Monday, 10 December 2018

Your breakfast Madam

Room service, your breakfast Madam. I hope chicken is to your liking. 
Thank you slave, this will do nicely. Don't disturb me again, I shall be taking a snooze after this.

Very well Madam. Let me know if you want any lunch. I have a slice of the very best salmon in the fridge. Your favourite.



  1. Afternoon Ilona

    Your post really made me laugh - so typical of cats. I love tortie & white cats. Reminds me of the two cats (sisters) I had 25 years ago and they were such a delight.

    Enjoy the rest of the afternoon



  2. Absolutely typical of cats. I'm glad you know your place, lol.

  3. hi ilona mayze heidi and oscar - i have had a similar day to you ilona fussing over amy and benny whenever i go into the kitchen he makes a dive for my chair. like you i am a cat servant groomer therapist hands on for smooths and referee when they decide to fall out not to mention visiting cats in the garden. lets face it we have a full time job in caring. oh and benny has just decided to fall off the arm of the chair. fun and games all the way. have a lovely evening lovely photo of mayze. you are a great mum to them all.xxxxx liz amy and benny.xxxx

  4. Dogs have owners, cats have staff!

  5. Aren’t they just like that. I call my daisy cat diva cat!

  6. I do hope that you remember to curtsy as you enter and leave the room.This is the done thing as far as cats are concerned.Im sure that if they could use a phone to put their orders in,they would do!!.As I opened a packet of ham tonight for Hubby,I had to make sure that Filbert cat had his portion,cut into small pieces,as he likes them.Hubby had them slapped into a cob!,xx

  7. I am a vegetarian but I think I would like to be a cat in your house, please. I’ll be rhe one meowing outside your door.

  8. I can identify with this, we often feel like slaves to our lot. They all have special quirks that need paying attention to, lol

  9. Softie !!! But how can you resist. Beautiful coloured coat xxxx

  10. Wonderful and cute view,greetings from ann

  11. Oh dear fussy Maize bless her she so adorable and cute xxxx


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