Friday, 6 April 2018

On the bus to Hull.

Hello. I felt like going out today, so I drove to Barton, left my car there and went on the bus to Hull, thus saving the bridge toll, and the hassle of battling through the traffic. On the way there I stopped off close to the banks of the Humber and went scavenging for stones along the beach. Not really a beach, you couldn't sun bathe there, I picked up a few of varying sizes, tomorrow I will wash them. The boat is on it's way back out to sea, after discharging it's load further inland, it's moving quite quickly through the water. 
The Open Exhibition at Ferens art Gallery was the main reason for me going to Hull. It's only on for two more weeks, and I wanted to see it before it closed. Last years Open was very good, but in my opinion this one wasn't as good. Hardly any textile art, was that why mine wasn't chosen, and not much to get excited about either, so not many photo's. This patchwork quilt wall hanging was lovely.

Gawd knows what this is about, but it was big and bright and cheerful.

An atmospheric woodland painting, has an air of mystery about it.

Dotty painting is very popular, there are lots of videos on yoootooob about how to paint mandalas.

This was quite interesting close up. It was painted onto embossed wallpaper. Very clever I thought. Not a good photo because it's behind glass.

I liked this pile of things wrapped in wool and fabric. Looks like a pile of toffees. Mostly round balls with some square shaped objects, hard to tell what is underneath the wrapping.

I had a quick look around Hull, but soon got fed up, I have seen it all before. There is supposed to be a lot of graffiti art but I couldn't find it so I gave up and went back to the bus station.

It's the weekend, so enjoy yourself whatever you are doing. I shall be pottering around the house and garden, doing something arty and crafty. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. The top painting looks like a very large vacuum tube to suck up all the unnecessary 'stuff'that people own and shoot it into a "black hole " what a good idea.
    So nice that the weather was lovely on your day trip, hope you got some inspiration while you were traveling.

  2. I love how you visit lots of places I am familiar with, it's a little taste of my homeland. Also love your choice of art piece photos. Stunning.

  3. Like the painting on the wallpaper...a lot! xx

    1. It was lovely. It reminded me of when I stitched into the back of a piece of William Morris fabric and made another picture.

  4. have you been down to the foreshore at North Ferriby theres all manor of interesting bits and pieces washed out of the Victorian dumps

  5. AAARRGGHH i meant south ferriby

    1. That's where I got them from. If you look at the boat I said it is going back out to sea, pointing to the right, towards Hull. That tells you I was on the South Bank.

  6. My favourite is the top patchwork quilt one called This is where I live.I think its lovely and would love to be able to do something like that.Ive never been to Hull...well only once,about 35 years ago and that was just to board a North Sea crossing boat to Belgium.Straight off the coach and onto the ship with no chance to look around.Well the weekends here and Im going to try and make full use of it! I still feel a bit drained after the funeral yesterday but all went well and todays a new day so I going to try and do something reading blogs for the next couple of hours,lol.A couple of coffees and then im out in the garden doing a bit of digging and planting some more kitchen scraps.Last week I came across an old pop up tent so Im going to try using that as a mini greenhouse...Ill let you know how I get on with that one,lol.xx

  7. Are you aware it's illegal to remove pebbles or stones from a beach or beside any waterway in the UK? Google it. Lots of people have been fined for only removing a couple of pebbles.

    We wouldn't like to see you in trouble!

  8. The Hull Banksy is at the junction of Wincolmlee and Scott St, the other artworks are in the same area now called Bankside (along the riverside). It’s about 20 mins walk from Ferens, well worth a look next time!

    1. Thank you Alison. I suppose I should have asked, but I would have expected to see some street signs about it now that people are becoming more interested. I'll have a look next time I am there.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.