Monday, 2 July 2018

Fun at our Chat and Craft club.

Hello. That was a good start to the week, something different for the Crafty Club ladies, and we had a right laugh. Last week I told them to bring drinks cans and scissors and we would make some wind chimes. I was amazed by how many cans they brought in. Off we went, cutting them up, punching holes in them, and wiring circles together. No one managed to complete one, we ran out of time, but they will finish them at home, and hopefully bring the end results next week when we can all admire each others handiwork. 
Eyes down ladies, be careful what you are doing with those sharp scissors.

There are many videos on yoootooob giving instructions on how to make wind chimes. The version we are doing here is quite simple, maybe we could move on to the next level when the ladies have got the hang of this.

Thanks for popping in. The Walking Group members can still clock in with their miles, just go to the post on the 1st of every month. I'm pleased to see that everyone is still making an effort.
We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. How nice it must be to have a weekly get together with local people that have the same interest!xx

  2. It was fun to see your Crafty Club ladies at play, making wind chimes and looking forward to refreshment time.

  3. Thats A very good way to start the week, with those lovely ladies, chatting and having fun!! :))


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