Monday, 24 April 2017

Now there are eight.

Hello. I made some more flowers at Crafty Club this morning. So now there are eight. Aint they pretty. I'm getting short of plastic now so I'll stop. 
Heidi is not interested in the flowers, she's just come to say hello.

The foam mattress now has a cover. I trimmed a double bed duvet cover to the exact size. It was an old one, and I have plenty more. I think I'm going to be snug in there. Little gas cooker for my morning coffee. Waiting for the weather to calm down now, no two days are the same. Very windy today.

Six o clock and I'm chuffin hungry, so I'm off into the kitchen to chuck something in a pan. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. That looks super cozy! :)

  2. The weather is unsettled but we live in hope that summer is on the way and sunshine will arrive for a good spell. Your 'duvet' is perfect and can't wait to hear about your travels shortly. Amanda

  3. Your "campervan" reminds me of when I used to show horses with a Shogun 4x4 towing a trailer, the horses had stables on the show ground and I did the same as you and it was really comfy. I even made curtains for it on the stretchy wire which hooked in place. I had a little kettle that plugged in to the cigarette socket. Hope you have as much fun as I did. Su

  4. Those look happy flowers and Heidi is so cute.I like the titchy little friend behind her.Your camper car is just great who would have thought it would transform into that?well not me anyway.Roll on happy fun days x

  5. The flowers are so pretty and your "campervan" looks real city.

    Hazel c uk

  6. That looks so good, I'd love to go camping again but I don't think I'd get out of the tent in the morning, lol

  7. Heidi looks beautiful in your flowery picture and your car bed looks super comfy. Hope the wind dies down for tomorrow.

  8. Heidi the cat photobombed by feline garden gnome....

  9. You'll be as snug as a bug in a rug! Such a good idea.

  10. Love your "camper car". Have fun on your travels.x

  11. Hi, Ilona. If ever you felt the need to invent and install some kind of Velcro-fastened "curtains" for your lovely campervan, I managed many years ago, so I am absolutely positive you could because you're probably the most creative person around. Stay safe. Elaine near Philadelphia.

  12. Fabulous! You will have such fun!

  13. Your Flowers are wonderful! You should make some to sell at your cat rescue table fair!

  14. Flowers are lovely...

    and camping mattress is great...I still think you need some type of way to curtain off the windows...

  15. I have a little cooker like that - I got it in the early '80s. Natalie

  16. Looks like a great arrangement Ilona and I love the flowers:)

  17. Love those flowers - a reminder of sunny days to come (hopefully). Great idea for the car - yes you should curtain off the windows!

  18. Those flowers are lovely and so bright - they should be in the Tate Modern with a price tag to match.

  19. Loving your flowers Ilona x. As a long term camping fan using a Caravan, tents and Camper Van's over the years I have a window idea for you that many of the VW van owners do. All you need is some double sided foil insulation, the sort often used for car windscreens as a sun shield, it can purchased cheaply on a roll from DIY places and some plastic window suction cup's, like the ones that hold said sunscreen in place, also very inexpensive. I think by now you're way ahead of me Ilona ...yes? Cut insulation to shape and size for each car window you want to cover inside, attach suction cups to each corner or more if needed and hey ho not only do you have a temporary curtain for privacy/sleeping and keeping the light out in your car but also helps with keeping the heat in your vehicle. They are easily taken down, rolled up and ready to use again for your next stop on your camping adventure. Have fun X Rae x

  20. Are you camping in your car Ilona? looks very cozy - you are so resourceful.

  21. Ilona , we use a small frying pan and make cheese toasties in it. Make up the sandwich and put in a Teflon toastie bag and cook over a low heat on your stove. We do this often when on a cycle trip and its bliss on a cold day sitting in a bus shelter heehee

  22. It looks wonderful, a lovely way to camp!
    I love your flowers too, very cheerful!


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