Thursday, 28 November 2019

The Knitting and Stitching Show

It's only half past eight and I am yawning, it's been a long day. I've been to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Harrogate Convention Centre with two friends, Carol and Lynn. It's a massive show, such a lot to see. We got there about 9.45am, and managed to find a parking space even though the town was chocablock with cars. Today is the first day of a four day event. We all took a packup so we didn't have to buy any food. 
There was a very friendly young man just as you go into the first hall, standing on his pitch, selling tote bags and programmes. He didn't seem to mind that I didn't want to buy anything. 
I've edited this to add another picture. Couldn't decide which one to chose, this one shows his smiley face. We had a laugh, he was good fun. And, he has just commented on this post. 
We split up, Carol went off on her own and Lynn and I browsed the stalls together. We met up again at 12.45pm for lunch. They had opened up the theatre with extra tables set out for people to sit down. Some of the halls were heaving with people, it was a battle to get through the crowds sometimes.

After lunch we split up again and each did our own thing, arranging to meet at 4pm. There were stalls selling everything you could think of.

After a while every visitor seemed to be carrying bulky bags stuffed full of goodies. I've got lots of photo's which I will put on here over the next few days. 
We'll catch up later.  ilona


  1. I would love a show like this.

  2. We never seem to have big events like this here in Leicester.I wish there were because it must be a great day out not knowing what bits and bobs you might come home with!.Im off to our village Christmas fair today and Im really looking forward to it!.Flis,who comments on here will be there,so I am looking forward to meeting up again and buying a few home made goodies from her stall.I got a good bargain yesterday for Hubby.A pair of Vintage Doc Martin boots for £8.If they had been my size I would have had them for my self!.Bought new they would be getting on for £200,so I was well pleased!xx

  3. Glad you had a good day Ilona. I use to help on the WI stall at the Knitting Show at Alexandra Palace in London until I moved 2 years ago, it was good but very busy. Look forward to seeing your photos.
    Hazel c uk

  4. Last time I went to that show, with my late mum, was the year before my daughter was born, 21 years ago. It was great then and very busy.

  5. We went to one in Manchester about 3 years ago - not easy to get to and quite packed inside. I bought some storage boxes and 2 small pairs of scissors - still sharp and great for cutting thread at my machine. Looking forward to seeing what else you saw :)

  6. I went to the London one last month, whilst staying up there on another errand, & whilst the displays were fantastic and the stalls had some wonderful stuff & lots of inspiration, I found it unbearably crowded. I had to literally push my way through to get back to the stalls I wanted to purchase things from after doing an initial "sweep", and in some cases didn't make it; I did wonder how on Earth they'd manage to evacuate should the need arise. The disabled lady I sat next to at lunchtime had been sworn at & called selfish for using a shopping trolley, yet she was physically unable to carry anything. Looks like it's not quite such a crush at Harrogate; I wish they'd do one somewhere towards the west of the country - Bath, maybe? - as that might ease the crush a bit & tempt more of us "country cousins" to attend!

    1. The shopping halls were quite busy and we shuffled around. Everyone seemed loaded up with bags, and some had a rucksack on their back as well. Plenty of shopping trolleys and mobility scooters. It was a bit cramped in places. The not quite so popular halls were better. I like the arty exhibits best as there was plenty of room to study all that was on show, and ask questions.

    2. I think I'll have to head up North next time then! I did have a backpack but that made me feel I couldn't turn round in case I hit someone. The only time I could have asked questions was at the booths with the fashion & textile graduates' displays, which were excellent. Otherwise I didn't see anyone to ask. Friends have told me it's generally less hectic at weekends, when they don't have the school trips in.

  7. I'm the guy in the photo, it was lovely to meet you Ilona! I hope you enjoyed the show :)

    1. Ahhh, there you are. I've just edited this to add another picture, couldn't decide which one to choose. Yes, I enjoyed the show, was a bit jiggered when I got home, it was a long day. Are you working all the four days, it must be quite tiring, but you can cope, you are young and fit, I noticed :o)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again.

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