Friday, 13 March 2020

Getting to the bottom of it

Do you think I have got enough. I am down to my last 30 toilet rolls. After buying them in bulk from a Cash and Carry several years ago, I had a amassed a very large amount, over 300 at one point. But now I am down to a measly 30.
I am going to have to be even more frugal with my usage now as the shops are being stripped bare of them. These should last several months, if I am careful not to waste any.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I have to confess, I did think of your Toilet Roll cache, and thought, gosh if theyare running out now, that is lousy luck/timing! Glad you think you can make them last!

  2. I hope you have enough Ilona.I haven't bought extra but think I should possibly.I got extra dog food yesterday as I was worried.It wasn't until this week that I have begun to think that I may be under reacting to it all-I don't know.I did get disposable gloves though from the market-100 pairs for £3 x

    1. I bought extra cat food yesterday, can't have my fur babies going without. I don't think they are trained in catching a mouse for their dinner.

  3. I am glad that I have a large amount in my garage and have had for a while. Hopefully this will all be over soon and everyone can get back to normal.

  4. They do say that there are plenty of toilet rolls, it's just that people are buying so many (I still can't make out why) that they can't physically get them to the shops quickly enough.

    1. There is a shortage of lorry drivers, and they are restricted by the hours they are allowed to drive. They have temporarily relaxed those hours so drivers can make more deliveries.

  5. Well I hope your stash hasn’t been depleted for the shit on your blog 🤣😂 (sorry Ilona couldn’t resist)

    1. You just wanted to type that word, didn't you. Naughty, don't want to be teaching you bad words. I'll let you off this once. Don't have any smiley faces on this desk top computer.

    2. I lived my first 25 years in Liverpool IIona learnt a few more than that one I can tell you😱

  6. We will have to go back to squares of newspaper that are strung us with a piece of string, like I had when I was a child at least the print will not come of your bottom.
    The.good old days.
    Hazel c uk

    1. The trouble is that all the print will come off and you don't really need some of the latest news on your nether regions!!!

  7. I just bought my usual 24 pack from Aldi...I could have had more,but I am refusing to get into this panic buying...and I bought them because we were down to our last 4.As my neighbour gives me his old newspapers every month..for cat litter trays,window cleaning,messy jobs hubby,who grew up in a large family,said that if we run out we can start cutting the newspapers into squares just like he had as a kid.Then if we run out of that,we can start on some of my books and rip pages out..not to keen on that idea cause Ive had some of them since I was a kid.Im going to hide a couple of those..Then he said that we have leaves on the trees out side and we could use them...all very eco in this house.So as you can see,we are very prepared,lol.xx

  8. I can't recall how or where I came upon this bit of knowledge, but back in the old days outhouses were outfitted with buckets of corncobs and later on Sears and Roebuck catalogues.

  9. Don't understand why we need more toilet rolls ? This virus doesn't make you "go" more , does it ? Just bought my usual 4 plus the usual 2 kitchen rolls.

    1. I can't work it out either. Maybe they think they need it to wipe their snotty noses.

    2. I read that people buy more toilet rolls because it is their way of having control over the virus that they really have no control over. A way of caring for themselves that doesn't cost much. A way of being able to stand up for themselves when they're feeling disempowered.

      Seems daft to me, in the even of a real toilet roll emergency, there's always old t-shirts.

    3. Ilona,when we were kids we wiped our snotty noses on our sleeves or cuffs of our jumpers..dont kids do this no more?.lol,xx

    4. Absolutely, my class was full of dried-cuffed kiddies and we all stayed well, in comparison to our chemical laden society today.

  10. Aqui en Catalunya es una autentica locura. Yo tenía un paquete de 24 que compre hace dos semanas en una oferta en Andorra y varios rollos sueltos. No he comprado más. Si el tema de alarga y no hay provisiones en las tiendas, ya buscaremos alguna otra alternativa como limpiarnos con aguan, o ya veremos
    Um beso.

    1. Translation
      Here in Catalonia it is a real madness. I had a pack of 24 that I bought two weeks ago in an offer in Andorra and several loose rolls. I didn't buy any more. If the issue of lengthening and there are no supplies in the shops, we will already look for some other alternative such as cleaning with aguan, or we will see
      Um kiss.

    2. Gracias por contarnos la situación en su parte del mundo. Hay otras maneras de limpiar. El agua y un paño es bueno. Xxx

  11. Are you going to do a video about the virus Ilona? Many folk are panicking. I can't even contemplate being stuck inside for four months..I love my walking too much!

    1. Hello Linda. No, I'm not. There is already enough information out there, I don't know anything more that what has already been said. The numbers of people dying is a bit scary, but nothing is said about the numbers of people who are getting the virus and surviving. Everyone should do what is best for themselves. I am staying away from people as much as I can, won't go to crowded places, not panic buying, and keeping calm.

    2. Hi, I found a website which gives you the number of cases, deaths and those surviving, posting the link here if that's ok , if not then just delete, Jo

  12. I don't think I realized that the TP shortage was happening everywhere. We're lucky to live in a small town with a dollar store that is getting regular shipments. Plus we have a small stockpile of necessities and food. I hope you all are faring okay. Things are just hitting us here in the States. We'll be fine, I know. Hope you all are too.


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