Sunday, 15 March 2020

A song to lift the spirits.

Love from Terry on a Sunday morning. A new video from Terry and Eileen, filmed at Chelmsford Cathedral. This is lovely, Nicholas the Dean is lovely, and the sound of the piano is crystal clear in this beautiful building. Enjoy.

It's raining here in North Lincolnshire, but no matter. Another day dawns so let's make the most of it.
Happy Sunday.  ilona


  1. Happy Sunday to you (and the cats) from a windy,cool and damp southern Australia

  2. Thank you Andy for your comment. I have seen the animation you mentioned. My email address is on the sidebar ---------------->

  3. I'm a Chelmsford girl and our Cathedral really is a lovely place. Very proud of it.

  4. Good morning, Ilona, thank you for sharing such a beautiful, uplifting video. The cathedral is stunning and the pianist amazing. It's just the sort of thing we need at the moment with all the doom and gloom around. Bless your kind heart :)

  5. Oh you know just how to cheer my day up Ilona!,Brilliant as always!xx

  6. Such a refreshing change from all the room and gloom in the news! Terry is brilliant! Thanks Ilona you are a star x

  7. was a most amazing piece! I kept hearing pieces of hymns, and the boogie-woogie piece was brilliant, as you Brits say. Thank you so much, Terry, and videographer, and Dean of the Cathedral.

    1. I love the way Terry mixes it up. Starts off nice and gentle, like a lullaby, then ramps it up in the middle which puts and even bigger smile on my face, then gently cruises downhill to the end.

  8. Thank you Ilona, an uplifting happy post.
    Best wishes

  9. That made me smile, thank you Ilona.

  10. I am pianist in a small United Meth. Church in GA, USA. Oh, wow I wish I could play half as well as Terry. I think hearing a piece like this would wake the worshippers up!!! Thanks for sharing. Its a rainey Sun. in GA also. Mary Ann

    1. He is amazing, can adapt any song to any style of music. And it's all in his head.

  11. Your optimism is always a beautiful thing, I love it. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I can't be anything else. I saw what worry did to my mother. With health issues, some of it brought on with a poor diet, I believe that her worrying about everything brought about her early demise.

  12. That is a delightful music video and the piano has an extraordinarily rich sound. The cathedral is beautiful in a modern style in keeping with its antique elements.

  13. So beautiful.. I wish I were there


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