Wednesday, 17 May 2017

A bimble around the Horseshoe Falls

Hello, and goodbye to Squirrels Guest House in Llangollen. Lilian Speake is the perfect host and her house is lovely. We chatted for ages, I think I have a new friend, and she has a ginger cat just like Bugsy. If anyone needs accommodation in Llangollen give her a call, number on the web site.

So, after breakfast I checked out and drove the short distance to Horseshoe Falls to have a look around. The river flows pretty rapidly at this point.

I took a short walk down the canal and came to the Chain Bridge Hotel, named after the river crossing just there. 
It looks very posh, probably very expensive to stay there. I was chatting to some people who said it is a favourite wedding venue.

On the other side of the river is the train station, and as luck would have it the train arrived from Llangollen, so another chance to snap this beauty.

I had a little bimble around the area and took a few snaps.

Howzabout that for a venue. It has absolutely no gardens with it, sandwiched between the canal tow path and the river, with the constant noise of the water rushing by.

I like arch bridges.

This is the station taken from the lower bridge.

After a couple of hours here, I went on to Port Meirion, about an hour and a half drive away. I took loads of pictures there, it was a brilliantly amazing place. I'm going to save them till I get home. Something to look forward to, but worth waiting for. Dead lucky with the weather today, sunny, blue skies, and warm. perfect.

It's late now and time for bed. I am in a B & B at Caernarfon, had a quick look round the town,  tomorrow the Menai bridge to Anglessey. Oooh, all excited.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Another beautiful place you visited! We also have a Horseshoe Falls here. Yours are bigger and prettier!

  2. Phenomenal photos...thanks for taking us to such interesting and very pretty places.

  3. What a beautiful spot. By any chance, was the Chain Bridge Hotel featured in the show Hinterland (I think the very first episode)? The last two pictures really reminded me of that.

    1. Hinterland featured Devil's Bridge, about twelve miles east of Aberystwyth. It is another of Wales' very scenic places. I love the Hinterland dramas, but much of it is filmed in winter, and does not necessarily show the Aberystwyth area at its best.

  4. Hello from Southern California! I've been recently enjoying all your walking adventures - thanks for sharing your part of the world. On a tour in 2009, we were in Llangollen on a rainy afternoon, on our way to Conway and a couple days later to Caernarfon where our guide resided (and perhaps still does) when he's not working. He gave us a very educational, interesting tour of the castle there. So, happy memories to see these places all mentioned in your posts. But you've seen MUCH more than we did, with all your good walking. Also want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday and congratulations on being so fit and energetic. I'm just a year behind you. You put me to shame. ;-)

  5. Thanks for another lovely tour, I have fond memories of North Wales, especially when it had rained heavily and the waterfalls were beautiful.

    Hope you carry on having good weather.
    Hazel c uk

  6. Thank you for bringing back such wonderful memories for me. During the 1950's and 60's we use to have a holiday in North Wales every year and always stayed at the same boarding house. It cost one pound a day for my parents, brother and me to stay there. You bought your own food and the landlady use to cook it for you. I still have to visit North Wales every year, even if it's only for a day as it brings back such happy memories. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your photos and seeing the places we visited all those years ago.

  7. You were lucky with the weather Ilona,whilst out walking yesterday I got drenched ,right through to my drawers.Great fun though.Happy exploring x

  8. Portmerion is one of my favourite places ever! Looking forward to your photos
    Lovely pics today, as always. Eloise


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