Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Ideas for assemblage.

When I took my two assemblages, one silver, one gold, to the Scrapstore recently, one of the ladies there, went to a cupboard and brought out two she had made. They were a lot bigger than mine, and the bits and bobs were assembled on a canvas, rather than inside a box like I have done. 
I was blown away by the beauty of her work. Everything was in shades of orange and brown with tinges of gold and yellow, with a metallic finish. I noticed that she had grouped certain items together, rather than scattering them randomly throughout. The strings of beads were positioned to create areas which could be filled with buttons, single beads, wheels, and bits of jewellery. It looked like a lot of thought had been put into the layout and construction. It must have taken her ages to do them. 
A closer look. There are some great ideas here.

On the wall at the Scrapstore is this very large assemblage. The pictures are not that good due to the reflections on the glass. I don't know who made this. It's in a box frame and hasn't been painted over. Another way of making art with rubbish.

Plenty of ideas to be thinking about. Thanks for popping in.  Toodle pip.. ilona


  1. Wow those are amazing. The faces peering out are really interesting but also somewhat eerie. Your projects as well as the others are really enjoyable to see. Thanks for showing these. JanL in Ohio/USA

  2. Great ideas thanks!

  3. Now you have given me and idea of what I could do with those faces that I have got scattered about the walls in my house.Some of mine are from the 60s and 70s but although I love all things 60s I am starting to get a bit fed up with a couple of mine.But I have always kept them,I couldnt bear to get rid!.So I might see if I am brave enough to try this with one in particular.I would never have thought of adding them to something like that!.It looks really nice and unusual though.I do like weird and wonderful things!,xx

  4. Hers are definitely very nice.

    Truthfully though, I like the monochrome look of yours even better.


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