Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Summer flowers are looking nice

Hello. It's been a sunny day, I have a few garden pictures. I spent the afternoon mowing the lawns. First I have to trim around the raised beds, and all the edges, with shears. The flowers are looking lovely now. 

Ha ha, Heidi has curled up in a plastic bowl, doesn't she look cute. These bowls are usually full of rain water, but I have emptied them onto the garden because it hasn't rained for a couple of days. Need some more rain now.

Ha ha, she has moved to a smaller bowl. Can't curl up in that one.

The lawns back and front are neat and tidy once more. It's a big job, the brown bin is full of grass cuttings and won't be collected for another week.

I'm going to bed now. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I'm looking forward to spring, we're going through a very cold, wet snap in Australia right now, well my bit of Oz anyway.

  2. This looks absolutely stunning Ilona and must be lovely to enjoy from your summerhouse. It looks as though you've spent a lot of money on plants and seeds but I'm sure you'll have achieved this on a low budget. Kristel

    1. Not a lot, Kristel. Some I bought last year, some are bulbs that have come up again for the third time, and a few purchased to fill the gaps this year. I don't pay more than £2.50 per plant.

  3. Heidi looks sooo cute, even more cute in the little bowl. Apart from my own cats, we have a neighbour's cat who visits us. Once I brought some washing down in a bowl and left it on the floor whilst I did something, only to return to see our visitor fast asleep in the bowl. I just had to take a photograph, and then left him to enjoy his comfortable snooze. Jean.

  4. Hi I'm in Australia and I just love looking at your gorgeous photos and love reading your blog. You truly are an inspiration.
    Kindest regards Donna

    1. Hi Donna. Thanks for popping in, nice to meet you.

    2. Just love your posts. I think you are amazing and very level headed. Keep inspiring. Xx

  5. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing!
    J x

  6. the garden is looking very pretty. I like how the summer house is looking

  7. The flowers...infact your whole garden...looks beautiful.It must be so relaxing to sit there with a cup of coffee...or better still a cider!!.I love gardens and sit in mine whenever i can.Well,i hope the weathers better for you than what it is here.Its been raining all night and early this morning.......but wait.....ive just looked out and the sun is now shining!!.Well its sundress n wellies for me today then,lol,Debi,Leic,x

  8. Lovely to see your colourful garden. Do you still grown any edibles? I'm guessing not like me we can by them cheap enough.

    1. Hi. I had a few veg seeds last year so I scattered them, nothing came up. I haven't bought any more, so no veg this year either. As you say, I can buy veg cheap anyway.

      Growing veg was a good idea when I was skint, but I can afford to buy it now.

  9. Your garden looks fab, Ilona. Do you save the rainwater for watering the plants or is it for indoor use?

    1. Hi. I used to flush the downstairs toilet with rainwater, but I don't need to these days, I can afford the water bills. Collected rainwater now goes on the plants.

  10. Your garden is looking so colourful and I'll happily send you some Scottish rain because we've had enough now! Well done on all the hard work on making your garden glorious on a very limited budget-you show, yet again, that it can be done. Catriona

  11. Oh Ilona, I love your colourful garden, my darling Mum used to grow beautiful flowers when we were young, living in Gympie, a country town a few hours north of where I live now. I don't grow flowers or anything ornamental, we have very little rain and water is so expensive, so I grow fruit, veggies and herbs we can eat. I love to have a peak into your garden, it's so different from ours here in Australia. Have a lovely day.

  12. Love the flowers. Do you dig up the fushias for winter, pot them and keep them in the house like I do until the following year? Alternatively, do you buy new each year, or have you got a very sheltered garden and they survive outside over winter? Jean.

  13. Your garden looks incredible! The Summer house is so colorful and sweet. I just love it. I live in the desert of California. Everything there looks so happy and well watered. What a green thumb you have...

  14. Heidi is great fun -I didn't know cats sat in bowls ,but perhaps it's just Heidi x

    1. Hi Flis,my cats sit in bowls as well...and in shopping bags,clean washing,dirty washing,any mag or newspaper that you happen to have on your lap reading,my best velvet cushions,any chair that you leave to nip to the loo,on a glass frame i have just upcycled...infact any where apart from any cat beds i have bought them over the years,lol,Debi,Leic,x

  15. I love your gladioli! And what a charming shot of your summer house beyond the pink glads.
    Thanks for sharing these pictures.

  16. I was just browsing your photos again Iloma and had to ''double take''your 9th photo ''the little creature on the left looks like my teddy x

    1. It's a doggy solar light, the eyes light up in the dark.

  17. Beautiful flowers. You did a great job!

  18. Hi Ilona,

    Your garden and shed look so pretty, it's a joy to look at your pics. I guess you don't have groundhogs in GB like we do in the states. I lost most of my annuals including giant sunflowers, zinnias and hollyhocks that I'd grown from seed to a large one we call "Chuckie"

    You mentioned having your grass clipping and yard waste picked up--do you not compost those materials??

    Gail in New Hampshire.


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