Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Crafty day out

Patchings Art Festival is a four day event just outside Nottingham. I went last year and fancied going again, if I have time. Thursday I was busy, started the newsletter deliveries. Friday also busy, delivering newsletters. Saturday I was at the Bowls Club coffee morning, which only left Sunday, so off I went. 
Patchings Art Centre is open all the year round, but on this festival event they put up huge marque's to house the many traders who come from all over the country to make, demonstrate, and sell their wares. There are a lot of artists who paint. It wasn't too busy early in the day, but the tents were buzzing later on. 

The bonsai man was there again, he hasn't far to come. Their business is virtually across the road from the venue. 
I didn't stop and listen to his chatter, I've heard it before. I bet he tells the story a hundred times a year at the events he goes to, as well as the customers visiting his business.

I stopped to watch the glass demonstration. They make some beautiful arty pieces.

The Nottingham Concert Band was jollying things along, a nice place to watch and have my pack up lunch. 
I can't resist chatting to a nice young man, and this one caught my eye. Joseph has a business in Ireland making beautiful decorative pieces out of local sourced timber. Check out Against the Grain. If I had pots of money I would buy some of this, I particularly liked the mirrors.

Outside in the yard was the man with the wood cutting machine, he was here last year. These pieces are for sale in their raw state. Some of the grains are beautiful.

I wandered into the main part of the site. There is a cafĂ© and seating area in the courtyard. 
Also shops and galleries.

I'm going to stop here. After seeing everything I wanted to see of the exhibition, I took a walk along the Sculpture Trail, through the woods and around the pond. I'll do another post about that. 

looks like another sunny day, so I'm going to do a bit of trimming up in the garden. I've finished another little board picture and it looks quirky, another blog post for that later. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Beautiful glass items, would have loved to see those, also the wood.

  2. Some wonderful creations I love to see what local crafts people make, I love the glass.

  3. Lovely thanks for sharing lovely scenery and art/crafts. I love art and craft fairs x

  4. It looks a really enjoyable day out.I love looking at beautiful hand crafted things but a lot are out of my price range.Although one Christmas craft fare I went to a couple of years ago,had made heart shaped wooden key rings for £1 50p so I bought a couple of those for my grandaughters...that didnt break the bank,lol.It must be great to be able to make a living out of selling your hand made crafts!..Im off to my daughters caravan today,just staying tonight for a bit of off grid living.Its in a big field about 10 mile away,so with plenty of open space for the dogs to run about and a packed lunch for us both,Im really looking forward to it!.With all the pubs around there being dog friendly Im going to treat us to a cider and a meal tonight and some cheese biscuits for the dogs.Im only taking spare undies,and a dressing gown for tonight when it cools down...my back pack is full of treats for the animals!,xx

  5. Those bonsai trees are fantastic!
    Once we've saved enough money to put down a deposit and buy a house, we will get one!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.