Saturday, 12 August 2017

Because I'm frugal

Hello. Many people are under the impression that being tight, mean, stingy, a skinflint, a tightwad, and all the other names that we frugalers get labeled with, means that we never spend any money. Let me expel that myth now. While a few do die with thousands, even millions stashed away, in the main, frugal people do spend money. I and many others watch their pennies, prioritize what their needs are, and have a game plan. My plan is to save some of my pension so I have enough to spend on what is important to me. I watch my outgoings, and I keep money aside. I have holidays, I have pets to pay for, I have a car which needs updating from time to time. And now I have spent a little bit on making my life more comfortable while sitting at my desk working on this computer. 
My first office chair was a cheapo one, as cheap as you can get, it was ok for a while. Then my last boyfriend, erm, fiftteen years ago, crikey, was it that long ago, had a fancy office chair. I loved it and wanted one, but couldn't afford to buy one. He gave me his old one which was broken but I managed to repair it. I used that for a long time. Then I came across a bit better one, a friend was selling it for £5. That is the one I have been using right up until this morning. 
On Thursday I thought stuff it, I have been managing with second hand, now I have some money saved, and I can afford a brand spanking new one.
Ha ha, look at the difference. That £1 mesh back support has worked well, I couldn't have sat in that chair for very long without it. I have one in my car and it's ace. Now I have plenty of back support with the new chair. It's the bees knees, eh!

Oh dear, the downside is that I will be tempted to spend even longer at the computer, when I should be outside. Never mind, the novelty will wear off eventually.

It's Saturday, it's the weekend, now I really must get on with things. Thank you for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. This is not a frivolous buy, you need it and you want it and it's your money to spend. I think a very wise purchase which will last you for years and I suspect you have a plan to turn the old chair into something else! Amanda

  2. It's lush. ...I don't have a desk I use a table but have been keeping my eyes out when I go for a "Womble " no doubt someone someday will put one by the kirb lol. X

  3. What a lovely chair, looks really comfy, we bought good quality computer chairs one for us and one for son. When you are thrifty like you and I on other things doesn't hurt to buy something new now and then.

  4. That is super duper Ilona.You need a good supportive chair for your back-posture I think is so important.I also scrimp on many things and then I'm able to splash out on what is important to me.If I wasn't careful most of the time I wouldn't be able to though.You are a great source of help Ilona - thanks and enjoy your luxurious gorgeousness-you deserve it x

  5. Nice chair and yes a very good use if your money. I do enjoy your blog. Thanks for all the great tips.

  6. That looks so comfy!!,Its great to treat yourself now and again! I know what you mean about being frugal..At least we can buy what is needed for a comfortable life and also experience days out,weekends away and holidays that others moan that they cant afford cause they dont lead our frugal lifes!!.We had a new leather settee and recliner chair last year cause with my hubby being disabled the old one was causing his back to hurt.So we had no problem buying one because of our lifestyle.A girl with 2 kids,whos hubby had left her without much,had our old one and its still going strong almost a year.So like we say,its a win win situation.Hope your all enjoying your Saturday!,Debi,Leic,x

  7. Congrats on the lovely and useful new chair! And thank you for making the excellent point that one of the huge goals, and benefits, of being frugal is being able to buy what you want! For my husband and I, we are retired and love to take long motorcycling vacations. We have various all-used motorcycles and when we travel we stay in motels....being frugal allows us to have a wonderful life, the bikes we love and the travel experiences. Not possible if we had a different "normal" lifestyle of excess.

    1. Exactly Hilogene-A ''normal lifestyle''- spending on stuff which I think,we are led to believe will bring us happiness,doesn't - it's boring x

  8. A good chair is really necessary when sat at a desk. I was a typist for over 30 years and always appreciated good swivel chairs. Due to cutbacks though in the NHS the chairs we latterly ended up with were rubbish.

  9. You use your money wisely to enhance your life! That's a lesson you are teaching many people. Well done! JanF

  10. Your purchase is the whole point in being frugal!

    All of us have champagne tastes with beer or in some cases, water budgets. Knowing how to get the most out of every penny just makes good financial sense. The only requirement is doing it cheerfully, nobody likes a grouch. In fact, you don't even like yourself when you are a grouch.

  11. Congratulations on getting a nice new comfy chair it will last you for years. Yes if we don't watch our pennies how can we treat ourselves occasionally, I to watch my pennies so I can go out with my friends and gave the occasional coffee out, like today we went to an embroiders guild exhibition that was free - they did not even have a donation box - it was held in a lovely manor house, we took a lunch picnic but dud buy a coffee which I really enjoyed for I don't do it very often, but we sat in beautiful gardens and had a good natter and the little cafe made a few pennies. Have a good weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  12. Hello:) Your new chair is fab! My son has one like it and he absolutely loves it. I think it makes him spend more time at the computer, too! It will be great to cozy up in during the winter months. All the best to you from California!

  13. You said it sister, you are frugal on the things that don't matter (like paying full price for groceries and paint) so you can spend money on the things that matter to you - like a comfortable chair that will see thousands of hours sat in. Or lovely walking holidays that keep your mind, and body fit and happy.

  14. When we first had a big computer in a cubby hole for children to do school stuff on we got a cheap chair from argos or somewhere similar. It lasted about 2 years before the back snapped right off! Then Col brought an old one home from work that was being chucked out and that lasted for 15+ years. And now we have lap tops and sit on a comfy chair to work but your chair is a super-douper one....... should see you out!!

  15. Now that's a chair! Looks like the kind of chair to run an empire from (or write a blog from). You had me fooled Ilona, I thought it was going to be a joke unboxing. Like a Poundland purchase in a flat screen TV box. Silly me, Karen.

  16. A very worthwhile spend. You're investing in yourself and your own wellbeing and quite right too! It's a lovely chair.
    J x

  17. This is a great investment. Good posture and supporting your back and neck whist sitting at the computer is really important. Kristel

  18. You have hit thrift spot on with this post.I'm having a grocery challenge this month for just myself, knowing we have a weekend away for our anniversary in the fall, college day trips and perhaps a few overnight with my daughter, and savings fingers crossed, a bit trip next summer with all three f our kids. I'll gladly brown bag every day in exchange for picnic lunches in a marvellous vacation spot with all five of us on vacation next year. I hope you enjoy the chair.

  19. Oh dear Ilona.....Its just occured to me,that the new chair looks so comfy,that if it belonged to me,i would prob go to sleep in it!! for us lot who do depend on your blogs,...I think you should put an alarm clock on it...because,we need you each day!!,Love all these blogs!!,Hope all your Saturdays are going great and looking forward to a nice Sunday,Debi,Leic,x

  20. A lovely posh chair, I wish you hours of enjoyment sitting in it Ilona:)

  21. Love the chair Ilona and it's a thoroughly deserved treat. I agree frugality means having the choice to splurge and really enjoy it.

  22. That chair looks so comfy I could imagine that you could drop off in it. lol

  23. It's lovely - great boyfriend gives you an old broken chair - no wonder you are not with him!! Glad you got a lovely chair - thanks for sharing the surprise- looking forward to seeing what your up to tomorrow.

    1. Sorry, I should have worded that differently. He was going to throw the old chair out, and I asked for it, said I could repair it. It is now at last going to get dumped.

  24. Oh it looks so comfy. I'm sure you will enjoy it for a long time.
    Like you said, frugal doesn't mean not spending money at all, it means spending wisely.

  25. My office/ desk chair was a freebie and I have had it many years now. It is black ,has arms which I love, and the arms and height adjust. I do have a special back support on it and a stool under my desk to rest my feet on. I spend quite a bit of time sitting in it reading your blog every day (thanks for blogging) amongst others. I also work at my horse pedigrees for quite a while. I try not to slump too much.

  26. Ilona - I have 3 of these chairs - we sit in them all the time (not literally) and not just when using the pc - they really are comfy and great when you need a nap :)

  27. To me, that is THE reason for frugality - to have money for the things that are meaningful or delightful to you. I know this chair will also probably last you a lifetime given how well you look after things. There is a stupid myth out there that frugal people are living like poverty-strickters (I made that label up, sorry!) as you know it just is so wrong.

  28. oh dear, I wouldn't dream of being so rude and nosey as to ask how much, grin,

    have finally seen you post something at which I can actually save more than you ...(that is tough, since you are good at it...)


    I had been using a very old, bought on super discount sale, very split covering with much tape holding it together....

    I was at a local charity shop with a friend to take a donation, to the "back door" (as one is supposed to....

    The back door was very late opening...someone hadn't showed up for work..

    as we waited, my friend and I chatted with a man who had brough a few things down...

    one was a chair. I SWEAR it looks exactly like yours. Exactly.

    I was surprised he was donating what looked to be brand new..He said.."oh bought it for my son, he didn't like it, told us to get rid of it"...

    I hesitated for about ten seconds (during which the door still hadn't opened...)

    then I asked if he would like to sell it. He did "like". and for a pittance...latterly.

    I was/am totally thrilled. I think it is my best bargain to date.

    1. Well done for asking, and getting a bargain. You were in the right place at the right time. Mine was £100, so you beat me by miles.

    2. Thank you...yes.... I had to be "brave" to I thought he would think it odd...but...

      I felt bad after I posted, as then I worried maybe you would think I was sort of butting in, talking about this deal on the same (I think) chair...
      very glad it seems to have been ok.

      I paid about one tenth of your cost. And, yes it is a lovely chair. The man told me it had likely only been sat in twice. Imagine (can you, I cannot), buying something new like this, and chucking it after sitting in it twice. I was rather flabbergasted...(but very glad).

    3. Maybe also donate to the charity to celebrate your good luck? Sharon

    4. Sharon...
      have done so, many times. I was also there at the time "donating"..

  29. Glad to see you treated yourself to something nice. You deserve to be comfortable, you worked hard for it.

  30. So very true Mean Queen. We frugal types don't waste money, rather, save and spend it on what's important to us.

  31. I'm with you on this. The chair represents a good purchase as you will look after it and keep it in good condition probably for the rest of your life. I love being frugal, the thrill of a true bargain which meets a planned need or necessity is the best bit. I don't need to be frugal but by being so I can live a comfortable happy life and help my family as well.

  32. I like your new office chair. I got one for Christmas...husband and I had been at Office Depot and looked at a few things. Found a chair I really liked. Yep, that's what I want for Christmas. Waited til Black Friday and it went on sale. He bought it for me! It is much more comfy than other one that was free from his work some years ago. I really enjoy sitting in mine as well as it's so much more comfy than my recliner, that was free as well, from friends. Being frugal is good and I watch me dollars too. Ordered items online that were sale. Even a couple sweaters...done, no more ordering....until a fundraiser came up. Still not ordered anything yet. Keep up the money saving! Happy week!

  33. It's good to have supportive chairs and seating in general to protect your back. Enjoy!

  34. I have had two computer/desk chairs. Both were given to me. I let a bf borrow one about 15 years ago, and when we broke up, I did not bother getting it back. Before I lent it to him, a guy gave me one being discarded by the military, a great chair. When I got a laptop, I quit sitting at the table in my computer room. I sat in a comfortable chair in front of TV with feet up. So, I gave the really good chair to present bf. I have yet to buy a But, yours is prettier and probably much better! I cannot stand to spend money on things over and over, like food and tp. However, by being thrifty we can both afford some things we want and need that are more durable than food. That chair looks like it has great back support.


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