Tuesday 8 January 2019

Getting a few miles in.

We've had a couple of nice days, so I have done a couple of local walks. Shame to waste them, get out while you can I say. Among the dark shades of winter there are little pockets of colour to be seen. 
I don't know what this is, patches of white stickiness clinging to the grass. Looks pretty.

It's handy if your house backs onto a wood. Just lob your garden rubbish over the fence. No one will ever know, except for me sneaking about with a camera. Spose it will rot down eventually, maybe another 20 years or so.

That's a nice panoramic view. I've cropped the bottom off where my shadow was, the sun was behind me.

Here's an idea to get rid of rubbish, blow it up with gas and let it float away. Except somewhere it will have to come back down to earth. Caught up on a branch, spoiling our countryside, possibility of it killing an animal. I picked it up and brought it back with me to dispose of in a bin.

Ooooh look, there's another one, blue and glittery. I wish people wouldn't litter the skies with their rubbish. Ban the bluddy things I say.

Heidi had another blood test, she is getting better, the numbers are up, the injection has given her a boost. We start taking the tablets on Saturday again, and she goes back to the vet in two weeks time for another check up. It's a strange illness, no cure, just has to be monitored. She is a little sweetheart.

Now Oscar is around my legs, he either wants food or he wants to go out, probably both. He treats this place like a drop in cafe. I'd better get up and see to him.   ilona


  1. I do a lot of walking in my neighborhood too, love the natural beauty and people's gardens, but ugh, the litter. Plastic and cigarette butts are the worst. I pick up what I can, if everyone did that would be a help. Where I live the street drains have signs "do not dump goes directly to the ocean." Sounds like Heidi is responding well to the treatment.

  2. Iona I have a grommet tool I am giving away and so far no luck. Would you be interested in it? I also have some grommets to go with it. I will send it to you if you are interested. Love the pictures.

    1. Thank you, but what's a grommet tool?

    2. Google it? Yoooooou toooooobe it?

    3. It is a tool to put little metal holes in cards etc. Look on my site and see the picture. I also have some beads if you would like them. My blog is Retired and taking one day at a time. (I really need to shorten that don't I) LOL

  3. I love looking at the gardens in my village I saw patches of primroses today which were lovely in the sunshine.

    Pleased Heidi is improving.
    Hazel c uk

  4. hi Ilona Heidi Mayze and Oscar lovely photos they are so cheering. I am so glad Heidi is improving bless her. You made me laugh about Oscar they do treat the kitchen as a walk in Cafe I spend a lot of time feeding my two and neighbours cats who call to see Amy and Benny. Its nice to have a sit down and rest. Sending you warm wishes and for Heidi kisses and hugs. Love Liz Amy and Bennyxxxx

  5. I'm so pleased to hear the good news about Heidi.My lily has a skin condition which is ongoing.I have to check her daily and use salt water to bathe & then cream if needed.If it's not enough a special shampoo and if that doesn't work a vet appointment.Most days there is rubbish outside my house which I dispose of but I will not pick up snotty tissues - or worse x

  6. I smiled about your comment about Oscar :). My husband and I are slaves to our dog, we just smile because we can’t turn her down when she puts her paw on my arm and woofs and runs to the door. I get up immediately :). Heaven forbid she would have to wait a moment. She also brings out the paw when she wants to be fed.

  7. I’ve been really good with my three miles a day and am feeling much more energised! I live in the Devon countryside and I was amazed to see cherry blossom flowering the other day. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. I wonder if the white stuff is snail eggs....the way they are sticking on leaves. I have seen something similar here that is pink in color.

  9. Hi Ilona,
    Of all the rubbish we pick up off our favourite beach those party balloons infuriate me the most, plus most of them have a trailing plastic ribbon which is often ingested along with the balloon by our magnificent turtles. Leave the b#@&$y plastic at home and dispose of it in the bin. I know that is not the solution but better than in our oceans. Fi

  10. You'll love this Ilona ...it's a slime mould, the common name is 'Dog's Vomit Slime Mould'...really! or Fuligo septica.

  11. I. Agree with you about ballons, Helium is a finite resource which is used in medial scanners. So not only does it litter the countryside ,they are made of a plastic that can’t be recycled . While we at it we should ban Chinese lanterns and coffe pods..

    1. Chinese lanterns are lethal!! They definitely need banning.

  12. Lovely panoramic photos. I absolutely hate thrown rubbish with avengance and it seems to be everywhere. I bag it up if I can when out on local walk, sometimes I make a pile to collect later. I think I've seen everything thrown but those helium balloons should be banned a total unnecessary item. Glad to here your puddy cat is improving.

  13. I thought that I was going to get a couple of miles in today but ended up falling flat out instead.I had got hold of both my daughters labradors leads while we were parking up when we take them to the fields.While my hubby was getting the back pack out of the car,they where excited to be there and both thought that they would make a dash for it...resulting in me being dragged of my feet flat on to the gravel floor.My hands,ribs and one of my legs have took the brunt of it and at the moment,im in agony and feeling very sorry for myself!.Now I know how you felt Ilona,the other week when you fell over your friends plant pots.Im going to try n rest for the next couple of days...not alot of chance of that...but I know that thats the only thing that will cure it,with lots of pain killers.What with one thing and another,its not a great start to the new year...but things can only get better..I hope!!,xx


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