !!

  15. Sorry for the ? earlier- thought you had been hacked but glad you are OK!

  16. I remember when I first began sending texts-I thought it was the done thing to send messages in abbreviation,but silly me made them up myself and no-one could understand them.When asked what I'd said I re-read it didn't know myself.What fun! x

  17. Love it X Col

  18. I thought you had got a new hearing aid and this was how people were talking to you before you had it fitted lol. Another good post I have enjoyed reading ilona and love the colours...Wendyx

  19. A post as colourful as its writer! Nithering is a word that is often heard in Yorkshire - mustn't have made it across the Humber!

  20. I love your colourful post. You have just taken me back years. I once taught a beginners computer class. I had them all type the words to John Lennon's song. 'Imagine'. Then I had them colour some of the words, itallic others, change font styles and text size.... Every time I hear the song now I remember the class all quietly humming the song as they worked.

  21. Cold and windy day...

    One of my favorite me a justifiable (not that I always need "justifying") excuse to curl up/read a good book/have a cuppa/other/and cuddle with a critter. I love watching this kind of weather/weather changes "out the window"....grin

  22. Even though I read this a day later, it came at just the right time! Love all the colors.


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