Sunday 15 December 2019

A look back in time

I've had a lovely afternoon at the park. There was a Travelling Historical Christmas Market, and a Craft Fair to look around. Thank goodness it didn't rain, although the ground underfoot was a bit mucky due to rain in the last couple of days. 
It was packed out, I walked there, but those in cars found themselves in very long queues to get in. The car park soon filled up and the adjoining camping and caravan site was used as well. In places it was a bit of a squeeze to get through the crowds. 
There was a lot of stalls selling all sorts of Christmas goodies. The food stalls did particularly well, going by the amount of people that were chomping on a lump of meat or a sausage in a bread roll.

Petting donkeys for the children looking very festive.

I had a chat with this chappie. He makes pottery, mostly replicas for museums, in case they break the real thing or want to put the genuine article in storage.

The line up of colourful bottles caught my attention, and I was given a little plastic measure which was soon filled with some lovely tasty mead. I had a few coins and two fivers in my purse not intending to buy anything but you never know. I had just enough to scrape together £12 and chose Brocc's Mead, an authentic currant mead. It is a mouthwatering lively drink, not too sweet with a tangy fruity taste. Cheers. 
The hall was open and free to go in. I have only been in once before, so it was nice to see it again.

A small table with sewing paraphernalia on it, with a piece of embroidery on a frame.

All ready for Christmas dinner. 
A couple of soldiers back from the war, they don't look too good.

The notice says they had to use a set of steps to get into this bath. It is very deep.

I've never slept in a four poster, I must do that one day.

Back outside again and browsing the stalls. Somebody has been busy knitting.

No money left for a beer, I've got the mead.
This stall is called, On the Slate. Paintings on rough pieces of slate. Years ago we used to say 'put it  on the slate' when we wanted to buy something and pay later.

Couldn't resist taking a picture of this doggy. What a sweetheart, all dressed up to go out.

The little trains were super busy with a queue to go for a ride. The track isn't that long, and it's only 20p, the kids love it. 
The trains are built and run by volunteers, aren't they wonderful.

I was getting a bit chilly despite having a big parka coat on with a furry hood, time to go home. 

I'm going to have to go a bit steady with this fruity mead, it will be all gone by Christmas, ha ha. I think it would be lovely poured over some vanilla ice cream. I might get some tomorrow. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That looks like a lovely day out and not too commercial. I am glad you treated yourself to some mead and enjoyed the day.

  2. I've really enjoyed your afternoon outing Ilona-it all looks very interesting.I'm pleased you treated yourself to the mead and it should last a bit longer than the craft beer.Having it with ice cream sounds good.The doggy is gorgeous-mine returned home today very,very muddy.My teddy is refusing to wear his body suit- thanks I loved this x

  3. Thank you for allowing us to tag along on your outing. It was very interesting. So happy for you that it wasn't raining and that you had the chance to get outdoors and enjoy.

  4. "Historical" Christmas...Christmases when we had very little seemed more magical somehow. Being delighted with whatever small gift we received meant so much. Not like today when the most important thing for many people is spend spend spend.And are they happier for it? Nah!!

  5. Wow that was a lovely day out and great pics. Go easy on the mead lol. We have a small market on the seafront of my town with nice crafts jewellery etc but a pricy for me but no harm looking XXX good night all from a very cold Dublin x

  6. Loved your commentary and pictures as it made me feel like I was there with you. Can't say I have ever tried mead but it sounds delicious :)

  7. Ilona thanks for sharing your day with us - I really enjoyed reading about it & the photos. Would have loved to have been there. Glad you enjoyed it & treated yourself xxx

  8. What a lovely day out!.I love days like that with a lovely Christmas feel to it.We bought some local booze from a guy who looked like the one in your pic when we first went to Matlock Christmas market 2 years was lethal stuff,lol.The slate art looks lovely.We went for our Christmas buffet at the Hilton last Sunday.My Mam does it for all the family every year and although I cut down on the amount I eat..I still come away feeling bloated,lol.To be honest,my Mam wasnt very happy with it this year.The main course meats and veg were only just warm.I think due to the fact there was only 2 large tables booked in...ours and 1 one else in the food wasnt replaced by hot stuff because it was just left standing there.I was surprized because it is usually packed out at this time of the year.My Mam had to pay for it in October and the way they spoke it was going to be full!!We still all had a good time though but my Mam says that it will be held somewhere else next year.I think that people are just cutting back so much hence the near empty resturant.Ive been shopping the fridge and freezer and worked out that I can leave my Christmas food shop until Thursday...I dont want to attempt it next week!xx

  9. As good a day as it could be by the sound of it and some lovely treats too - free and paid for. Most interesting to read.


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