Thursday, 3 October 2019

Preparing for Christmas.

This is a warning. If you are looking for something in particular when you go shopping, you probably won't find it. Why? Because shelves have been cleared to make space for this lot. The annual Tatfest. Make sure you are ready for December the 25th, buy now before it goes.

Spotted this bargain. A few sticks and some string. It's a hanging Christmas Tree, a snip at only £12. 
Think I'll go for a walk in the woods tomorrow.

Can't wait for the Easter Eggs.

Toodle pip,  and  Bah bludy humbug.


  1. It's everywhere isn't it, they haven't even got rid of the Halloween tat yet, the Christmas bits are out earlier this year.

  2. The nonsense tat is late in the shops where you are: the rubbish for the festive holiday has been in my local shops since August bank holiday... And I walk casually by, ignoring it all.

  3. If you don't like Christmas why don't you just ignore it instead of taking the trouble to photograph it and moan about it.

    I don't like it either but can manage to ignore the store displays etc. I'm well aware there are many people who enjoy it and they're welcome to it. I don't like chocolate so can ignore the Easter eggs too!

    1. May I just remind you that I can write about whatever I choose on my blog, whether I love it or hate it. It is my blog and no one dictates to me what I say. If you don't want to read my moans, just walk on by, ignore me, and park your body somewhere else.

    2. Its seems the commenter is good at ignoring Christmas and Easter but not you. What a humpty. You write about whatever you want. For me, it's the Christmas music that really starts to grate once they start playing it in store. Thank heavens the budget stores don't play anything.

    3. I admire you Ilona for writing this post about that nonsense.It helps me feel less odd at not enjoying it all.In the past I used to go along with it and was guiable and joined in.Thank you for voiceing my thoughts x

    4. hear hear, well said as always :-) Jo

  4. . totally agree. Only £12 . You have plenty of sticks in your garden.You could make some and flog them at the front gate. hehe.Yours would look better than that, though.

  5. Totally agree shopping the other day turned a corner and found myself in Christmas wonderland think i swore out loud . I'm no good at crafting but even i could tie a few twigs together it will only get worse too.

  6. every time i enter a shop and the tat is out a little bit of my soul dies , i love the food but thats a right Grinch

  7. It's bonkers isn't it? It's changed how Xmas is perceived such a lot now. There will be a flurry of excitement over who has the best advert soon. You couldn't make this up.

  8. I know what you mean.It drives me up the wall too! The Halloween stuff seems to have been in the shops for ages too.Dont people keep stuff from previous years?.Someone I know has a new Christmas tree and baubles every year..last year pink,the year before black..and so on.Such a waste as the stuff is just thrown away each year and not even recycled by giving it to a charity shop because he cant be bothered with all that.Ive not bought any new stuff for Christmas for years because some of my decorations are 60 years old with memories that I cherish.Also things that my Daughter and grown up Grandchildren made when they were little are so special to me.I have just remembered that in the garage,I have the top half of a Christmas tree that my neighbour was throwing away when he moved,so I rescued it and intend on putting it trimmed up in my front garden.Christmas is just a time when the shops seem to just get as much money as they can from you...well sorry they wont from me!.And yes!..with all the Family we do still have a lovely time!!,xx

  9. It really is very early, even here in New Zealand. And everything seems to get more expensive and ever more tacky as the years go by. I have a 40 year old tree and hand made ornaments - if I can be bothered. Haven't even got it out for the past few years :)

  10. Luckily I manage to ignore all the Christmas tat, none will be coming home with me. I love Christmas but do it my way without "help" from the supermarkets etc.
    The shops have to stock it so people can buy it, they need to turn a profit for their shareholders and Christmas is when they make that profit - just not from me.

  11. I have no plans to buy any Christmas tat, I have loads from previous years, some as old as 20 years, it have always suited my taste, and will do again this year.

  12. We have it too in the garden centres here in sunny Sussex. And people are actually buying this tat!! You would have thought with all the exposure about climate change that people would twig and make the connection with useless glitter covered plastic tat. But no, a stupid herd instinct seems to kick in between now and Xmas. A couple of sets of coloured lights brought out each year does for me. Grrrrr! and a dozen Bah Humbugs!!

  13. I love Christmas - but I think it comes to the shops far too early. December 1st would be ok by me - I still wouldn't buy tat though. The advent calendar I put out for the granddaughters is a wooden one with inter-changeable dates so that's been on the go for at least 5 years, plus it was purchased new in Cancer Research, so the charity gained as well. Take me back to the Christmases of the 60's - much more low key but very enjoyable.

  14. I went into Poundland this week: both sides of 2 aisles taken up with 'seasonal' stock, one aisle of halloween and one aisle of Christmas stuff. I feel sorry for parents struggling financially and they've got all this pressure to buy seasonal things, even from the budget shops.

  15. I know the run up gets longer and longer and Christmas itself shorter and shorter. Christmas is very low key and homely in our house but luckily I'm surrounded by like minded people! xx

  16. I'm going to spend as little as possibly at Christmas as I'm hoping for a new doggy addition and any money will be needed for him.I shall also be cutting my grocery shopping even
    more to balance it I hope x

    1. Good for you. I'm hoping for a doggy too, but in about 2 year's time.

  17. well I've come to the right blog, I'm bah humbug too but difficult when hubby's birthday is on christmas day! bought our plastic 7ft tree about six years ago for £7 in B&Q and it will be up again this year! people say they can't afford food at christmas, we just swop normal food for christmas stuff so we don't spend any more, if you can't afford it then don't buy it, it's common sense, not rocket science! Jo

  18. I love Christmas, displays in the store, everywhere...but not in August. Yes, I saw it out in August. the day after the store put out Halloween displays. This is in US.


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