Sunday, 6 October 2019

Learning something new.

Yesterday at the sewing shop was a huge success. The room was packed, and I forgot to get any pictures. But, there should be some coming on the Jaylaurs Facebook page, so I will nick some of those. I'll write about that next week. 
It's raining, looks like it has been all night judging by the puddles in the road outside. I don't care because I'm off to a sewing workshop at The Ropewalk arts centre. I have been told to take fabric scraps, an assortment of threads, needles and pins, and scissors. Also a camera because we will be photographing as we go. There are about eight or so in the class. 
Now to make a pack up for lunch. There is a café on site (food not provided), but I will only want a snack. Sandwich, a banana, and drink. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. Glad to hear the shop was packed for you!

  2. This is interesting, I wonder what will come out of this. Look forward to the next post.

  3. Another enjoyable day coming up.I love how you fill your weekends!.And you have took a good selection of pieces along with you as well.Again,I will look forward to hearing how this day goes as well.Im sure you will have a great time.Im all excited about going to an Allotment open day in 2 weeks time!.Its only a 10 minute walk from where I live....and I didnt even know that there were allotments there!.Maybe I can pick up a few tips while I am there and also hope to by some produce.Its a cold day here in Leicester,the cats are snuggled up and I am going to get ready soon to go on a 3 to 4 mile walk.Happy Sunday everyone!!,xx

  4. Glad it all went well. Looking forward to the photos.

  5. You're having a lovely time lately, Ilona, lots of interesting things going on. Well done you.

  6. Enjoy the workshop and your day. Linda from Dublin XX

  7. Gosh,you are busy.I wishI had your energy!

  8. Looking forward to seeing what you make today plus the photos from the sewing shop Ilona. What a lovely weekend.


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