Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Storage solutions on the cheap.

Hello my little Blogerettes, howz ya didlin? The snow has almost gone here in North Lincolnshire, I'm not sure about other parts of the country though, they have had more than us.

I've made a video for you, I got it just about right first time this time, no retakes, ha ha. What you see is what you get, no editing. It's about using what you already have to store bits and bobs in, rather than going out to the shops and buying containers. With the whole plastic thing in the news at the moment, and the plastic boxes stacked sky high in the shops, I thought I would do my bit to point out that actually you might already have something in the house to keep your nails/screws/threads, paint brushes, crafting bits and pieces and anything else, tidy.

Blimey, it's only been live for twenty minutes and already someone has viewed it. It's 16 minutes long by the way.

Right, I'm going for a little bimble, and will pop in to check on Tina puss cat. I am splitting my walks into two at 2 miles each, the house is on my route so I can call in twice a day as I am passing.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. It's great Ilona, I'm sure many people will take some very useful storage tips and ideas from you. Like you I don't pay for storage boxes and I reuse whatever comes my way, and like you say you can cut things down too. Thanks for putting the video on I love it, but I always enjoy watching your videos. Maggie xx

  2. Good message Ilona. Too much plastic everywhere that wont be recycled. I am trying really hard to reuse what I can. I really like your pretty tea light holders made from the jars. Nail varnish looks really effective on them.

  3. Great video Ilona, I really enjoyed it. Also may I add how glamorous your hair is looking, I’m a little jealous! Hope the furry ones are well,xxxxx

  4. We've still got the snow...and more to come!

  5. I'm very glad you did this video Ilona. I don't know what it is whether its people not realising that plastic lasts forever or they simply don't care when they go and buy more of the stuff. I read zero waste posts and often see the question 'what can I use instead of plastic?' The obvious answer is use the plastic that is in existence. Re-use!! I know that people like colour coordinated, matching things but as you say you can paint and cover what you have to your hearts content. I also like to re-use glass jars. They are fabulous for food storage. PS I love your art work on wall. Jane

  6. Hi Ilona. Another good video with good info on saving the planet. You are so right...too much plastic floating around. We all need to stop and just THINK! Be creative. Mostly I enjoy hearing your ACCENT! Don't fault me for that. It's like hearing my dad and Aunt again. I miss them. Have a good day. Patty Mc

  7. I use lots of odd things for storage especially little jars and the plastic containers that films came in.
    I have recently had to change my milkman and my milk is delivered in plastic bottles when I ask at the dairy why it was not delivered in glass bottles I was told that the plastic ones could be recycled and the glass bottles used a lot of chemicals to clean them so it was more environmentally friendly to use the plastic. I have started saving my bottles and will use them to sew my seeds later on. Hazel c uk

  8. Loved your video Ilona!,I do all this myself,but i think that its a great learning curve,for people who are trying to be frugal,but do not know how far you can go to save the planet.I know that it has made me more aware over the last year or so,to reuse,recycle and make use of what ive got.Today,id got an old frame,on the front of my house,that looked messy from old christmas things stuck to it.So,Ive got alot of things,...unusual bottle tops,plastic teddy,shells,old flower earings,bits of ceramics...all what ive found on the beach in Brighton.In stead of just keeping them in a box,Ive used a £1,Hard as Nails and redone the frame..and it looks great.Got some more things to add to it tomorrow!Debi,x

  9. I forgot to add on my last post..I hope that Tina is ok?,Debi,x

  10. I enjoyed your video Ilona very much.Plastic sometimes has an awful smell that effects my breathing.I used to be the same with some polyester materials.I really need to organize & contain my things from spreading throughout & muddling itself x

  11. Fantastic video. I do many of the same things I cover empty cereal boxes (sawed diagonally) with pretty paper and use jam jars and bottles so that I can see the screws etc I love your ideas.

  12. I also use various containers and tins for storage. I am a quilter so have all sorts of threads, embroidery skeins, beads etc so they are housed in tins, plastic pill tubs, sturdy cardboard boxes( from various gifts sets I've had over the years). But a very useful storage idea for spools of cotton and Perle threads is a plastic sweet jar. On a couple of occasions I passed a Sweet Shop and the owner had a stack of empty sweet jars outside for anyone to take. They would also be useful for flour or any dried pulses if you buy larger quantities.

  13. Such great tips, I will certainly be looking at some of my waste in a different light.

  14. Ilona,
    I do exactly the same things! I keep all tins and many of the plastic items for storage. I did buy one huge bin for Things a few weeks ago. plus, years ago, I bought plastic boxes to store earrings as I have dozens of pairs. I won't be replacing those soon, so I feel no harm. Otherwise, I buy nothing.

    I hate having my large bottle of instant tea to use everyday since I kept dropping it and breaking the plastic lid. I found an old plastic juice box that I never use. So, I put the powder in the flip top container.

    I drink iced tea. You are the first Brit I have ever heard of who did not drink hot tea, drinking coffee exclusively. I just don't drink coffee at all and nothing hot at all.

    About 35 years ago, I had a friend that had no home and I had no car. She lived with me and I drove her car to work. One day, she was sobbing because she had no money. I told her to take back the half-dozen floral cardboard storage boxes she had just purchased for storing her things. I suggested she use a plain cardboard box to store things. She took the boxes back, but years later after poverty, she still bought pretty things to store her stuff.

    Great video.

  15. Morning Illona
    Me and my husband have been sitting up in bed watching the excellent video and now have the urge to do a big tidy.
    Couple of things - I’m intrigued by the artwork in the background can you tell us about that’s?
    And off topic : Has everybody heard about the WARM HOUSE SCHEME easy to claim £140 back from your heating bills just need to be over 62 and household income of less than 16,190 and that’s it just claim through your energy company online - did ours last night - no strings attached re savings etc Ends 31/03/2018 - government initiative.

    1. Hi. The bottom one is a piece of my broken Ford Focus Estate that got smashed up a few years ago by a taxi driver who ran into the back of it. I picked it up off the road and brought it home, and painted it. The top one is a piece I got out of a skip at a car body repair place. They said I could help myself to anything I wanted.

      Thanks for the info about warm house. I've had a look on my suppliers web site, they say they don't do that scheme. It's a small not for profit company. They keep things as simple as they can to cut overheads.

    2. Oh they sound good I’ve signed up for another year now but I’ll remember that next year when my contract runs out. I don’t know how you think of all your art work ideas but I love them x jenette

  16. Some great ideas there.
    I keep my jewellery in a plastic cutlery tray in the bottom of my wardrobe (it's not precious). I always save glass jars - actually my collection is getting out of hand!! Luckily our son is getting married in the summer and future DIL is hoping to use some jars for crafting and turning them into tea light holders like yours to decorate the tables.

  17. Ilona, a few more good ideas. We've been using old plastic and empty Clover containers for years to freeze portions of food. We did laugh though when a couple of friends came over for supper and I wandered out to the freezer and came back with a couple of Clover containers (which had chilli con carne in); the look on their faces: they thought we were serving them butter! After the explanation they agreed it was a good idea. I do not ever have to buy again any plastic for storing food. Amanda

  18. Thanks for the video Ilona. I wonder how long it took you to put everything away!

    We use ice-cream boxes (yes, we occasionally buy ice-cream) for storage, some of them I have had for years and years. I also use old beakers for pens, paper clips, small screwdrivers etc. We have a lovely one from a famous garden, which I use for toothbrushes and paste.

  19. I just have to say that I have been reading your blog for years, but never commented before. I think you are such an interesting person with a noticeable joy for life. keep up the great work in your blog. manda.

  20. I have a particular ice cream tub that's been my lunch box for years. On the lookout for something aesthetically pleasing to store Louis' Xbox games in. xx


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