Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Becoming the Supervet by Noel Fitzpatrick. Book review.

I have just finished this book and feel that I want to read it all over again, but I have to hand it back to the library because there is a waiting list for it. I am very tempted to buy it, and as you know I don't buy books. It is beautifully written, full of emotion and passion, written by the wonderful Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, who is a world-renowned neuro-orthopaedic veterinary surgeon. 
He documents his journey from the humble beginnings as a boy working on his Daddys farm in Ireland, through his school years, and further education, right through to his TV show The Supervet, and his animal hospital. I love the way he refers to his parents as Mammy and Daddy throughout the book, his family mean so much to him, and it shows in the love he has for them.

Noel knew from an early age that he wanted to become a vet. As a boy his beloved sheepdog Pirate was always by his side as he worked with the animals on the farm.

His vet training took him all over the world, as he relentlessly studied hard taking advantage of the highest level of training available to him. He pushed himself to the limits of physical and mental exhaustion to gain the qualifications he needed to follow his dream. Basically his work came first before everything else.

His beloved Border Terrier, Keira is the love of his life, and has been by his side as he has dealt with the ups and downs of his amazing career. He set up Fitzpatrick Referrals in Surrey, one of the most advanced small animal specialist centres in the world.

I have to admit that I can't watch The Supervet, I tried when it first came on the TV, but it turned me into an emotional wreck seeing the poorly animals and their distraught owners. I feel the pain of the poor creature in distress, that's why I avoid reading any stories, articles, or looking at pictures about animals in pain, because it affects me for days, weeks, even years later.

Anyway, back to the book. It's brilliant, and Noel Fitzpatrick is my superhero. I laughed, and shed a tear or two, but the book is about love, hope, and compassion and the bond between humans and animals. It's heartwarming, inspiring, and to be honest, it would make a brilliant film.

For Fitzpatrick Referrals click here.
For Noel Fitzpatrick home page click here.
For Humanimal Trust, Noel's charity, to bring together human and animal medicine, click here.



  1. I'm like you. I can't watch all those programs that show animals in distress. There are commercials that I have to turn off for the same reason.

  2. I also borrowed the book from our library. It broke my heart to think he was so bullied at school and had to hide away on breaks and the only one he could confide in was his dog. However he grew up a very determined young man and I doubt if there are many vets in training today who would have one tenth of his stamina and focus. I was sad to give the book back and like you I can't watch anything where a creature is in distress.

    1. Yes he did go through a horrible time at school, but look, now he is like a shining star. It all came good in the end.

  3. I'm the same. I can't read or watch anythimg to do with animal cruelty. I do watch the supervet though as 99% of the animals do get better, but it does make me cry sometimes.

  4. I'm the same i hate animal abuse or animals in distress i get so upset, he's an awesome man and i must get the book from my library, Support a fellow Irish man and his great work and big heart. I was born and still live in Dublin xxx

  5. I get very upselt with the adverts about all the chikdren and animals on the TV.
    Hazel c uk

  6. I hate anything to do with cruelty to children and animals.I read the paper on line and I have to quickly scroll past anything thats got headlines involving this,as like you Ilona it plays on my mind.Ive not read this book...but if its got any sad bits in it,Ill give it a miss!He seems a lovely guy though and anyone who loves and cares for animals,is fine by me!!,xx

  7. hi ilona mayze heidi and oscar - yes i agree with you professer noel fitzpatrick is a wonderful man and vet. he really does his very best for all the animals. im afraid i am a real old softie when it comes to animals and dislike any cruelty to them. the cats protection called today and delivered some food for the feral cats we feed. i have given a donation for christmas. it would be a nice world if everyone was a bit kinder to animals they have feelings and feel pain. hope things will get better for all animals. love liz amy and bennyxxxx

  8. Like you Ilona any programmes and adverts associated with animals just breaks my heart. Noel is an amazing person and the book is on my list to borrow from the library and read. Thank you for the video, it really was heart-warming. What a lovely person.

  9. There is a kid's book here in the US titled No More Dead Dogs, in which the main character refuses to read any books with a dog and an award stickers on it, because he knows the dog dies by the end. He mentions four or five famous children's novels --and he's right.

  10. wonderful man! so is my own vet - i think it takes a certain kind of person to work with animals - specially compassionate.

  11. What an outstanding human being. I had not heard of him or the program ( in the U.S.) but will try to locate the book now.
    You, too, Ilona, take care of your own little corner of the world.

  12. I saw him on his tour in Plymouth. He was absolutely brilliant. Could listen to him all night, he is so inspiring and so unassuming. If I ever need something replacing I want him to do it. If he's on tour near you don't miss him

  13. If ever a man deserved a knighthood?

  14. Hi Ilona, I can't thank you enough for recommending Noel Fitzpatricks book, I have just ordered it from our library in Queensland Australia. I have watched his series from the very beginning and my admiration for him as a vet and a wonderful human being is boundless. I too find it very difficult to watch at times and have spent many a Saturday night sobbing but then the fantastic results that he achieves and the way he deals with his patients and owners
    Is so inspiring. I have to watch it with a big box of tissues!! Thanks again Carol Australia


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