Sunday, 24 November 2019

Is this the end of Yooootoooob?

I was going to make a video about this myself, but Lolly Palooza explains it very well. Click on the yoootoob logo bottom right, which takes you directly to yooootoooob, so you can read the comments

Basically Yoootooob have messed up, and now they are coming after the people who post videos on there. The law is that they cannot gather information from children, personal details etc, from cookies that swarm the internet. They have ignored this law for a long time and got a massive fine for doing so. The reason they collect this information is so that they can target adverts to everyone. We all know about targeted adverts, we all get them, but it is against the law to collect this information from children.

Now they want to clean up their act so they do not get caught again. Every content provider, (me) will have to check every video we have made, and declare whether it is for adults or children. Sounds easy enough, but wait a minute, it isn't. The guidelines are so vague, they are trying to cover every eventuality without leaving loop holes, which puts about 90% of channels in the Attractive to Children category. For instance, I make my videos for adults, but, children might find the crafting content interesting, so I would have to mark those for children even if they are not.

No big deal you might think, but. All videos marked for children will not be able to accept comments, they will not be able to make money, (I don't anyway), and notifications will be switched off. Basically no one will find them. If someone ticks the box to say adult content, and they check to find you have marked it wrong, you will get a massive fine. They have been doing massive sweeps looking at millions of channels and have already categorised millions of videos, and will continue doing so. If someone says they are only adult content and they say it isn't, it's for children, you are in trouble.

Yoootooobers are very worried. If this goes ahead, it's due to start on Jan 1st, many will close down their channels. I've seen one lady distraught, she has been making videos for ten years, she is disabled and it helps her income, and is her social life online. She has built up a following and could now lose it all.

If this goes ahead it will be the death of yoootooob, and the death of free speech. I don't know if it will affect me, I will wait and see. If my videos disappear you will know why. So watch them now because they might not be there next year.

Ian Corzine is a lawyer and is fighting against this new rule. He has just made this video which offers some hope to ordinary yooootoooobers like me. Let's hope yoootooob sees sense, because if they persist in going ahead with this crazy scheme, they themselves will lose a lot more money than the fine cost them.

COPPA......Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act.
FTC.....Federal Trade Commission.

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Unless they go through the millions and millions of clips out there, it's too little too late.

    1. They will go through them, they have the technology to do that.

  2. Wow! This is amazing.... I'm pretty liberal,but because parents don't want to take responsibility for guidance of their children (and I raised a child, and said no to a lot of things) we have to have government policing more avenues of daily life. Not good!

    1. Not good at all. They are pushing the responsibility from the parents onto the yootooobers. The problem is the gathering of information by the cookies. They either do that for everyone, or no one, but without it they cannot make money selling advertising space.

  3. This is dismaying. So if a child might find a craft (or any other) video interesting, the video will become unfindable. Yikes.

  4. I would think that the easy way to make it adult content is to throw in a few swears. :) At the end of the video you could say "Now in order to make this video adult content I will say X amount of swear words. Please stop this video here if you do not wish to hear these words".

  5. I am subscribed to lots of YouTube channels and there are a lot of very annoyed people out there now. x

    1. Yes, there are. I am trying to keep up with it all. I think it will die down when Googlie/yoootooob realise they will lose almost all of their revenue when folks start pulling out and closing their channels. They will have to take responsibility for their mistakes in the past, which are all down to their greed, and find a way to get round the adult/kids problem within their own administration procedures, and not blame the content providers.


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