Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Llangollen steam, and Pontcysyllte Viaduct

Hello. Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I've had a brilliant day, except for one little mishap, I broke a tooth. Drat, a visit to the dentist when I get back. It was a back molar so I haven't got a toothy grin thank goodness.

The railway station is almost opposite the B & B and I noticed a steam train was in and had to have a look at it. I just love them. A real old fashioned station.

Look at this beauty. A lot of holiday makers were on board waiting to set off. I had already decided what I was going to do today, but I was sorely tempted to change my plans and jump on it.

They let me get in to see the engine, the heat coming off that fire was sweltering.

Two lovely volunteers who keep the trains running. These old trains and stations would lie rotting if it wasn't for these dedicated people who give their time so everyone can enjoy them.

Happy me on my birthday. Lots of train enthusiasts about snapping away, everyone was so friendly.
Getting stoked up and steaming, preparing to go.

Happy smiles from the driver and his mate.

The chuff sound chuff, the hissing of the steam, the toot of the whistle, it's just magic. This is the site for the Llangollen Railway.

After seeing the train off, I got on the Llangollen Canal and started walking. The sign said four and a half miles to Pontcysyllte. It's a lovely walk, The birds were singing, mummy ducks were watching over their babies and guiding them through the water, and the smell of the garlic plants was lovely. Lots of boats were up and down, everyone saying good morning, happy people on their holidays.  

Here I am at the start of the viaduct. It's a one way system so people have to wait their turn to cross. Boats followed each other, several at a time. 

Ha ha, Shawn the sheep at the entrance to the Visitor Centre. 
Here, I am half way across, looking down on the River Dee below.

There is a narrow footpath along one side of it. The boats are right up to the edge of a sheer drop on the other side.

More fantastic views.

Wow it's a long way down.

I walked over and back, then went down to a road to get some distance shots.

Now you can see how tall it is.

Here is a good web site for the Aqueduct.  And this one.

Time to move on, time to head back by a different route. I picked up the sign for Offa's Dyke Path, it looked interesting. Through a wood.

And out onto the hills, they call it the Panorama Walk. Fantastic views. That's Llangollen down there. Time to linger and sit for a while and eat my sandwich.

Off the path and onto a road where the sheep roam free.

I had it in mind to go up there, but watched two walkers slowly crawl towards the top. It looked a bit steep and I hadn't got time, so I took the easy route and bimbled around the bottom of it.

I picked up the road again and came back down to the canal. This is Llangollen Junction.

Once back in the town I called in the Co op for some food to have a picnic in my room. Yes, I have cake, I found an iced lemon cake, reduced from £1.25 to 44p. I've checked the total walked and it's 12 miles. I'm pleased with that, it was a brilliant day.

I'm moving on tomorrow to find something else to look at. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. What a lovely way to spend your birthday! So glad that you had a lovely day. What a beautiful spot and even the weather cooperated. I love trains - don't think I would have been able to resist hopping onboard!

  2. Great day you've had Birthday girl.I've been Offa's Dyke,parked near Tintern Abbey and walked through the woods on a hot day once-I think over a wobbly bridge and saw some birds of prey-it was over 20 yes ago.(I heard once if you get toothache you can place an aspirin against it and let it dissolve,as long as you are able to take aspirin) x

  3. Happy birthday Ilona, lovely pictures, I love steam trains:). Looks like a great day.

  4. Sorry I've just googled about placing aspirin against teeth and it's not advisable after all-I've done it before though and I was fine x

  5. A great Birthday ! Lovely walks and good weather. I am so happy for you. JanF

  6. I'm pleased that you had a good day which co-operated for you. I love steam trains too, modern ones don't have the same effect.
    I have seen the viaduct and canal on television and there is no way I could either walk or sail along it. Knowing that there was a sheer drop so close would make me jittery and panicky. I admire anyone who is brave enough to attempt it. It's a marvellous thing though.

    Joan (Wales)

  7. Happy belated birthday, by now. I can see you had a fabulous time! Such beauty!

  8. What a wonderful way to enjoy your birthday. Many happy returns x

  9. What a special place to spend your birthday, it's all so gloriously green. Happy Birthday.

  10. It's a spectacularly beautiful place and a great way to celebrate your birthday. Happy Birthday Ilona!

  11. Happy birthday Ilona. Looks like you had a fab day and I love all your photo's. Hubby and I walked across that same aqueduct when we were holidaying nearby. I wouldn't like going over as a boater with that sheer drop.

  12. You really had a great birthday! Just doing what you love to do, such a beautiful spot to have a walk - and the train as an extra birthday gift!

  13. Glad you had your cake, made me smile when I read it. It wouldn't be a birthday without a piece of cake, ha ha! The views were beautiful, wish I was there. Such lovely photographs Ilona. Jean.

  14. Lovely photos and commentary. Natalie

  15. Happy Birthday, have a great day.

  16. Happy birthday Ilona & many happy returns. It sounds like a fab day.

  17. It looks like you had a brilliant Birthday!.Doing all the things you love doing!,Ive been reading back over some more of your blogs...Just when i thought that id read them all..then i find some more to give me insperation!,I love walking but dont get chance to do as many miles as you..but i do live very near open countryside and a beautiful park,even though im only about a mile or so from the city center.So as from today,i am going to make sure that i do an hours walking.I could do alot more but hubby is disabled and dont like to leave him on his own for too long.Have a lovely day!,Debi,Leic,x

  18. Happy belated birthday Ilona. I love steam trains as well, it makes me feel very nostalgic, we have a steam railway down in Dorset at Swanage, coincidentally, my hubby and I enjoyed a lovely trip on it just a week ago today!!

    1. Is that the Watercress Line? I've been to the station x

  19. yorkshire lass17 May 2017 at 10:28

    happy birthday. i love wales, your pictures make me want to live there.

  20. thank you for sharing your day. What a wonderful place.

  21. Looks a fab place - am going to put it on my bucket list, would love to see & hear the stream train! Thanks for your lovely photos - it's great to be able to see the places you talk about - those views are stunning.

  22. Looks like a wonderful time...Sorry about your tooth!

  23. Beautiful photos as always. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday day. :)

  24. This has been an amazing trip. I have really enjoyed this post and the photos are beautiful. I don't think I would have the nerve for the viaduct though. The scenery is fantastic too. Glad you have had a lovely birthday aside form the tooth.

  25. Belated birthday greetings! I have friends who live near the canal, and visited the aqueduct when I stayed with them last year. It's fabulous! Enjoy the rest of your trip 😎😎

  26. Best wishes on your birthday, Ilona. Glad you've had a lovely day. Looks stunning. Louise (from your old town) X

  27. Belated Birthday Wishes. It sounds like you're having a really good time :-)

  28. That is one of my favourite places and I climbed to the castle a few weeks ago, which is good for me as I am very unfit. If you are still there , there is a ruined abbey about 2 miles out of Llangollen if you walk along the road adjacent to the train station you will come to it. I could spend all my time there I love it

  29. Happy Birthday for yesterday Ilona. Your walk does look wonderful. I'd love to walk in that area and the aqueduct is fascinating. So glad you are having a good break.
    Jacquie x

  30. What a fabulous set of photographs. It looks such a lovely area. Enjoy the rest of your break. Eloise

  31. Sorry I am late, but, "Happy Birthday!!" What a lovely birthday you had and you gave us the gift of all the lovely photos. Thank you.

  32. Dear Ilona
    Many many thanks for the wonderful photographs you so generously share on your blog and as well including your reader in your walking adventures. I am a 66 year old walker here in country Victoria, Australia and love reading where you are exploring. In 2010 my family and self hired a long boat to explore the Llangollen canel and go over the amazing aqueduct, It was a highlife of my life. I also commend you so much for your respect and care of animals, you are a beautiful human being ....Take care Helen


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