Thursday, 5 July 2018

Still a bit of life left in them

Hello. This morning I added a bit more colour into my world. My sad looking scruffy trainers have seen me through many miles of walking. They leak so cannot be worn in the rain, and the heels are unevenly worn down. However, it isn't time to throw them out yet, they are as comfy as old slippers and have many more miles left in them. 
You know me, get a bit more use out of old things, make them last a bit longer, make do and mend. Remember the old boots held together with tape, they did have to go eventually, but not before I repaired them several times. 
Cue fanfare......daub them with acrylic paint and marker pens, a couple of odd laces, and they have a new lease of life. I shall be hopping and skipping along in these for a while longer. Not bad at all considering I rescued them from a skip. I've had three years wear out of them up to now, and they cost me nowt. Now that's the kind of bargain I like.

It's very hot again today so I'm only venturing out for short bursts. I trimmed up some of the hedge at the front, then felt knackered so came back in. I see the last Dogfest event this weekend has been cancelled because of the heat. A good move, dogs should not be walked in the middle of the day when it's hottest. I see sensible people out at 8 or 9 o clock at night. Please keep your pets cool, have plenty of water available.

I have another art project floating around in my head, I will make a start on that. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. Wow! What a joyful dog!
    Love the sneakers!

  2. I'd like to get under that lot right now, lol

  3. Shoes - brilliant job. Just a personal point about shoes; I haven't worn 'high heels' for years, firstly due to a bad back and secondly because they nearly ruined my feet with squeezing my toes into them. That's youth for you. I walk in other footwear: low-heeled shoes for a night out; sandals; slippers; every-day footwear. I will not punish my feet ever again through vanity.

  4. Love the trainers!,Like you say,why throw something out when its got a bit more use in it!.Another lovely day..but today,Ive spent half of it sat in the shade and the other half laid down in doors feeling sick.I think that ive had too much sun and not enough sleep!.I hate feeling ill because Im not used to it.Its very rare for me.But today,I must admit,Ive felt like crap!!.Love the dog video and like Briony,I would like to be laying right in the middle of it!xx

  5. First plant pots, then David, now shoes, I hope your visitors don't stand still for long in your garden or they'll leave multicolored!
    Ha ha !
    Actually, the shoes look lovely, but don't go out in the rain or you might get multicolored socks, or even feet ! Tee hee !

  6. The shoes look great all colourful like that. We learned a lesson from wearing shoes which had worn down on one side, as the uneven-ness gave both my husband and I sore hips which took a chiropractic appt. each to sort out, plus podiatry inserts in new shoes. We replace any which are obviously wearing on one side now before any problems start.

  7. A reminder too ...please leave a dish of water out for the wild birds...they need this more than food. Love your shoes Ilona x

  8. My dog used to love doing this with the hose pipe. I had actually forgotten about it until I saw this, it brought back fun memories.

  9. Wouldn't they make lovely planters for sedums when you have finished with them?

    1. What's sedums? No time to look it up, got to go out.

    2. baby seeds ? ha ha
      like what you've done with the trainers. Should brighten your day if it's dull.

    3. Sedums, or more commonly called stonecrop, are small, succulent type plants which require very little soil and tolerate dry conditions. Like houseleeks, they can grow on a rockery and other impoverished places, probably hence the name stonecrop. There are hundreds of varieties, various flower colours, and are currently flowering in my garden in a butler's sink, and in the ground. I have pink, white and yellow varieties.

    4. Love sedums. Low maintenance plants that do well in heat and poor soils.

  10. Another recycle thing for me today..Well,Ive got plenty of pint glasses but only a few half pint ones for glasses of juice in the garden.Ive got a load of pasta sauce jars,that i use for storing things in the fridge..half tins of beans,chopped onions,stock ect.And because i use about 3 jars a week,they were starting to build up.Sooo,I have gone all Hipster,although I havent grown a beard,lol,I am going to reuse them as glasses in my garden.I wash the lids out so they fit on them so that no wasps and flies land in them!.I can also place a piece of mint in the drink straight from the plant!.Well,Ive seen it done in London so I though...Why not!!,xx

    1. I read once that Laura Ashley & her family drank from jam jars when her children were young x

  11. Loved this clip of the Lab placing and dancing in the water fountain. It was my Laugh Out Loud for the week that I put forward on JohnGray’s blog today. Occurred to me that I should, at least, share that thought here! MaggieB x

  12. The doggy has had such a wonderful fun time & your trainers are very cheerful.Yesterday I glued the sole on the Brasher gortex walking boots rescued alongside a dustbin they are so comfortable x

  13. What a great idea for the shoes. Very creative.


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