Sunday, 1 July 2018

Check in day for Walking Group members

Hello. Here we go then, the regular slot for the International Walking Group members to check in with their mileage. We are half way through the year, the target is 500 miles for those aiming for 1000, and I have FAILED. Lots of excuses, I have been busy, so I am seven miles short, on 493. Oh my, I must try harder, must make an effort during July.

How are you all doing? Are you managing to keep up, is your mojo still working or have you lost it? A  little slip now and again is inevitable, but what I don't want to see is someone giving up completely. It doesn't affect me whether you walk or not, but it will affect you. If you want to ease off a bit that's ok, but DON'T STOP WALKING.

Good luck and let's have some miles. How many for June, and what is your total to date. Lots of praise for those still going, and a kick up the bum for those who need it.

Comments welcome from all readers, even if you are not a part of this challenge. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Margaret Stedman1 July 2018 at 10:10

    I have been doing my own challenge for 1000km this year and so far 576km walked. Thank you so much for your constant encouragement.

  2. Hi Ilona. I am thrilled skinny (well not quite) to be able to report that I have managed 167 this past month. That gives me a total of 517.

    1. That's good, Cherie, I know you are a keen walker.

  3. Sorry I didn't update last month, i'm still plodding on.
    My total to the end of June is 563 miles

    1. Plodding is paying off for you. You're well ahead.

  4. Lisa R NSW Australia1 July 2018 at 12:29

    Total of 639 miles but slowing down in the cold and dark

  5. Hello Sonja from NC in the USA, reporting 130 for June for a total of 606 so far in 2018.Thank you for hosting the challenge.

  6. Hilde in Germany1 July 2018 at 13:14

    Only 67 miles in June. There were many days when it was simply too hot to walk. But my total is 554 miles, so I am still on track.

    1. After 8 o clock at night seems to be the best time to walk here.

  7. Good morning Ilona. A bit of a slow month here. Slightly below my goal due to the heat and work commitments but but did manage 147 bringing my total to 899.5 for the year.

    1. Hey Amanda, you are doing really well. Keep it up... x

  8. WOW, Cherie!! Well done.

    1. Thank you. I had really come to almost a grinding halt. I am back on track now and averaging seven miles most days..... We walked ten miles yesterday.

  9. Better total for June for me - did 5 miles the other day and it just about ended me! I did 33 miles this June and so my total is 158miles so far in the year.

    1. Well done,Gillian....I am only about 50 miles more,if that.Because of Family members,who I have to visit each day,it is hard to get up to target.But any walking,is better than none!,Good luck for your future walks.xx

    2. thx for the encouragement Debi!! that's the way i'm looking at it - any effort is better than nothing, which was pretty much where i was at this time last year.. Gx

  10. Hi, 94 miles for June. I can only manage an hour or so early on in the morning in this heat. Just about on target with 601 miles. Hoping for a less scorching July. Odette

  11. Hi Ilona and walkers, I’ve only done 40 this month. I had visitors and then was on holiday plus weather has been too hot for anything but strolling. However I remain committed to my own smaller target and got up early this morning and started July with 4 miles. I will try to do a bit extra this month to make up.

  12. Hi Ilona, 82 kilometers for me in June, a total of 633 so far halfway the year and walking still makes me (feel) happy and healthy.
    Slowing down a bit for the time being because of the current summer heat here in the Netherlands and nasty heel pain in my right foot. So, I think I can afford to step back a bit with this total of 633 kilometers :>)


  13. Patricia in Canada1 July 2018 at 15:19

    Hello, only 54 miles done in June, the list of excuses is long, too hot, too wet, too busy, not very good excuses really, must try harder for the month of July. Well done, to all those who did meet their goal for June.

  14. Hello Ilona,
    Don't be too hard on yourself because you are only 7 miles short and it's been so hot.
    We have certainly slowed down but fortunately we had a holiday earlier in the month and did a lot of walking then.
    I did 113 miles in June making my total 636 miles this year.

  15. Hi Ilona, 89 miles for me in june bringing my total to 560 miles. Well done to everyone.

    1. Brilliant, well done. You're well ahead now.

  16. Your not alone the weather this year is against us snow ice wind torrential rain and now boiling .I do like this weather but walking in it is not comfortable have to wait till evening not a morning person lol .I have done 73 miles my total is 474 sure we'll make it good luck all xx

    1. You will make it Kath, you've got staying power.

  17. Hello Ilona,

    Miles for this month are 98.7 and total for six months is 459.6 I am walking the Staffs and Worcester canal in short stretches at a time .


    1. And no hitching a lift on a boat, ha ha.

  18. Hi Ilona. Sorry I forgot to post last month as I was on holiday in Cyprus. It was very hot but my cousin who is a keen walker kept dragging me out. So I managed 88 for May and 98 for June so that makes 504 altogether. I’m really chuffed with that.

    1. Chuffed indeed, you're past the halfway mark, it's a doddle from now on.

  19. Well i walk or ride my bike.

    1. Do what you like, the idea is to keep moving.

  20. I keep trying to add my miles but think internet is playing up.
    Anyway it’s 98.7 for this month . Total 459.6.
    Thank you

  21. Joy from Central Vic Australia1 July 2018 at 23:42

    Minus 7 deg this morning, not going for a walk for awhile today ! 84 miles for June, so 6 month total for me is 526 miles, am very very happy with that :)

    1. I'm not surprised you're happy, a good start for the next six months.

  22. I have done almost 90 miles for June. Not bad for slacking off a bit this last week because of the heat. I am going to keep trying. hugs, lj

    1. That is brilliant for a hot month. Keep on keeping on.

  23. I have been doing laps around the pool, bought some weight to work off my flabby arms, it was too hot to walk this weekend in Chatham but I will catch up next week, fireworks going off now for Canada day here, July 1st 2018. It's still 30 degrees outside at 10pm phew hot baby. I got a bit too much sun today will have to take it easy tomorrow, stay safe everyone, goodnight.

    1. Let me know if the weights work, I have got flabby arms as well.

  24. Dear Ilona and all you other great walkers. I have been reading about you for some time and would like to walk some more. But I have a question: How do you measure the kilometers/miles? Do you have to have a step-measuring thing in your belt, or do you measure each trip on Google maps, or just do an estimate, or what? I would really like to get started, so please tell me what you do. Have a happy Monday :-)

    1. Hello. I have two walks around my village, a 2 mile and a 3 miles. I have measured these on a web site called If I walk in a different area I use an Ordnance Survey map and mark the route as I walk with a felt tip pen. When I get back home I can go on the same web site and check how far I have walked.

      Other people may be using a Fitbit, or a pedometer. These are not 100% accurate, but if they use the same one for every walk at least they can monitor their progress.

      It's entirely up to the individual how they do it. It isn't a race, if people add a few miles on they are only cheating themselves.

      I don't count all the miles I walk, don't count going to the shops, or dog walking. Others may wish to include those miles, it's up to them.

  25. I have only managed 54 miles this month as it’s dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home. We have past the shortest day so hopefully this month will be better. My total for the year so far is 570. Well done every one else and keep going, we are all doing great!

    1. Fantastic Lisa. Don't forget to take a torch with you.

  26. June 60.2 for a total of 210.52 miles. I will have to step it up the next couple of months to reach my 500 in 2018, but I think it’s very well within my grasp. Thank you for sponsoring the challenge. ��

    1. An extra mile a day should do it. You'll get there I'm sure.

  27. yorkshire lass2 July 2018 at 15:56

    wow, a lovely 90 miles this month, thanks to visiting my friend in cumbria and going to Appleby horse fair. Weird year for weather, it was too cold and icy now it's blazing hot. Is this climate change? I actually enjoy more character in the seasons. Total 445 this year, catching up. Make Hay while the sun shines.

    1. You're doing very well. The weather is a bit worrying, we will be running out of water soon. We need rain.

  28. I'm now 6 months pregnant and I'm really suffering with all day sickness. I have to say it's not making me want to do any exercise. I m doing the school run everyday which is 2 miles a day 5 days a week, so keep going everyone I may not make the full amount but I'm trying :) Total in 6 months 402 miles

    1. Do your best. There is a stick thin woman in our village who kept on running as much as she could through her pregnancy. When baby was born she was back running again. Listen to your body, do what you think is best.

  29. I feel disappointed in myself I started well not a lot walking but walking for exercise now have stopped
    But still hope to resume in the near future. Thank you for motivating me to keep trying.

    1. Sorry to hear that Linda, have you lost your mojo or are you not well? Have a rest and try again later.

  30. Oops, a bit late in checking in. Walking less right now but still happy to get even a mile in...Phoenix is over 90 by 8 am so all of us dog walkers are out and about very early. Year to date miles = 362.

    1. Good numbers Hilly. That sounds like it is scorchio hot.

  31. Just 80 km for June, brings my total to 536km.Too busy and too hot weather are my excuses but as you have said Ilona the point is not to stop walking.

  32. Hi to everyone from beautiful Istria. Weather lovely here and I was able to get in 160 miles this past month bringing my total to 755. Great work everyone. Cheers!

  33. Hi Everybody, I'm late checking in as we have been away. My miles are not great for June. I've been staying close to home to encourage and support my sons revision. Once that was over I have been on a mini break to Yorkshire with my mum, which I an currently sharing on my blog.
    Total miles for June is 76....bringing my year so far to 514. Just ahead of target still but I need to do better in July if the heat allows.
    Jacquie x

  34. Hi all!
    I only walked 26 kms in June as I injured myself (twice!! ankle then back). I never forgot my goal though and slowly got back up to speed as soon as I could.
    Happy walking, everyone!

  35. Hi sorry for late check-in. Miles for June is 93 (563 total to date). It's so hard in this heat so I'm walking at 9pm when it cools down.

  36. Hi sorry I am late. I was at out cottage on the lake kayaking. My total for June is 98 miles. Good walking all.


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