Thursday, 5 April 2018

Getting the summer house ready for summer.

Hello. So what have I been doing today? Got the dyson out and cleaned up the scattered cat litter, Heidi gets a bit too enthusiastic with her scratching. Ken came round for a natter and a coffee. Then I went to the pop up post office in the church to pay my Council Tax. I paid for two months because I am five days late. Sorted all the change out in my purse, paid some of it with 1p's 2p's, 5p's, and 10p's.

Called in at Janet's to give her a tray I found in a skip. Then did a two mile walk. Had a cheese sandwich for lunch. This afternoon was spent outside in the garden. I emptied the car of the floor coverings I got out of a skip. Rain has been getting into the summer house, the roof is leaking, so I sorted that out. Found a piece of heavy duty plastic sheeting in the garage, and it did the job nicely of covering the joins in the roof. Some of the carpet has got wet so I have thrown that out. Now I need to cover the floor with the vinyl. Another job for another day.

The garden is still boggy and the grass is growing, but it's too wet to mow at the moment. I can see me spending more time in the garden when the weather starts getting better. Today has been lovely and warm, we need more like that. The summer house needs cleaning inside, doors need wiping down or repainting. There are lots of jobs to do to get everything looking good.

Thank you all for putting your name in the box when you send a comment, it helps me to sort through them a lot quicker. I am still getting lots of junk, but now when I see Anonymous it gets zapped straight away. I was talking to a friend the other day and he said he has dumped Instagram because he was getting tons of messages from people on the other side of the world who pretend to be friends with him. That's the type of thing I am getting here, they are basically crooks who want to rip you off. Be very wary of the wolves in sheeps clothing. They are con merchants.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Seeing as though you have a load of vinyl i thought i would let you know that i roofed wood store i built from pallets with vinyl four years ago. Its still going strong and is much better than roofing felt. Just trimmed it and fastened it with galv nails.

  2. Evening Ilona

    You have been a busy little bee today - make hay while the sun shines! I also have been out in the garden (as well as clearing out the greenhouse). Picking up lots of leaves on the stones. Have done some, but still more to do. I try to do some each day and after about a week, it looks nice again. We live on a road where lots of tractors transport hay, so what with that AND the leaves from the shrubs in the garden, plus trees from the street, it's a lose-lose situation. :-) Still, it's a good excuse to get outside and do some exercise.


  3. Not sure if I have followed your instructions correctly. I am currently looking at having my shed double glazed. Have had a wood burner fitted which is ace.

  4. I've been in the garden this afternoon with the dogs.They have been sunning themselves whilst I worked.This week I found a modern garden chair on a tip which possibly would cost over £20 new x

  5. I would say that you're clearly motivated by this glorious weather but as you're always on the go that can't be true! Isn't it grand to see sunshine.

  6. Any way to get on top of your summer house and caulk the seams and an nail or screw holes? There is also a product called EternaBond but it is expensive!

  7. One of the anonymous comments I got yesterday was about hate towards Jewish people. I can not fathom the mind behind that sort of vitriol. Glad it’s working out well for you. I shudder when I see weird comments and spam.

  8. There is some nasty people out there. They are obviously very insecure about themselves to his behind a computer spouting utter rubbish. Looking forward to seeing your summer house update.

  9. It's still very cold here though at last the sun came out today.

  10. We had enuf rain today that a puddle appeared in our side lawn next to patio. I hope I can do some planting Sat but a storm is coming in. Sigh! I've found a few free items that defective or old and out of our system at hardware store where I work. One flower pot and a bag to put a plant's root ball in..that bag is used in my kitchen to hold bags of chips. Better than a paper bag. And cleaning items. Glad you found items you could use as well. One man's trash is another man's treasure!

  11. What a busy bee, enjoy the weather Ilona x

  12. I've been getting some strange comments, but they never get published, there are some strange people out there.

  13. I am so looking forward to when i can get out into the garden and finish off what Ive been starting in between the rain coming down.I can never seem to get a full day out there without the weather changing.Ive got a life long friends funeral today so its going to be a sad day for us as a Family because we all knew him so well...But he really made us laugh so many,many times over the years on holidays and outings,so Im going to remember all the happy times we all spent together and try and smile for him.Hopefully,tomorrow will be a better day..Hope you all have a great weekend!,xx

  14. So sorry about the loss of your friend, Ilona. Saying "good-bye" is never easy in fact I think it's harder the older we get. Believe me, I have bid farewell to quite a few family and friends in the last five years. What makes it bearable is looking back on the success of their lives and the happiness that they brought to others while they were here. Bless you and your friend,
    Gail :)

    1. I just had to read this post again, I am a bit baffled. Which friend have I lost? Confused.

  15. Am curious do persons "from the other side of the world", rip you off when they post as anonymous? Are these folks trying to hack your site to steal your "clicks"? Just curious, don't know much about this ...

    1. Hi. No it's more sinister than that. You've heard of confidence tricksters, con men and con women, the internet is full of people wanting to scam gullible and vulnerable people into parting with their money. You've seen it in the papers, lonely people taken in by someone who pays them attention, makes them feel good so that they believe everything the scammer tells them. Then the crunch comes, they beg for money for whatever reason, please help me, send me money for a ticket to England, or my mother is ill and needs an operation, etc etc.

      It all starts with a friendly message, they send out thousands all done automatically at the click of a mouse. I am getting the same comments over and over again, they want to make contact with me. Someone somewhere will respond and then they will start to build a relationship on that. I will not respond to any of them, I do not want to engage in a conversation with them. I do not know whether they are male or female, not that it matters, they can pretend to be whatever they like. Be very careful about total strangers wanting to be your friend on the internet, when you know nothing about them.

    2. ah....And, yes, you are so correct....Be very careful about total strangers wanting to be your friend (on the internet OR otherwise). Have had some close calls. Also, have found if the front office staff of "professionals" (Doctors/etc) are to kissy assed friendly, it (in my sad experience) has been a huge red flag that something is "off" about the Professional (Doctor/Dentist, etc). Have had a couple of experiences where the front staff was like this, and the professional in question was borderline incompetent/incompetent....

      Now that I think about it...I suppose someone could use your site/site like yours, to get to "sounding familiar and friendly" to lots of folks, and then use that goodwill as a jumping off place...

  16. Or you could do as James Veitch does in his TED Talk on how to respond to scammers/ scammers.absolutely hilarious!


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