Saturday, 13 May 2017

Keeping it under control

Hello. For ages now I have been buying Aldi cheese, the big blocks for £1.45, and always the extra mature cheddar because I like tasty cheese. I was eating too much of it, nibbling it every time I opened the fridge door. It had to stop. The fact that they increased the price, it shot up to £1.75, was another reason to cut down on my cheese habit. I started studying cheeses, prices and different varieties, and found other alternatives, so no more big blocks of extra mature cheddar. 
Last week I popped into the local Spar shop on my way back from the vet, to see if they had any reductions. They never have much here, but worth a look if passing. I found this pack reduced to 80p. The sticker covered the label so I peeled it back to see which kind it was. Luckily extra mature cheddar. I don't like mild cheese at all, might as well eat a packet of lard. 
So, a much smaller pack for 80p. I tried it, and my goodness is it tasty. I thought it would be similar to the Aldi stuff, but it isn't, it's ten times better. I won't be scoffing loads though because it's doubtful that I will find any more like this reduced, and I won't be paying full price for it. Just as well, I don't want to get hooked on it. Hard cheese is now in the same category as chocolate, only buy it when it is on special offer or reduced. A treat rather than a must have. By the way, Aldi have their big blocks on offer at the moment, at £1.50 something. I won't be buying it.  
This is the next stage of my latest artwork, the embroidered circles. I have used a piece of recycled snooker table green baize as the backing. Looking good so far.

The lawns need mowing, it rained yesterday, they might be dry enough to mow today. Last time I did it I raised the blade on the mower, but I'm going to lower it again because I like a close cut. Don't have to do it so often then, it saves me time and electricity.

I'm getting all excited about sandwiches now, thank you for your suggestions. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I've found grating the cheese as soon as I buy it stops me from slicing a piece off and eating it whenever I go in the fridge. I've also enjoyed reading the sandwich suggestions. Some tasty (and unusual) ideas. X

  2. Hi
    re "cheese is now in the same category as chocolate"

    maybe you should go back to making them more of a routine/everyday treat (both).

    I have seen so many research articles lately touting the health benefits of BOTH...

  3. I like cheese but worry about the fat content too.My tummy has thickened out in the last couple of years.So I buy parmasan type cheese and only use tiny bit on toast or sandwiches as flavouring really . As a child we always had a big block of stinky parmasan in paper in the kitchen cupboard as my dad was Italian. Love your artwork reminds me of a underwater view.Couple of years ago I took my dogs to a Country Manor open day and my lovely Lily escaped from her harness and jumped straight into the lily pond,and then ran off to steal a picnic.I was so embarrassed.I know I digress,but your artwork does remind me of that lovely day.Thanks Ilona x

    1. Love the story about your doggy, Flisxx

  4. I eat cheese. I don't have a good appetite (and am often anaemic) and don't eat fish, meat or eggs (perhaps a couple in the year) so cheese is a source of protein for me (along with nuts) so I'm not too bothered about the fat content - I make all my own food also and so don't consume junk on a daily basis so the fat content of my intake is on the low side anyway. I get non-rennet. The price of cheese is very high. Yes, I enjoyed reading about other people's' sandwich ideas too here. Natalie

    1. Do you eat spinich and beans Natalie? I expect you do though x

  5. I love hard cheese but do worry that it is calorie-laden, however, here is a tip from a nutritionist who told me that hard cheese portions should be no bigger than the size of a small matchbox. Sometimes you see people with piles of sliced cheese on their plates and apparently that is a big 'no no'. Amanda

  6. I'd hand shred it once I was home, and freeze it on a tray. Once hardened, decant into a tub, or plastic baggie and store in the freezer. The freezing individually helps keep it from clumping. A bit of good cheese goes far compared to mediocre or subpar cheese, at least that's my philosophy but I am from a French family!

  7. I love what you're doing with the circles. The colors and design are very pleasing. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I love cheese and would eat it until it came out of my ears if I didn't have a metabolism that is slower than a particularly lethargic snail. As one poster says, though, recent research does suggest that both chocolate and cheese have significant health benefits. If memory serves, chocolate has lots of antioxidants and the calcium in cheese not only supports healthy bones but it may actually speed up the metabolism! That said, they are both calorie dense so moderation remains the watchword!

    Ilona has a gorgeous figure and is the very picture of health so I will be taking a lot of tips from her.

  9. Yes, I was the same and almost gave up eating cheese for a year. Unfortunately a family member visiting noticed I wasn't buying any cheese. Horror!!1 I saw two huge slabs cheese in the fridge and I couldn't get the knife out quick enough to cut a huge slice to stuff I just can't stop myself... help
    I've managed to grate and freeze a couple bags thou...phew!

    1. I try to be dainty like a lady but if a bag of wasabi peanuts happen to drop into my supermarket trolley as I'm passing I gobble them up at home until my mouth goes numb x

  10. Just been to a local food festival. Stuffed with free samples now! Tried a lovely Northumberland cheese.

  11. I could give up a lot for health and for wealth - but cheese isn't one of those things! Ilona, you would be horrified at the price of cheese over here! I still buy the good stuff - but not as much and not as often - plus - I eat far less at a sitting. It really is a lovely treat.
    I also love the soft "Laughing Cow" cheese triangles and it is one cheese that goes on sale here on a regular schedule and when it does I stock up - I love it on a bit of toast and it also gives a nice zing to homemade soups when you melt in a bit.
    Did get some good deals yesterday - I had been out with a friend and on the way home she asked if I'd like to stop at the Samosa Factory? It is an Indian "Take Out" spot that does amazing food at excellent prices - I'd never been before but she used to go there fairly often when she worked up that way. It is always packed but they are super organized and everyone knows to be patient. I got 15 samosas for $3 and a pound of pakoras (about 30) for $5. I ate a few for supper, took a few to my neighbour and then packaged up 2 samosas with 3 pakoras into ziplock bags for future meals (I'll just make a bit of rice & some raita for a cheap meal) - and Ilona - they are all vegetarian! :-)

  12. I love cheese but dont need it :) cheese is a treat to me and i never buy the full fat one to greasy for me like kfc lol :) xx

  13. Flis, thank you for asking. Yes I do eat spinach (often whizzed up in a smoothie for lunch). I can just about manage baked beans (not Heinz, though) but I have other beans in stews. I have lentils too (bought in big bags). Natalie

    1. Your food sounds healthier than mine Natalie -I must use my blender a bit more .Thanks for reminding me x


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