Friday, 29 June 2018

Dogs in the sunshine.

Hello. Another scorcher today, they say we are going to have another week of hot sun. Not much to do in the garden because nothing is growing. 
A lovely start to the day with my two little pals, it's my turn to take these two for a walk. Bailey poodle, and his girlfriend Maisie. Trying to get them both to look at me at the same time, oh well, best take two photo's then. Coooeeeee, look at me. They walk so well together. Maisie is a little sweetheart. 
We saw people to talk to, and I found two pairs of spectacles which I handed in at the shop.

I've just scoffed this for my lunch. Veggie burger, Quorn nuggets, oven chips, iceberg lettuce, potato salad, beetroot, pickled onions, and a slice of bread. That will keep me going.

I could do with going shopping, if I can be bothered. Not out of food just yet, but I might make what I have last a bit longer. Might go tonight, might be a spur of the moment decision. I'll sign off now and get on with some sewing. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You babies are just precious! I can never get a picture of mine altogether! It is also very hot here. I don't get out much in the heat but I do have to go out and water the plants and take care of the animals. Try to stay cool!

    Grace & Peace,

  2. I often stand there like a demented idiot calling the cats to look at me for a photo. Of course, they don't.

  3. Ilona: Pardon my ignorance, but according to Amazon Alexa, she says that it is 71 deg Fahrenheit where you are right now (that would be about 22 C?) - is that hot for you? I am outside of Philadelphia, and they are forecasting close to 100 deg F for several days this week. These summer days can be brutal! Thanks!

    1. Where I am right now, at 5pm, according to the Met Office, it's 23C, and yes, that is hot for me.

    2. Stay cool, then, and thanks!

  4. I have discovered that there are four types of cat when it comes to photographs. One will happily look into the camera, one will look into the camera and then turn and look away just as you click. Then there is the one who won't even look at the camera at all, and finally, the little darling who looks at you and then walks towards the camera to see what you want ! Love them all.:-)

  5. It is very hot where I am, was in the eighties today. I love the heat and am making the most of it getting out and about. Dogs must feel it a great deal as they can’t take their coats off! I wish I could still eat beetroot and pickled onions but have had to abandon them as they are too strong for my digestive system nowadays,

    1. It's a bit too hot for me but I do know what you mean by not being able to tolerate certain foods; as I've got older I find 'heavy' foods i.e. red meat and pies too much (no bad thing) so do not eat them anymore. I do love the summer salads and am very happy with numerous combinations, my favourite being a green salad with cottage cheese and prawns.

  6. Those foggies are very cute. I walk mine but try to stay out of the heat.I am sorry to say but I don't like the heat but luckily my house is quite cool inside.I've been pleased to find lots of yellow stickers at Tesco and Co op -I was thrilled. I've eaten various unusual things- all vegetarian x

    1. Good for you in finding those bargains, I visited my local co-op and they were selling 500g of blueberries at a REDUCED price of £1.34! I walked on. When I need to go shopping it will be back to Aldi.

  7. Adorable dogs Ilona! So cute!Your dinner looks nice,its amazing what you can put together for a meal.My fridge is about empty at the minute and if it wasnt for cat food,I could maybe leave shopping for at least another 3 days.I hate going shopping!Ive thought about investing £100 on my 5 cats food but Aldi never have more than about 4 boxes,of the sachets of meat with gravy...only jelly,which they will not eat.Even when Ive asked if they have more boxes,they say No,without even checking.So I get my food shopping then or else it means another trip down there in 3 days time!.And I just hate shopping of any kind!!It would be interesting to see just how long we could manage,with whats left in the cupboard and freezer.Im looking forward to this afternoon,because a Family member has bought a little Labrador puppy,only 8 weeks old and this afternoon I will get to meet him!xx

    1. I too dislike shopping generally, and I hate food shopping. For this reason, I try to go only every two or three weeks. I then go to HB, Aldi and Morrison's to get it all over with in one go. I'm shattered when I get home. With two cats now, and one of those on a special renal food from the vet, I stock up for them. Bread freezes, and if I run out of salad, I eat another alternative until it's time for another big shop. That meal looks rather tasty Ilona, I have veggie burgers or quorn nuggets with my salad, but not chips as well.

    2. Hi Jean,well when i got to Aldi this morning,although I managed to get 40 of the filled pockets biscuits that they eat....yet again I could only get 4 of the 12 sachet boxes with gravy.Again the shelves full of the jelly ones,but only 4 gravy right at the back!.So although Ive bought food for us all for the next 2 to 3 means that i will still have to go to Aldi again next week!.I just wish that I could just buy a really large amount of the cat meat they all love,instead of just 4 boxes all the time,xx

  8. hi ilona - love the photo of the two adorable little dogs they like being with you they look so happy. yes the weather is so hot especially in west wales. amy and benny are sleeping a lot and later on they decide to go out. i like your choice of food like you these are my favourite type of meals too especially in hot weather. thanks for giving ideas on meals. have a lovely weekend love liz amy and bennyxxx

  9. Ilona...something went wrong with the posting of my last comment on this post.....Im not even sure if i will be able to send this one.When i pressed ..publish...a sign came up saying ...Blogger broken???...Yet on your new blog,about the crafts that you saw today....I hadnt commented yet...but its says on it....Comment waiting for approval??.I hope you get my drift...and this comment.Could it be that you was just putting your new post on as i pressed publish?.If my comment comes up on your craft post...youll know that it was meant for this one,lol.xx

  10. Hi Ilona, what is this new craft post of yours called? I seem to recall you mentioning something, and Debi has just jogged my memory. I'd like to find it.

    1. I have drawn a blank with your question, have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry.

    2. Ah, now I see. I blame DebI, ha ha ! :-)
      She used the words, "On your new blog about the crafts you saw....."
      So I thought you had another blog just for crafts ! I misinterpreted it because of the word "blog" and on reading it again she later used the word "post".
      Now all is clear. I didn't get her "drift", as she said, on my first reading. No wonder you drew a blank.

  11. Maisie is so cute. What breed of dog is she?

    1. I don't know, probably shih tzu with something else. I will ask the owner.


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