Thursday, 18 January 2018

Inspiration from an art teacher

Hello. I went to town today, needed to pay a bill into the bank and pick up a few essentials from Aldi. I also had a bimble around a couple of charity shops, looking for a canvas or two, found one, 50p. I also found these items which looked interesting. This wire thing was 50p, not sure what it was in it's previous life, but I have an idea what it could be in it's next life. 
In the Scope shop I found a set of 12 chrome coasters, for just £1. There is something pleasing to the eye about a spiral. I have an idea for these as well.

My inspiration for these two projects comes from one of the bloggers on my side bar, so not strictly my idea. Cassie Stephens is an art teacher, she is just amazing, the kids must love her. This is her blog post which inspired me to find something I could yarn bomb. In fact if you love art have a look at her blog she has some great ideas. Here is the video she has put on her blog post.

I've just managed to eat this massive dinner, all good stuff. The carrots, peas, broccoli, potatoes, baby sweetcorn, and parsnips, all yellow sticker, with two eggs scrambled into it. A fabulous dinner and I'm stuffed.

Time to go and do my walk and check on Tina. She was ok when I popped in this afternoon but I think she is missing her mummy. I will take some sewing and sit with her for a while.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I watched Cassie's video & I have used the same frames to make wreaths with -I might have a go thanks Ilona.Today I called into small shop-nisa & got more reductions -a speciality cheese £4•57 for£1.I never used to think I'd get reduced items in small shops x

  2. Thank you Ilona for taking the time to sit with Tina x

    1. Yes, thanks Ilona, I'm sure it means everything to Tina to have some company x

  3. Thank god that there are people like you,that will take the time to look after this fur baby.Oh,if i hadnt got 5 cats myself,i would be asking to adopt her.I hope that she does find a loving home cause every animal deserves one.Has her owner not got any relatives that could have her?...although i soppose that you have already looked into that one.Thank you for what you are doing for her,Debi,x

  4. Hi Iona, Look what I just found! This has got to be the ultimate frugal art and so beautiful! Ruby Silvious paints on teabags.


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