Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Getting up close to stitching

Hello. Some great reports have come in from the Walking Group members, glad to see that people are still enthusiastic about it. And even more glad that people are feeling a lot fitter through exercising. You see, it works. Sitting in a chair for hours is not good, we are meant to move about. I am trying to cut down on the time I am sat at this desk, by switching the computer off for longer periods of time. Now the weather is improving I am keen to find other things to do, and get outdoors as much as I can.
I did my three miles this morning, back for lunch, and this afternoon I took Bailey poodle out for an hour. I've watered the pots and raised beds, and done a bit of hedge trimming and filled the brown bin ready for collection tomorrow.  
I am making these small embroidered circles at the moment, two inches across, I can spend half an hour on them while drinking my morning coffee. I need lots more, for a bigger project. I haven't taken the stitching right up to the edge, I will do that when I come to sew them onto the backing. Some of the stitches are so tiny I have to take my specs off and hold them close to my face when working on them. They look so pretty, they could be made into brooches with a pin attached to the back of them. 

If you haven't checked in with your miles you can do so at any time. Just go back to the first post of the month and leave a comment there.

Looks like I might get chance to test out the erm 'campervan' soon ;o)  the weather forecast is looking good. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

PS. Just noticed, we have some new followers. Welcome aboard everyone, glad you have found us. 


  1. Hi Ilona
    I have tried three times to post my walking totals , not sure why it won't publish ?
    I will try again tomorrow
    Cheers Shelly Williams

    1. It did publish, four minutes before this one. Thank you.

  2. These are so pretty ... a clever mix of colours and stitches. A feast for the eyes!

  3. I did research them and these look so amazing X love Col xx

  4. Lovely stitchery and sewing, can't wait to see the final project!

  5. I've thought about what they may be and it may be far fetched ,but they could be used as fairy table mats ,for their parties x

  6. They look lovely.I used to really enjoy sewing when i was at school,infact my Mams still got some of what i made.I think they used to call them Binker mats in them days.You have started me off thinking about doing some.We used to do chain stitch,blanket stich and others i cant remember the name of,well it wasover 50 years ago,lol...Oh,i hope you dont mind me asking,but reading over your past blogs,i noticed you mentioned Burton on Trent.Are you from there.My Family were from Tutbury about 3 mile away from there,Debi,Leic,x

    1. Hi. Yes, Burton upon Trent is my home town. I went to Tutbury school, on top of the hill. My first driving job was at Nestles.

  7. They are lovely "circles", and I think you may be on to something, to make them into "broaches"/"Pins"....Bet they would sell at one of the craft shows....If you were to do them for that purpose, maybe put on dog/cat faces, etc...

  8. These circles are so cute, and the stitchery is so tiny - I just admire your patience!

  9. My Dad and all the rest of my family went to that school aswell!!,Infact the road just before the school,Iron Walls Lane is where my Dad and his brothers grew up and my Swiss Greatgranny lived in the cottage type houses just down from there.My cousins and their Families still live there and in Burton.Small world!!,Debi,Leic,x

    1. Hi Debi. Yes, small world. I know Ironwall Lane. I was at the school in about 1960 to 63, then we moved to the new school at Rolleston for the last year. I might even know your dad if he was there at the same time, although I didn't take much notice of the boys my age, apart from Terry Stone. He didn't notice me though :o(

    2. Hi Debi. Just got your reply, I won't publish it because it has information which might identify you. I don't recognize the names of family members you mention.

    3. Ok,Thanks for reply!,Really windy here today,so going to just potter about the house getting things packed up ready to take to the local animal charity shop.Have a great day!,Debi,Leic,x

  10. What pretty circles those are. I think they would look lovely sewn together (at 4 "corners") to make a quilt top, with a pretty backing. I look forward to seeing what your plans are.

  11. Those circles are very lovely. Natalie

  12. They would be lovely sewn onto plain scarves.

  13. I love the mauve one, the top big picture. Such a funky design xx

  14. I have to lie down most of the day unless I am going to bathroom or kitchen. I walk to mailbox and to feed my hen, not far. I walk from car to store to get into electric cart. And, sitting hurts so much, I have to lie down. Back surgery might take away the pain.

  15. yorkshire lass5 May 2017 at 17:11

    I love these circles, what is on the back of em, do they have a hem around the edge? They would go brilliant on a plain patchwork.

    1. Hi. Suffolk Puffs do usually have a hem round the edge, and a button or bead stitched on to hide the stitches. I don't need to hem these because I am embroidering onto the other side, and the gathers on the front become gathers on the back and won't be seen when stitch them onto the backing.

      Some of the fabric I am using is a bit bulky, so would be too heavy to make a patchwork with. Cotton would be best.


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