Monday, 1 May 2017

Check in time for the Walking Group

Hello. You know what day it is, it's the 1st of the month, and that means members of the Walking Group should check in with their updated mileage totals. Four months have passed, flippin heck the time is going very quickly. 
My total is 471 miles, but that was boosted by the long walk last month. This month I had three days of walks totaling 29 miles, but I have also had some days off due to the weather being rubbish. So, swings and roundabouts, some you win, some you lose. The point of it all is to get into some kind of routine, get into the habit of walking, and carry on regardless. Giving up completely is not an option. 
How are the rest of you doing? I want to know. 
I've rescued a little reindeer, poor Rudolf had been tossed in a bin, how could somebody do something so cruel? Luckily I came along and noticed his red scarf among all the other debris, and was able to lean in and pull him out. Cheeky little chap isn't he. 
There you are, now you look pretty with a few new flowers added. I think he will feel right at home with Freddie the Frog.

They say it's raining down south, it's fine here in North Lincolnshire, let's hope it stays that way. Enjoy your Bank Holiday Monday. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I've done 45 miles in April, which is a small improvement for me. I have a pedometer now which is making it more fun. This month I am going to include the miles I do to the supermarket, voluntary jobs etc as well, as I don't have a car and walk to a lot of my destinations as well as doing dedicated walks. Glad Rudolf has found a kind home with you Ilona:). I had to go to Tesco's this morning, it was heaving, I don't normally shop on Bank hol. I have to say they did have a lot of offers on, and I got some bargains, so will probably shop on future bank holidays as well. I avoid all the local towns and attractions because they are bedlam which is not my idea of fun.

    1. You've done well Kate,I wondered how you were doing.You have overtaken me now x

    2. Hi flis, I think the pedometer has helped as I can set goals on it! I guess we'll all have up and down months but keeping going is the main thing:)x

  2. Rudolf is cute! I am glad you rescued him! JanF

  3. Anything animal and I'm the same-I think they really do have feelings and awaken when you save them.He or she looks happy now.I've been to my usual yoga class,even though a bank holiday.Usual dog walk,but afterwards.There were a few more people about.Been some rain here so a bit of mud which my lurcher loves.My total this month is about the same I think ,possibly even slightly more.I have consciously added a bit on.I go down the slate pit and up it which is quite steep.I think it's good for the core.Plus on the way back I run around the top of it.So 40 miles this month-but a quite strenuous 40.(don't know where I've put my pedometer) x

  4. Rudolph looks great now he's been rescued! 42 miles for me Ilona-not good but I'm keeping on keeping on! Catriona

  5. You are my wonderful walking (in every way and just that in every way, too :>)) inspiration.
    I did not join the walking group officially, but it is my aim to walk 1000 kilometres this year, after years of little to no walking due to pelvic troubles. Since I live in The Netherlands, my walks will not be in miles; so no 1000 miles, but kilometres. I think that's fine, isn't it?
    Started later in January I managed to catch up and walk 409 kilometres so far. Proud I am, and happy and feeling healthy.
    Thanks Ilona, for being such an enthusiastic, encouraging walking source of inspiration.
    Love and joy from Dokkum in The Netherlands.


    1. Hi Jeanneke. Whatever you want to do is fine by me, count yourself in.

  6. My total stands at 390, 10 short of what I was aiming at for the end or April.
    I'm pleased with this though because it is better than this time last year and I am only competing with myself.... no one else.
    Now that the weather is improving I'm sure lots of us will be more inclined to walk though the garden is always needy at this time of year.
    Rudolf looks greatly improved with a little talc. I wonder what the cats will make of him. Sue

  7. Amy in Florida checking in; I've done 42 in April. I will have to ramp it up to get my 1000 in this year; I bike two days a week which takes away from walking time (I bike between 25-40 miles each time). I have no excuse...I live in Florida and it's great weather most of the time! I just do about 3 miles each time I walk and I walk about 4 times a week, which doesn't cut it! I will see about upping my mileage and getting to at least 50 miles in May!!

    1. Amy, you're doing really well. The biking will be keeping you fit as well.

  8. Well done on the walking Ilona. Rudolf looks lovely now, I bet he was glad you came along to rescue him. I love ornaments in my garden. Yes it has been windy and cold down here in the south but we did have some much needed rain last night.
    Hazel c uk

  9. Rudolph is so cute, I wouldn't throw him out. I've been doing ok with my walking even though I've not totted it all up. It's on my Fitbit! Weather is ok my way too, drizzly earlier but sunnier now. I've bought a few gnomes for my garden, they've cheered the garden up no end! Xxx

    1. Let me know when I can come and see your gnomes. xxx

  10. Freddie and Rudolf are very cute! Wishing you a good week.

  11. Hi I did 101 miles this month as I have added a second walk once a week around the nature reserve nearby. Much less muddy and spring is bursting through. This brings my total to 315 miles. I am so chuffed about this. x

    1. You're doing very well, too right you're chuffed.

  12. I walked 106.5 this month making a total so far this year of 453.5 miles. If only I'd been able to walk the Dales Way with some of my friends this week. They have nearly finished - just one more day and about 9 miles to Windermere! Haven't they been lucky with the weather?

    1. Vicki I think we are racing, ha ha. I love the Yorkshire Dales, done bits of the Dales Way, it's fantastic. Maybe you will get another chance.

  13. Hi Ilona 80 miles for me in april so down from last month, i am determined to do the 1000 miles though so i must not start slipping up, total so far is 307 miles. Thanks for doing this for everyone.

    1. Fantastic. I like your determination. You go for it.

  14. 84 this month 315 in total hoping for better weather so I can get out more well done everyone

  15. Great to see some positive comments coming in. You are doing so well.

  16. Total of 237 now. Only managing 2 miles a day big dog walking but are clocking up over 15000 steps a day as we now have 62 calves that need feeding twice a day. Hay ho.

  17. 40 again this month but I'm not feeling badly about it; I also did a lot of yard work and it's all moving and using muscles and every little bit counts. I know I won't make 1,000 miles this year but it's something to shoot for next year. Everyone is doing so well; I must admit to being jealous but for a former couch potato I think I'm doing well.

  18. Was hoping for more but managed 85, running total now 273.2. Getting out every day now but struggling with boredom as restricted to local routes (no transport) so have been investigating new paths and trying to mix it up a bit. Plus the garden is demanding more time. Determined to hit 100 miles in May. Odette

  19. went cycling and the weather was reasonable except at the coast where it was very chilly with a wild sea.

    1. just counted up the mileage for the year and its at 1082 miles cycled

  20. 68 this month and 271 in total. Not too dusty. Tricia and Lucy

  21. I'm really pleased this month. I've walked 102 miles. It helps that we've moved house and it's now further to walk to the shops and into town so I'm doing my 10,000 steps on most days of the week.

    1. Fantastic Helen. You can carry a small amount of shopping in a rucksack.

  22. Glad you rescued the little reindeer he looks good complete with flowers. It has been raining here on and off most of the day x

  23. Hello all,
    I walked 33.51 miles this month for a total of 51.26 miles since I started on March 5. Although I didn't make my April goal of 40 miles, I'm still quite excited as I am noticing a definite increase in my stamina (just even doing jobs around the house) and I have broken the 2 mile barrier. That is to say, I can now walk for 2 miles at one go. I am setting my May goal at 45 miles, and I am quite confident that I can reach it this time, even though I know there will be days when I can't walk due to health or weather.
    Thank you again, Ilona, for encouraging us all!

    1. It's a good idea to set yourself small goals, gives you something to aim for. May your stamina continue to escalate.

  24. Although ive not joined the walking group because of Family commitments,i do try and walk as much as possible.When i saw your post with the Raindeer,i thought back to a few months back,when visiting the cemetry,to our Reletives graves,there were so many wreaths that had been ..Thrown in the rubbish.I am sure the relatives that put them there would been dissapointed that they had been taken from their Loved ones grave.We did not know who they belonged we took them out the rubbish stack ..n put them on graves that we knew no one came to for years.Atleast they can be colourful for a while until the .....people in charge ...take they of again,Debi,Leic,x

    1. I found a bunch of artificial flowers dumped in our bins once. Nothing wrong with them. I pushed them all singly into the cracks along the top of the fence, looked pretty.

  25. Only 61 for April due to bit of illness part way through the month but am fighting fit now! I love Rudolph-i would have 'liberated' him from the bin too!

  26. Hi Ilona,
    This month I walked 93 miles, bringing the year to date total to 382. This challenge gets more fun every month ;). I averaged 3 miles a day even though I had quite a few weekends where I was traveling and didn't walk at all. Yeah! My biggest walk day was 5.28 miles, my dog was exhausted ;)

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying it. Walking makes me happy.

  27. Hello! Reporting in with 90km walked in April for a total of 300km to date. Cheers, Nanny Anny in Canada.

  28. I walked 49.2 miles in April for a total of 256.6 year to date. My hip tendonitis and arthritis really slowed me down the past couple of months. I am hoping to do more in May. Happy spring🌞
    Margaret in Maryland

  29. Just 56 miles in April, due to some nasty weather and some plain lazyness.

    1. Ha ha, that made me laugh. I think we can all be a bit lazy sometimes. I have been known to say stuff it when I can't be bothered.

  30. Happy May all!
    98km for April, 370 in total and keep walking!

  31. I am entering the last period of resting my leg after my dislocation - so 20 miles walked this month. Natalie

    1. Don't overdo it, build yourself up gradually. 20 miles is good.

  32. Good morning. 137 this month bringing my total to 578. Loving the little reindeer. Glad you managed to rescue him.
    Amanda in Atlanta.

  33. 24.5 miles for April, 102.6 total to date. Joan, Michigan

  34. yorkshire lass2 May 2017 at 15:57

    I have walked 78.5 miles in April,that totals 344.5 so far. Quite a few bank holidays with no buses so lots of walking to town more than I would normally do. We're getting closer to the half way mark.

  35. Hello Ilona, Greetings from the north of Spain. Our weather was gorgeous last month with only THREE rainy days, so my husband Wences managed to do 257 miles bringing his total to 797. He´s brown as a berry and looking very fit and healthy. Our car is practically forgotten and when I need him to drive me into the next town for whatever, he looks at me as if to say "what do you want the car for it´s only a 10 mile stretch of the legs". Happy May everyone.

    1. Well done Wences. Sheryl, you are lucky having a fit and healthy body to admire.

  36. Happy May Day!
    Sonja, from North Carolina checking in with April miles for a total of 111.
    Thx, Sonja

  37. 124 for April (total 472). A bit less than last month but pleased to report two walks over 8 miles, mainly due to getting a bit lost!!

  38. Only 19 miles :-/ I thought about quiting but since 'Giving up completely is not an option' i did my three mile walk this afternoon yey thank you :-)

    1. Please don't quit. Every single mile walked is better than nothing at all.

  39. Hello everyone
    Walked/run 96 miles this month , running total 401 miles .
    Cheers Shelly

  40. Hello. Checking in with 108 miles for April making a total of 442. Much of the walking last month was combined with birdwatching so was at a slower pace. The rescued reindeer is really cute. Sarah

  41. Hello everyone, checking in with 132 miles for April. Our weather is getting colder and I can't wait to see how my walking will cope.
    Michele from Australia

  42. Hi Ilona. My total for April is only 83, but now that he hubby is back at work I can crack on and get a whole load more miles walked.

    1. Only 83 sounds good to me!
      Let's face it before Ilona put out her challenge last year lots of us wouldn't do that in 3 or 4 months so pat yourself on the back.
      I notice you encouraged someone else so I'm encouraging you.
      As you said, " every mile walked is better than nothing at all." Sue

  43. I walked three miles last week. I track my progress on my phone app. Three miles may seem a poor showing but last year this time I could not walk at all. So it s all relative.

  44. Ian t it lovely how we are encouraging each other? It's becoming an online walking club!

  45. Only 19 miles this month taking my total to 133 for the year.

  46. Catching up with my reports. 72 km for me for the month. Total is 282 km.


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