Thursday, 26 March 2020

WARNING...seriously cute

Let's lighten the mood. A few minutes of your time to forget all about what's going on in the big wide world. Let's have some little pockets of happiness and joy to get us through the day. My Auntie Pat is a member of a cat lovers Facebook group, and little gems like this keep appearing on my screen. There are many more cat on the piano videos, so you might find yourself hopping to the next one, and the next one, and maybe even falling asleep. Enjoy.

Sunny again, aren't we lucky. At least the garden is available for recreation. No need to go to the shops yet, eating what I already have. Maybe another week or so and I might have to get cat food. We'll see, take each day as it comes.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. So beautiful, he had no care in the world. 🐢🐢🌈
    The sun has got his hat on again.
    Enjoy the day Iona.
    Hazel c uk

  2. the first thought i had was no rest for the wicked.

  3. Awww … that is wonderful. He must feel as though he is being stroked by the keys and the vibrations as well as having the music to listen to :-)

  4. Love this, have been spending time in my yard with 2 lines of washing lol shut my eyes and listen to the birds in the trees. Makes you forget for a moment whats going o n in the world.


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