Saturday, 19 May 2018

Last pics from Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Hello. That was one humdinger of a wedding wasn't it, what a happy day for everyone. 
As promised I have a few more pics from my visit to the Sculpture Park on Wednesday. This is called Black and Blue : The Invisible Men and the Masque of Blackness. the artist is Zak Ove. There are 80 sculptures set out in straight rows, 10 x 8. Have a look at the YSP web site for more information, there is a short video. It finishes on the 3rd of June. 

If you have ever tried to untangle a ball of string take a look at this instillation by the artist Chiharu Shiota. Huge bales of string were brought in to make this. The Chapel is the perfect setting for it. The string had to be wound into smaller balls which were then thrown over wires suspended across the space high up, almost into the ceiling. It was then woven into a massive spiders web filling the whole room.

It was just fabulous. The video on the YSP web site tells of how it came about. Well worth a look.

Outside the Chapel is Ai Weiwei's Iron Tree. It's been here for a while., I've seen it before. Have a look at this page, lots of photo's from 2014.

Time for me to move on and leave the park and go for a little bimble. I headed off down a footpath and through a wood, and did a circular walk back to the car to finish the day off.

It was a lovely day out. I called in Tesco just after 7pm but they hadn't yet put the last yellow sticker on. I picked up a few items but didn't want to hang around, I wanted to get home.

It's been a lovely day today, sunny and hot, just right for a wedding. I have mowed the lawn, now I'm going out to do my walk. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Thank you for sharing your pictures they are just wonderful, as was the wedding. I think it was the best Royal Wedding I have seen, or maybe I just appreciate the goodt things that happen in the world compared to watching the nightly news which is a big report of mainly not so nice stories. I also like a good love story and Harry and Meghan certainly got that bit right. Lisa W. Tasmania, Australia.

  2. I thought the Shiota- Beyond Time was beautiful x-

  3. That string sculpture is beautiful-also a bit eerie-just fascinating.

  4. Really enjoying seeing your photos. Some the same but from different view points, some that I missed and some I loved but you've not chosen. Most interesting; really do hope to go there again.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.