Saturday, 5 October 2019


All packed and ready. 
I took the big pictures to the shop yesterday, had to utilise the shopping trolley because they are too heavy to carry from the car park. Take the bag off and tie the carefully wrapped pictures to the frame. In the bags I have the smaller pieces to show, and some freebies to give away. There's shopping bags of course, buttons, lots that I can't use, Suffolk puff brooches, ready made and kits for them to take home and make their own. Hope they like it all.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. What a lot of work! You sound really well prepared so I am sure it will go smoothly. Hope your audience is receptive and you can have a laugh! Vicki

  2. I wish I was going to be in the audience it looks like it's going to be a good day, hope you get lots of people for you have certainly done your homework. Look forward to seeing your photos.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Good luck! I'm sure it will go brilliantly. xx

  4. Good luck with your talk today.Im sure your audience will love you!And how nice to take freebies for them.I would love to be there.Im looking forward to hearing how it went!xx

  5. Good luck hope it all goes well. Looking forward to the photos and post.

  6. I'd love to be there too, but I know you will describe it all to us with humour!

  7. Best wishes Ilona for your talk today. Love the bags you made. My two fur babies sleeping a lot these days as we have had so much rain. Have a lovely weekend love to you and your fur babies. Love Liz Amy and

  8. I'm sure that everyone thoroughly enjoyed your talk today Ilona and loved the freebies you took them x


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