Friday, 14 July 2017

Over the river to Giggleswick on the last day.

Hello. Here we are at day five and the holiday is almost over. Time for a little bimble before heading home. I have noticed on my travels that the old red phone boxes are used for a variety of other purposes, always nice to see them being preserved and adopted by the community. This one at The Green in Settle is a mini art gallery. The information leaflet states that the exhibitions are changed frequently, today there are photographs of moths. 

A guest book to sign laid on an improvised table supported by a silver birch log, with a pretty mosaic floor.

Colourful shop front. It's amazing that there are decorations left outside premises all day and night, and no signs of vandalism. Pot plants and flowers are everywhere, people like to decorate their fronts.

The Town Hall at Settle. Shops and the Tourist Information are also in the same building.

Leaving Settle I went a walkabout before I got in the car to go home. On the other side of the river is Giggleswick. I passed through the day before but it was late and I didn't see much of it, so worth going back. More pots, the pavement has been widened here to reduce the road width so cars are forced to slow down.

The village Tuck Shop.

I popped into the church and the ladies were setting tables for an expected coach trip to stop for tea and cakes. I asked about taking a look inside the school chapel, and they confirmed that I could get a key from the main reception, so off I went. The lady at reception gave me a booklet which tells of the history of it.

It's a magnificent building. According to the accounts of 1902, it cost a grand total of £27,689, that includes everything inside. To read the whole guide click on this link.

Beautiful organ pipes.

Detailed artwork on the ceiling looking into the dome.

I flicked the switches for the pendant lighting. Originally there were ten brass pendants lit by gas. After 50 years these were replaced by flourescent strip lighting. Then in 1987 the lighting was returned to pendents powered by electricity.

This is the reception building for the school. Here is their web site, click on the link to watch a video, aerial shots of the chapel.

Off I went for a little bimble, the flowerpot models have spilled over from Settle into Giggleswick.

Oh wow, wish I could stay here, but alas, looking at the house prices in the estate agents windows, and going by the cost of everyday living, I cannot afford it, so I shall just enjoy the views while I am here.

What do you need while sitting on a rock high up on the hill in the sun? An apple pie of course  ;-)

It was time to go home, so back to the car which needed to be moved off the car park at the B & B.

I can thoroughly recommend King William the Fourth Guest House at Settle. I paid £200 for four nights B & B. The food was excellent, and the room was modern with fresh white bed linen and towels,  I can't fault it at all.

On the way home I stopped off at Gargrave, a small village. Very pretty, a canal. a river, the Pennine Way passes through it, and there was a really good art exhibition in the Village Hall. Traffic was a bit busy because it was kicking out time for the Great Yorkshire Show at Harrogate. A quick dip into Tesco, a few bargains but I was too early for the last markdown at 7pm. Couldn't be bothered to wait, wanted to get home.

Pussies are fine, Janet looked after them as usual. Mayze was all over me, purring like a steam engine. I made a couple of videos on this trip, I'll get them onto yoootooob to see if they are any good. Now I have things to do so I'll sign out. Sorry, I have to keep the Comment Moderation on for a while longer, the spammers have found me so they need be filtered out and I can zap them before they start disrupting the smooth running of the blog.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Once again, it's been wonderful to join you on your travels. You have shared some beautiful photographs and it looks like you were blessed with good weather. I'm glad all was well on your return home.
    The viaduct was wonderful on our trip yesterday. X

  2. I have really enjoyed this Bimble. The scenery is gorgeous and no vandalism, that has to be good. I also would like to live there. Sadly here in Brighton the phone box wouldn't last five minutes.

    1. I know what you mean Briony,Here in Leicester it wouldnt either.And in London they are full of ....Errrm,Chat Line numbers.Debi,Leic,x

  3. Wow what an adventure. Great value on the B&B. Love the photo's so interesting.x

  4. It looks like you have had a great time!!,I love the way you stop off at different places,on your way there and back,to make every second count.I would love to be able to do this,but with my Hubby unable to walk far its impossible..Its a great feeling though when the cats see you and you know that they have been well looked after!.Thanks for letting us all share your journey!,Well,im starting to grow my own veg by using kitchen scraps up in stead of them going in the compost.Ive set onions,garlic, celery and im waiting for a potato to seed a bit more so that i can plant that.Ive now got a couple of flowers on my tomato plant at this hoping to get a couple of meals from them a great day everyone,Debi,Leic,x.

    1. You're on a roll girl and really enjoying it .I wish I had your energy- (I get burn out quite easily) good for you Debi x

    2. Hi Flis,oh ive got plenty of energy....well most days anyway!!,But i am restricted with what i can do,cause apart from 5 cats and Hubby with illness,its hard to do what i would really like to.I am a frustrated hippie,who gets by by playing 60s music,Motown n Jazz each day!!,Lol..Debi,Lei,x

  5. It all looks really beautiful. What lovely villages that are all kept so clean and pretty. I can't wait to see our cats when we have been away on holiday. One makes a big fuss and the other two just look at us as if to say "oh you're back are you?"

  6. That was a lovely holiday Ilona.The school chapel was beautiful.In fact all your photos captured a very beautiful place.Thank you x

  7. The painted plant pots are smashing. I've seen scarecrows done by villagers near here but never pots.

  8. What a lovely holiday and you have seen some really interesting places. Love the phone box cannot imagine anything like that round here it would soon be destroyed. You only have to put a promotion poster up and it is torn down, crumbled and thrown on the ground I cannot wait to move to a village. Enjoy the weekend and I bet your garden looks amaxing.
    Hazel c juk

  9. I'm very impressed by the preserve of phone booths. Sadly, in my place these booths have been vandalized, and then mostly eliminated by the authorities.

  10. Don't apologize for keeping the comment moderation on, like I said, I can only contact you when it's on. I love following your travels, how lucky you are to be able to take off at the drop of a hat. The scenery is beautiful, love the selfies, and the plant pots are great, glad to see a cat one. Round here our nearest small town has a scarecrow competition in various shop windows. Recently a friend of mine, together with her knitting/crochet group, did yarn bombing in a nearby village. They decorated bollards, did crochet spider webs on trees, tied knitted pictures to railings and made pom poms. Meanly, six of the bollard covers were stolen.
    I look forward to reading your blog Ilona, I love your attitude to life, the way you come across as content, happy and calm, a lovely lady. Jean.

    1. This happened in an area a few mile,from where i live,a local knitting shop,put knitted items on bollards outside the shops.The estate agents had their knitted house....and it was lovely with a lot of detail gone into it,nicked after a couple of of their staff had forgotten to take it in.I would love to ask the idiots.....Why??? and what do they get out of nicking it...Debi,Leic,x

    2. Where I live,we had a tree decorated by local knitters-it looked lovely.It wasn't yobs who spoiled it all,but the council made them remove their knitting ,saying it was damaging the tree x

  11. Ilona, I'm in awe of you: you have such verve and passion for living. You squeeze every drop from life's adventure (to mix my metaphors!).

    I have no doubt that I will be reading about your travels, crafts, pets and tips for simplicity and frugality until you are well past your hundredth birthday.

    Thanks to your example, I have started walking every day and am sorting out my diet. Thank you so much.

  12. Love that phone box with the art exhibition inside.
    Eilidh x

  13. Looks like a lovely area for a wee holiday. Karen

  14. Beautiful photos. The potted plants add so much charm. I love reading about your travels.

  15. Beautiful Miss I! I love the store fronts. And the building was stunning. It is a joy to tag along with you on your walk-a-bouts. :)

  16. What a lovely, lovely trip. Thanks so much for sharing it!

  17. I so love seeing your photos and hearing about the things you see. Clever use for the old red phone box, too. Happy weekend!

  18. How lovely :) and yes your getting good at selfies :) xx

  19. Really enjoyed all your photos!

  20. Lovely pictures. We are currently doing up our local telephone box to use as a local information/history and meeting point. We have a FB book (Ripponden K6 Community Telephone Box) and I would love to share your pics on here (with credits of course) if you would not mind.

  21. Our village has adopted our red phone box for a lending library but it doesn't look as good as the gallery one in Settle. Loving all your pictures Ilona, glad you had a good time. Rae x

    1. Ours was used as a library. But we decided it needed a bit of TLC and a new use :-)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.