Sunday, 13 August 2017

Art in the Pen at Skipton

Hello. Just popping in with a few piccies. I had a day out today at Skipton. Art in the Pen is an art and crafts event held in the Auction Mart, the place where they usually sell livestock. It's an ideal venue for it, plenty of room in the big shed, and parking for 500 cars outside. There were 195+ exhibitors, the entrance fee was £3, and a brochure was included in the price. Quite a good deal I thought. It was rather a long way to go for a day, should have made it two days really. I didn't decide to go until last night, so I left it a bit late to get organised. No matter, I had a good day. 
I'll do a longer post tomorrow, I'm too tired now. I met some smashing people, had some great chats, everyone was very friendly. There was all kinds of art and crafts. Here's a few of them, more tomorrow,

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. didn't know about this one. I know that there is a woolfest there at the end of September. don't think I will get to it. I will be going to the needlecraft and quilt show at Harrogate in early September

  2. Looks like an interesting event. I'm guessing your grey matter is busily processing and planning, fired up by an inspiring event. Looking forward to whatever you come up with next. Karen

  3. Looks like it was worthwhile going all that way, I would have loved it.

  4. I wondered if one of the pictures on photo number 4 was yours Ilona.Looks a great place to visit x

  5. I love Skipton, though it's been 35 years since I've been in person :)

  6. Looks like a wonderful time!

  7. I love browsing round these sort of places.Although i dont really buy much but it gives you lots of ideas that you can do yourself.Theres a place called Makers Yard in Leic,that has these sort of days every so often,and although alot of things are a bit out my pricerange,i did get a few bargains.2 handmade key rings that were only £1 each,which i gave as gifts.Also a bag of bits of vintage material for £1 and a second hand book,in great condition for £1.The book is 101 ways to customize your clothes,which gave me ideas for useing the bits of vintage material...I like my clothes to look different and offs as such!,..Ive got an old Levi jacket,about 30 years old and did a design on that.They sell the same things in Brighton,call them Festival jackets and charge about £140!!.Glad that you had a nice day!,Debi,Leic,x

  8. Very inspiring exhibition. There's not much in the arty line where I am, very frustrating as there are several disused buildings in my town that could be turned into an arts centre.


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