Thursday, 26 March 2020

A different route today.

Another sunny day, had to go out, it would be a shame to waste it. This morning I did a Billy dog walk around the village. I spent most of it avoiding other people, crisscrossing the road, seems most people dog walk in the mornings. I told his owner that I would be walking him late afternoon/early evening in future, not so many people about. He's only got little legs, and doesn't want to go far, so 30 - 40 minutes is enough and he's ready to go home. 
After lunch I put my boots on and set off for my official exercise walk. I checked the OS map and worked out a circular route for just over five miles. That will do nicely. Most of it was along the edges of fields, official footpaths, public tight of ways. Not a soul about. It was bliss. 
Spotted a dovecote in a garden. When I first noticed it, it had three doves sitting on their perches. Then they went inside, and only one came out to have his photo taken.

This is a relic left over from a national cycle race which came through this village. It was a few years ago now, The whole route was marked with bicycles in gardens, at road junctions, and some on top of sheds.

It's nice to find a bench when you want to sit down. This is a memorial bench surrounded by fields. Someone is looking after it, there are fresh flowers in the vases.

Oooh that's nice, it's warm, a slight breeze, and big open spaces, just how I like it. Think I'll relax here for a few minutes. It's nice to get out to take your mind off what's going on in the world.

Five and a half miles walked today, which brings my total to 250, so on target for the first three months of the year. Five more days and I will be ahead by next Tuesday.

Look after yourself, take this opportunity to get your daily exercise.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I now walk indoors each day during our PM's daily press conference and Q&A - it;s usually a good 30 to 40 minutes and it helps me to remember when to do it! But really wish I was out on a lovely walk like yours.

  2. Oh Ilona-you really do live in a beautiful area.As I'm having difficulties walking I so miss country walks.I didn't realise how walking has kept my mental health stable.Your walk today looks perfect.Take care-love to you and your kitties x

  3. Thank you for the lovely walk Ilona, the bikes must gave been a lovely sight, the dovecote and the bench all adds to your walk and your readers.
    I am in lockdown for a couple of weeks and can not wait until I walk round the village and see the new flowers which are blooming. I expect you were clapping like me last night.
    ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆHazel c uk

    1. I didn't know what the clapping was all about. Only saw a mention of it on our village facebook page. Didn't know it was a national thing. I missed it, was on the phone to my friend carol, it's her birthday today.

  4. I went for a walk yesterday, only 2.7 miles but it's a start! Jo


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