Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Finished, no more.

That's it, not making any more. I've pinned them onto a piece of foam, they will be on the Crafty Club table at the Christmas Fair. Keeping my fingers crossed that people will like them.

Footnote :- Teeth are fine, no work needed. £22.70 paid. Next appointment in a years
                   Eyes tested. Don't need new specs. Cost, free.
                   Car booked in for MOT test. Cost £45 if no work needed. Keeping fingers

Spotted in my street this morning, a brand new Council bin lorry, a beautiful Mercedes. Very smart.
Now going to make breakfast. Half a tin of spag hoops to use up, so it's toast and egg this morning.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I love your brooches and they should sell well, would it be wrong to ask how much you would charge roughly sell them for. I would like to have a go at them in Easter.

    Pleased your teeth and eyes are okay and the MOT goes okay.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Hello Hazel. I will sell them at 50p each, a silly low price I know. I would rather sell all of them at 50p, rather than half of them for £1 each. It's a once a year Fair and I don't want to be storing them for another year. Usually anything left after the Fair I give away anyway.

      No point in trying to work out how long it took me to make them, you can't charge for your time. The pins cost 15p each, all the rest is using up scraps of fabric, cotton, buttons and bits of broken jewellery.

  2. Thank you Ilona for replying I would say 50p and get them sold, it's the pins that cost.
    Good luck and gave a good day.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Te han quedado muy bonitos, espero que los vendas todos.

    1. Gracias. Creo que serán muy populares. La gente me ha visto haciéndolas y creo que comprarán.

    2. I just did Google translate. What a lovely comment, I hope you sell them all too.

  4. I think they are lovely. If I was going to your fair, I would buy one and wear it proudly. I agree that you can't charge a decent bit for your labor on these. It's such a shame that it isn't appreciated like that.

  5. Why do you have to pay for dental check-ups at your age ?

    1. Because that's how it is. Not all pensioners get it free.

    2. I am 81 and still have to pay.
      Hazel c uk

  6. I think the news about your teeth is wonderful. You take care of them I know, but you also have some good genetics! Sometimes I worry that dentists here just find themselves extra work. Just as a side note, I know folks who pay $500 to have their dogs teeth cleaned, of course it's more because they have to be put out, but isn't that a heap of change?

  7. You must have puffs before your eyes, lol.. Nothing controversial in this post then, lol

  8. Those little circle puffs are so cute! I like the way you often use different colors of thread to sew down the buttons in the centers. Thanks for your blog!

  9. Gosh Iona £45 for MOT? I had mine done yesterday at my local garage for £30, thankfully no work needed and that's all it cost me. Halfords are charging £35 for an MOT, £45 seems a bit steep?

    1. I know I could get it done cheaper, but I have built up a relationship with this well regarded local garage. I trust them not to rip me off. I have been to Halfords before and I don't like their pushiness.

  10. I too would be very happy to buy one of your brooches if I was there- a bargain at that price x


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