I'm wilting. I delivered 450 news letters today. Most of them today, I made a start last night and had to stop when a thunderstorm gave everything a good soaking. Not me thank goodness, I made it back to the car just as the enormous droplets started to fall.
I finished them today. It was hot but I kept going. It had to be done because there was information inside about an event which takes place this weekend.
Opened a can of cider when I got home. Had had to have a lie down on the sofa. I don't think I need to do my walk tonight, already done five hours going up and down garden paths.
Highlight of the day was a little girl getting some instruction on how to use a white cane to help her walk about in the street. Two ladies guiding her, one I think was her mother, the other offering words of encouragement to keep her in a straight line. A lovely sight to see. She must have been about seven or eight. I felt sad that the little girl could not see all the colours of the flowers in the gardens. I am so lucky to have my sight.
Dinner out of the fridge tonight, can't be bothered to cook.
Toodle pip. ilona
9 hours ago
Poor you! What letters were they? You are such a kind lady, take care and look after yourself xx
ReplyDeleteParish Council newsletters.
DeleteYou done well to get all that amount delivered,going up and down paths to each letter box.You must have been shattered....and Oh Bless,that little girl and her Family.It is a scary thing to lose your sight and at such a young age.My heart goes out to her.I nearly lost the sight in one eye when I was 14,It was touch and go..but its something that stays with you cause even if I just get a speck of something in my eyes now I panic and thats 50 years later.
ReplyDeleteYou reminded me of when I use to deliver the free paper every week on the estate (500 plus) I did get paid and i use to take the children out in the summer holidays. I bet you enjoyed your drink. It was so nice that you spent time with the little girl.
ReplyDeleteHazel c uk
Was feeling quite miserable after a tiff with my husband about jobs in the house he hasn't done. Then I read your last paragraph about the little girl. It takes something like that to makes us realise how fortunate we really are!
ReplyDeleteThank you x
We are fortunate. Little tiffs happen and are often meaningless, keeping things in perspective is important. Live with an attitude of gratitude.
DeleteBarb, next time you feel miffed with something or someone, walk away. Go outside, deep breathing, calm down.
You are so right Llona..after I've had a row with him I often think how I'd feel if he suddenly died..that thought soon puts me right!
DeleteThank you x
You have a kind heart Ilona like you i feel for people who cannot see. We must be grateful and thankful for the gift of sight hearing etc.... My maine coon cat Simba lost his sight we helped him get around but had to say goodbye 2 months later. Yes we had a downpour too went to look for Benny and carried him indoors for the night he was soaking. Have a lovely weekend love to you and the fur babies Liz Amy and Benny.xxx
ReplyDeleteThere is an education center for the blind not far from the local high street.
ReplyDeleteWe often see people out and about learning how to operate with their brand new guide dogs. The use of the long white canes and how to get about the streets.
It is interesting and heartbreaking at the same time. I have to say the local Aldi supermarket is so used to blind customers and are so brilliant with them, to the point of remembering their names.
It make you feel blessed with what you have
Teaching a child how to cope with a disability is so important. I met a totally blind young lady once, blind from birth, who was able to move around London and travel to her job on the underground. I have nothing but respect for someone who has reached that level of independence when all the odds are stacked against them. As you say, I feel blessed that I can see. Well done Aldi.