Sunday, 23 April 2017

Such a gas bag

Hello. I seem to have done a lot of chatting this weekend. That's what happens when you live in a village and know a lot of people. I popped in to see Angela, she is into furniture refurbishment. I don't know how she does it but she always drops lucky in finding things that people give away. Someone wanted to get rid of a full set of cane furniture which is suitable for a conservatory. Settee, two chairs, coffee table and footstool. The cushions were shabby so she has made new ones from some curtains she bought for £1 from the charity shop. She has made a good job of them. I don't think she will have any trouble selling them. 
I had a natter with Bob, he was at the bowls club having a practice to get in shape for the start of the season. I had a go but didn't do too well, my right wrist is a bit achey. Probably too much time on the mouse that causes that. 
I took Bailey dog a walk today and popped in to see Jane, she has not been very well. We sat in the garden and had a natter. The sun has been shining all day, it's been lovely and warm. 
My three mile walk took a bit longer this afternoon, my fault, more chatting. Because I walk the same route all the time people are getting used to seeing me, and the sun was bringing people outdoors, so they say hello. Sometimes a simple greeting leads to a lengthy conversation, that's mainly down to the fact that I like chatting. Truth is I can't resist a good looking fella, especially one with a gorgeous smile :o)
I've got a few snaps for you. On Friday I changed my routine and did a six mile walk, I've done this one many times before. Walking past the woods it looks as if this tree has come a cropper and been blown down in a storm. The woods are in pretty poor shape at the moment. When I first came here I thought it was magical,  there are steep steps down into it and it's on a steep slope. Over the years it has been wrecked. I used to do a lot of litter picking here, mainly beer cans and bottles, but it is disheartening to find it is just as bad a couple of months later. There was only one path through it, now there are several unofficial paths where the ground has been trampled on. 
Further on past the woods it opens out and there is a good view of the river. It's beautiful at this time of year with the yellow gorse bushes, and the oil seed rape fields over the other side.

This is a new bench, I haven't seen this before. A nice place to rest and take in the view. A bit further along I came across three men flying their model aircraft. I don't know how they manage to get them back if they crash land them in the river. 
I thought I would give you an update on the yellow sticker plants I bought. Three packs at 20p each. Look at them now, they look fantastic. I put four plants in each long container, I think I could have spaced them out more and put three in each. They have filled them. What a bargain.

We are supposed to be having a cold spell in the next couple of days, I hope it passes by quickly because I want to test out the erm campervan.

Thank you very much to the kind reader who sent me a parcel of goodies. I am chuffed.

Relax time. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You had another lovely day Ilona .Great photos again.Don't get much gorse here.Recently I've been taking a bag on dog walks and picking up rubbish mainly plastic water bottles.Couple of years ago I looked down at my little dog and he had a blue dummy in his mouth.He sometimes finds gloves.Walks take me ages some days ,as I'm rarely in a rush I meet such interesting people .I nearly always say hello first and most times people seem to want to stop and chat.In a way now my looks have faded I feel more confident to chat to people ,not that I was ever a beauty-odd really x

  2. That is a lovely view along the river. Shame about the upkeep. My husband is a photographer. When he goes into the forest he always picks up trash. The tourists are not great about picking up after themselves. They even leave dirty diapers! Disgusting! I wish I knew the answer.

  3. It's interesting that the trees don't get cut up and hauled away. We have had so much wind damage to trees in the area due to the windstorm a couple weeks ago. A windstorm hit in Oct-Nov and then the hard frozen winter here in Oregon didn't help matters. But amongst all that, some of my plants are doing quite well as I hauled a bunch into the garage when it got so cold. Glad you have had a good time chatting with friends and neighbors. I'm waiting for the warm weather to stay here. NOW! Have a good week!

  4. I saw this post today and thought it might be of interest:

    It has been a beautiful weekend here in Toronto so I've managed a bit of a walk each day - and I'm very pleased with how well my knee is holding up after surgery. Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend very early and we are going to view the Cherry Blossoms over in High Park. There are a number of trees that were a gift from Japan and each year we all wait to see if and when they will bloom. They only last a few days so it's always busy - that's why we didn't bother trying over this weekend and why we'll be out very early - I'm hoping for a good display.

  5. Lovely photos, a real fest for the eyes. Thank you.
    J x

  6. Does the government provide huge barrels with signs encouraging people to keep the beauty intact? Maybe you could spearhead that. It won't ever completely solve the problem, but anything helps.

  7. I also pick up litter when I'm out and like you feel very disheartened when the same spot is just as bad a few days or weeks later. You certainly don't see the same amount of litter or fly tipping in other countries as you do here. Sadly far too many people have a complete disregard for the environment.
    I hope you manage to try out your car camper soon. I would think about making some temporary blinds for the windows to give you some privacy. Kristel

  8. i don't think you are a gas bag.

  9. I've never been able to resist a good-looking fella, either! LOL

    Thanks for the picture of the gorse. I have always wondered what it was. It appears to be the same as, or a close relative of, what we call Scotch broom. I was majorly allergic to it when we lived in Oregon, where there is a lot of it. We don't have much here, and it doesn't seem to bother me much. Most of my environmental allergies have gotten a lot better as I've gotten older. My eyes used to swell shut whenever I got near crimson clover. Now, you never see it.

  10. The plants look lovely. All they needed was a bit of Ilona TLC!

  11. Talking about good looking fellas-my lovely Lily has no shame, she sees them and runs up and rubs her nose all over their legs and then they usually smile at me.''Oh I'm so sorry'' I say - .I was far more hard to get when I was a young lady x

    1. I'm assuming Lily is a dog....

    2. Yes,Lily is a most lovely friendly lurcher.Girl at dog home called her silly Lily.She's a joy,I'm so lucky to have her in my life x


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