Sunday, 14 May 2017

Garden update

Hello. The weather was pretty grim this morning. It had rained overnight, and was still raining until mid morning, then it brightened up. Thank goodness I mowed the lawns yesterday. It's a bit cloudy with some blue skies and sun now, a bit changeable. 
I thought you might like to see how the garden is doing. The little pansies are thriving, that was a good buy at 20p for four plants. 
I have some plastic trellis around the beds to keep the cats off. The fuchsias are coming back again, hoping for a good show.

The plastic flowers are doing really well  ;o)

Don't ask me the names of the plants, I haven't a clue. Can't remember names.

Oooh look, I have three lemons growing on the side of the garage ;o)

You may remember that I chopped down the lilac tree last year, well here it is all greened up again. There won't be any flowers but never mind, at least the gap in the hedge is filled now.

So what's in the sandwich today then? Cream cheese, cheddar cheese, cucumber, beetroot and two eggs. Hot out of the microwave. Very nice. 
That's a sign it's summer, the ice cream van is in the street. Let's hope the sun stays now it's here. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Your garden looks beautiful so packed with colour, your sandwich looks very good indeed.

  2. I bloody love all your posts x

  3. The names of the plants matter not, your garden is looking beautiful and colourful. Love the lemon tree. X

  4. Love the lemons!!! Very funny.
    J x

  5. You have a lovely garden Ilona with some fun,quirky touches.I have a Buddha head,it's silver resin and on window sill indoors upstairs.It cost over £20.One day I opened the window to politely tell an undesirable to clear off who stood at my door claiming he had come to do my garden(rob me more like)my top dog heard the bother and leapt on the sill to help and the Buddha head fell off.The head is a bit damaged now but it was worth it because the robber scarpered.Nice sandwich,beetroots so good for you isn't it x

  6. Wow. fancy you growing "lemons" heehee!

  7. Your garden looks lovely, I especially like the pansies along the recycled bricks.

  8. Lovely garden, you've worked hard. The homemade flowers are a nice touch, quirky and attractive. Karen.

  9. Bright and cheerful! Natalie

  10. I do love to see the beautiful flowers, especially an 'English country garden' type; but anything with colour. It is difficult where we live to do this, firstly unable to garden through various ailments and more importantly, we could never beat the rabbits who meticulously dig up bulbs, gnaw shrubs and devour flowers incessantly - nothing keeps them out of the garden so we just don't have outdoors flowers and shrubs but lovely countryside views. Amanda

  11. We have had an egg cup of rain on the Essex coast. My garden is so dry I'm having to use the hose which I hate. Your garden is really taking shape now. And your sandwich looks like my kind of sandwich 'chuck it all in' DELISH!

  12. Delicious looking lunch, and love your lemons!

  13. Your garden is looking very lush and bright. The lemons had me do a double-take and then a laugh. Despite the weekend snow, our trees are finally showing tiny leaves. I have a begonia bought two years ago on clearance from the garden centre and it has thrived inside, but I have a question for you or any of your green-thumb readers. Is it supposed to flower every year? Many thanks and hugs from Barbara (Canada)

  14. Your garden looks great! We had some frost nights last week which ruined our hydrangeas (they will have no blossoms this year!) and seriously dameged some other plants. Our garden looks very sad.

  15. The lemons made me chuckle.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.