Saturday, 13 July 2019

The village comes out to play

It was busy at the Bowls Club this morning, they had a coffee and cake event, with a chance to have a go at bowls if you haven't tried before. I chucked a few balls around two years ago so didn't bother this time. It's not really my thing, too slow, and my balls went all over the place. 
It was £1 at the gate to get in.
The new club house is just perfect, all modern facilities, a big improvement on the tumble down old shed they used to occupy. Coffee and biscuits included in the entrance fee. Cakes for sale on the W I stall if you so wished.

A marque was set up outside for the tombola. Lots of prizes to win.

 Quite a few people took advantage of the 'give it a try' offer.
A target was set up on the grass so the youngsters could have a go. 

Whooopeeeee, I won a prize. A bottle of red wine.

After it closed at 12 o clock, I did a litter picking circuit of the playing field. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Enjoy your wine.

    1. Thank you. I have already opened it. Perfect accompaniment with my steamed veg dinner.

  2. Love your floral skirt, you look very summery.

  3. What a lovely village you live in!.I can remember playing bowls,when I was about 22,in Bridlington when we used to have a holiday there.There was a big bowling green just off the seafront.It seemed a fun thing to do at the time.Then 20 years later,I worked with someone who was in a bowls team and she took it very seriously and even wanted to change her shifts with people so that she could play at different events.She had the white hat and all the gear.Since then Ive only ever played something like it with some old Spanish guys,on a campsite I was staying on but that was all on very dusty pathways in between the caravans,lol..although they still took it very seriously!I hope that you enjoy the wine that you won!,xx

  4. That is a lovely way to spend a morning!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Apologies to my band of understanding and wide awake readers.

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