Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Rescue a dog, don't buy one.

Hello. The elderly gent lost his dog a while back, it was poorly and was expected. He used to walk the dog every day, it was sad to see it going downhill. He was obviously devoted to it. I felt so sorry for him that he would have to face up to the fact that his companion wouldn't be around for much longer. Then I didn't see him around for a long time, the dog had obviously gone. 
Months later he was out and about again, with a new companion. I rushed out to speak to him. Doggy is from a rescue, he is elderly and needs medication which the rescue pays for. At first he had the dog on trial like fostering, to see how he got on with it. As you can see he needs a frame to assist his walking. 
Now months later all is well, the dog has settled nicely and now I see them out every day. The man has a new lease of life, it has given him something to look forward to. He can often be seen chatting to people. 
For me this is what village life is about, walking around the streets meeting your neighbours, and quite often their dogs as well. Next time someone tells you they are going to get a dog, please tell them to look in a rescue. There are all kinds of dogs waiting for a home.

Noel Fitzpatrick, the Supervet has just done five programmes on Channel 4 called Animal Rescue Live. They are all on 4od. This is the link to see them, but beware you will need tissues. I'm not sure if this is available outside the UK.
Animal Rescue Live.

A short video about Noel.

Right, I'm off out to walk Jade, she's a lurcher/greyhound, a gentle girl. Busy day today, so I'll leave you to it. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. My partner, who doesn't live with me, is on the look out for the right rescue doggy for me. I'm optimistic, love this post too.

  2. This touched my heart Ilona. I completely agree with you.

  3. The best thing we did was get our beloved dog from a rescue home, she was on the streets un-collared and un-chipped and caught by the dog catcher. We've had her for 15 years and she's still going strong, a bright, happy, little girl who is the centre of our family. I would urge anyone looking for a pet to try the rescue homes first; before we could take her the home was thorough in that we had to take our other dog to meet the new one and the home insisted on her being spayed before we could bring her to ours. It has been 15 years of happiness on both sides. Amanda

  4. We have a rescue dog had her a month now and she is brilliant. I was unsure about having a dog from a rescue but would not hesitate now.

  5. What a coincidence that this is your post today - this weekend in many of the larger cities in the US is an annual event called Clear the Shelters. It is heavily promoted by local TV stations, and many (if not all) shelters are waiving adoption fees in an effort to find homes for as many rescued animals as possible. We were discussing last night going to several of them to see if we could find a playmate for our beloved cat, Audrey. There are so many adorable kitties out there!

  6. How lovely to see this man with a new dog, both of them enjoying their lives...

  7. What a lovely heart warming story. So glad the gentleman got another companion and so glad for the elderly dog to. We had 2 dogs (lost them 8 years ago and don't think we will ever get over them). One was a terrier from the rescue home, he was 11 months when we got him and over 17 when he died. Other other dog we found wandering the streets in a distressed state. We actually found her another home but because she got on so well with the terrier and our other animals (3 cats and rabbits) I could not bear to part with her. Never knew exactly how old she was but we had her 13 years. Although I have loved all my animals, I can honestly say that this stray dog that fate led us to was the love of my life - she was just meant to be with us.

  8. A friend's Mum has just got herself an elderly rescue dog. She's in her late 70s. They are having a ball!

  9. Lovely story. We have always had rescue animals and find it so rewarding - Adopt don't Shop! SueM

  10. That programme was wonderful - I watched all 5 episodes. Rescue dogs desperately need homes - it's where I would go once I persuade our cat to have a doggy friend.

  11. Aww, that is sweet. Animals can enrich your life so much. All of mine have been rescued. What's the point of spending hundreds on pedigree creatures when the rescue centres are full of lovely animals looking for homes?

  12. What Ho Ilona!
    We're on our fourth rescue dog and we have loved and enjoyed them all. The first two came together and hadn't been badly treated, but were too much of a handful for the original owners, the eldest was six years old and the youngest two years old. Next came our rescue dog from Crete. The Irish Setter Rescue were starting a new scheme with the Greek Animal Rescue and because we'd had two rescue dogs wondered if we would help them by taking one on. Apparently in Greece and the Greek islands when it is the holiday season they 'cleanse' the streets, which means they put poison down for all the stray animals, cats or dogs, doesn't matter which. Anyway, our rescue dog was found wandering the streets and taken to an animal sanctuary. He was only about 18 months old, although no-one was sure how old he was, but they guessed at two years old. It was hard work with him at first because, obviously he didn't understand English, so basic commands like sit, here, etc he totally ignored. He was a lovely dog and we couldn't have had a better pet. We had him for nearly 13 years when he died so he must have been 15 years old. That was a very sad time. Very hard. Tears are welling up still.
    We are now on our fourth Irish Setter rescue and he came over from Ireland. The owners had split up and the wife couldn't cope with him, having two small children herself. I must admit he is a handful, but he was 18 months old so that's to be expected. Like all the others we've had he's lovely.
    I'm sure your friend will have great enjoyment, pleasure and love from his rescue dog.

    Joan (Devon)

  13. You rescue a part of yourself when you rescue an animal. They bring so much more to your life than you can possibly imagine. Some day in the not too distant future we will hopefully be getting a Border Collie, from Border Collie Rescue to go with our current little rescue darling Mavis and her posh pup sister Suky.

    1. Thanks for the tip Sue. I hadn't heard of Border Collie Rescue. I love them and have been thinking of buying one when I retire in a couple of years time (we had one when I was younger and they are my favourites). However, now I know that you can adopt a Border Collie I will look there first. Anna

  14. I can understand when an owner has died,had to go in a home....but what gets me,is when a couple have...split up...,There is nothing that would make me part with my animals.Worst still is if they have been left in a place and both owners have gone...and just left them behind to fend for themselves.I knew of this situation,a few years ago.A kind neighbour,was feeding them,but couldnt take them in cause she had got 2 big dogs herself.She rang the rspca and was told to ....just leave them to their devices...and dont feed them!.I am so glad that your friend has found a friend for life.Love to them both,Debi,Leic,x

  15. Such a kind gentleman to take the dog into his home and care for him.I watched Supervet,it was so touching.I have 3 dogs,all from dog homes.The 4, I had previously also were.I sometimes wonder about their previous lives.One of them was very neglected -I did see that-one lived rough and I found him sleeping in a hedge in the snow one night-another needed to put on weight.I just think that even if I do nothing much else ,at least my doggies seem happy x

  16. That's just beautiful, and beautifully written too. A dog really is man's best friend. My cat is a rescue cat, and she's just lovely. The first time I went to a rescue was when we got her, and I was just completely blown away by the place. The love, care and dedication I saw there were heartwarming and heartbreaking. So I agree Ilona, rescue dogs and cats if you're getting a pet, Karen

  17. Our son found our little poodle wandering around, completely starving, covered in fleas and so overgrown, you couldn't tell which was the mouth end from the tail! We've had him about 10 years now, and he is getting very stiff, his eyes are a little cloudy but he still yells at the postman and enjoys a toddle round the village every day.

  18. Many years ago, one of my cats died. It took a few months before I knew I was ready to fill the hole. Went into a pet store that had an adoption centre. There was a beautiful silver tabby in one of the cages on the top row....just a stunner. I asked to look at him. I picked him up, looked into his beautiful eyes and there was nothing there...he seemed gormless. Not for me. As I put the very handsome (but I think a bit thick) lad back in his cage, a long black arm came out of the cage below and a paw tapped me on the leg. I bent down to see a black cat looking at me with bright eyes. I put my finger through the bars, he sniffed it, looked me in the face and then bit me! No question. I had found the right cat to fill that void.

    He was a character - loved wheelbarrow rides around the garden. We had years with him. my partner still has a t-shirt with holes in the shoulder put there by the cat.

    1. My top dog is a bit ''lively''too Traveller.I adopted him 12 years ago-he was 1 year old and had 2 homes before.When I met him he ran round the room jumping on tables and chairs.Even at home he climbed on the table for a long time and was a bit crazy and is a bit wild still but I wouldn't change a thing x

  19. So many animals in need of good homes. If I didn't live in a flat I would be glad to have a couple.


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