Sunday 8 March 2020

Arty crafty catchup

I made a little video this morning. Regular readers will have already seen pictures of my most recent makes. I post it on here because my blog is my online diary, a record of what I have been doing. It's 16 minutes long, and Mayze cat joins in on this one.

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I like your "junk in a box" assemblages - very different to your usual crafting.

    Had to smile at you persuading Mayze to Stay as while I was looking at your video my Polly cat was going back and forwards between each arm of the armchair in front of the laptop screen! Love cats - they do just what they want.

  2. You know the saying Dogs have Owners Cats have Slaves, very interesting to see what you have been doing, I like your assemblages a very good way to use any number of things and plenty to look at, how is your friend getting on with her embroidery? look forward to seeing what you get up to next.

    1. My friend is getting on fine. She is practicing the stitches she has learnt, and starting to make things.

  3. Lol,you were lucky that Mayze was showing her bum to the Lily likes to shove hers in my face,lol.I love your videos,they always make me smile.It is always nice to see the end results of your art and crafts in close up,with you telling us how they come together.I have got my kitchen scrap experiments going on in the kitchen.I have been watching how to grow house plants from lemon and orange pips..or any other pips.I doubt if they with ever produce fruit,lol,but they can grow some lovely leaves and make a nice plant for free.My avacado stone plant is about 8 inches tall now!.Im also trying to grow a little forest from a pine cone..little trees are supposed to grow from in between the cone...we will have to see if that one takes off because I only started it yesterday.xx


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